I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy

Chapter 439


As the man mentioned by Behrman was heading to where Peter Yeager was, urgent reports kept coming to Carlos, the Commander-in-Chief of the Francois Republic Army.

“Commander-in-Chief, the 8th Division has been annihilated! “Lord Renault, commander of the 8th Division, is currently running away.”

“Lord Mellon, commander of the 11th Division, has been captured by the Imperial Army!”

“The Reich Empire knights and archers attacked our rear! “The rear is completely blocked!”

Commander-in-Chief Carlos had no choice but to admit it as he continued to receive reports that commanders above the level of division commanders had fled or their units had been annihilated.

‘Ah, no matter what I do, there is no way I will win this battle.’

In his heart, he wanted to hang himself and die in order to avoid responsibility for this defeat, but he had to choose the right time and place…

He didn’t do anything other than fiddle with the sheath of his sword.

His staff, who may or may not have known how he felt, but who were more concerned about his own survival, kept pecking him like a baby bird and urging him on.

“Commander-in-Chief, what should I do?”

“Is it time for our troops to fight further or… should we choose to retreat?”

“I know it is a difficult decision. However, the longer the choice is delayed, the worse the condition of our allies will become.”

The staff who pretended to give advice to Carlos tried to somehow shift all responsibility onto him, the commander-in-chief.

Is it because of that pressure, or is it because Carlos himself made a rational decision?

Carlos ground his teeth once and then looked at the staff with eyes that were so cold that they seemed frozen.

The staff were momentarily frightened by the sight, but were also excited.

‘Has the Commander-in-Chief finally made a decision?’

“This battle was a defeat in which many soldiers and officers died in vain due to the commander-in-chief’s incorrect command. The situation of war was already completely tilted towards the Reich Empire. Therefore, the Commander-in-Chief will make a decision to reduce further sacrifices.”

Carlos waved his baton and pointed to the right of the Francois Republic army, a direction where the Reich army had not yet attacked and where escape was possible.

“If Commander-in-Chief Bon is captured, the damage to our republic will be irreversible. Therefore, the commander and staff must leave this battlefield as quickly as possible.”

Staff members were relieved that they did not have to bear the final responsibility.

“All flags symbolizing the commander-in-chief and headquarters must be left erect here. Hurry!”

Normally, when an order like this is issued, it is normal for at least one person to protest, but… the

high-ranking people of the Francois Republic were people for whom their own lives were more important than their honor or pride as soldiers.

“One day I will get my revenge on that damned Peter Yeager.”

“Long live the François Republic! Viva la Francois!”

“Retreat quickly. “The Commander-in-Chief must die alive.”

In a miserable situation where all of Francois’ soldiers were dying, the staff decided to retreat quickly and now concentrated only on running away.

On the other hand, Peter Yeager was still diligently slaughtering enemy soldiers.

“There is not a single soldier worthy of a soldier in the Francois Republic! “Isn’t there anyone brave enough to cut off my head and change his name?”

Although Francois’ soldiers were uneducated and ignorant, they were not foolish enough to fight directly with monsters of a different class, seeing arrows with their eyes and deflecting them with their swords.

“Would you want to fight a monster like yourself?”

“Run! “If you fight that guy in bloody armor over there, you’ll all die!”

“Fuck, I want to live!”

Almost all the soldiers, watching Peter Yeager’s activities, tried to run away before he got close to them, but they were blocked by our troops in all directions.

“Get out of the way! “Ugh!”

The soldiers in front of him, regardless of age or rank, were cut cleanly by the sword one by one and met death.

Thanks to this, the archives that were tracking Peter Yeager’s achievements were going crazy and going crazy.

“3 battalion commander-level officers, 12 officers, and 50 soldiers…”

The recorder continued to doubt his eyes as he recorded.

‘I heard that Your Excellency is not a human being, but isn’t this enough to show a company-level combat power on your own?’

The archivist was dumbfounded to see his common sense crumbling before his eyes.

For reference, the reason that officers higher than the battalion commander are not recorded in the records is because many high-ranking members of the Francois Republic army fled with the appearance of ‘Peter Jaeger’.

The situation was so completely tilted towards the imperial army that a one-sided massacre began.

“Your Excellency Marshal! Excellency the Marshal! Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Lina came all the way here to meet Her Excellency!”

At those words, Peter Yeager cut down the three enemies in front of him in one go and asked.

“The Crown Prince, His Majesty, is coming? “How on earth are the knights protecting him doing their job?”

“sorry! However, His Highness Wih said that the useless massacres must stop…”

“Why is His Highness the Crown Prince Wih, and not His Highness the Crown Prince, interfering with the strategy that I, the Grand Marshal of the Reich Imperial Army, chose according to tactical and strategic needs?”

Although Peter Jaeger said this, he was secretly happy.

‘Good, His Highness the Crown Prince is a symbolic figure of the Imperial House of Cafe… If he comes and stops me, I can win the hearts of François’ people.’

But Jaeger continued to pretend to be angry.

“The signet ring symbolizing Your Majesty’s military authority is placed on my hand. This means that during war, my orders are no different from Your Majesty’s orders. Therefore, even His Majesty the Crown Prince cannot give me military orders! “Take away His Highness the Crown Prince immediately!”

Except for Peter Yeager, other officers wouldn’t even dare to say such a thing.

He has achieved feats that can cover mountains and rivers and has the absolute trust of the emperor. Even if he is the Crown Prince, he has the power to forcibly issue an order to kill a person if he interferes with the operation and ensure that there is no backlash.

“Yes, I understand!”

Then, one of the officers following Peter Yeager gave orders to his other men.

“Respectfully remove His Highness the Crown Prince! And the idiots who guarded him will be court-martialed…”

But the officer was unable to continue speaking until the end.

Because the Crown Princess, who was having an affair with Peter Yeager, appeared before his eyes.

“Who told you to take me away?”

The officer who had just been speaking was speechless due to the words overflowing with the dignity of a crown princess.

“Over there, His Excellency the Grand Marshal has given an order to take His Highness the Crown Prince.”

“Even the Grand Marshal would not have the authority to arbitrarily arrest and detain me, the wife of His Highness the Crown Prince!”

No matter how many stars there are or not, everyone has no choice but to become small in front of the crown prince’s rain.

The officer waved his hands back and forth and began to make excuses.

“That’s it. His Excellency the Marshal has a signet ring symbolizing his Majesty’s military authority, so that in times of war his orders have the same authority as the Emperor’s commands.”

“Then I will personally protest. Get out of the way!”

Although Lina was acting like this, she felt uneasy inside.

Because although she was given the status of Crown Prince Consort, her life for 20 years was nothing but a superficial princess.

Therefore, rather than displaying the arrogance of an aristocrat, he had to bow his head and act servilely, worrying only about how he could survive.

‘If you act even a little arrogantly, even if you are a member of the royal family, you will not be able to avoid being beaten with a stick.’

It wasn’t that she had ever been beaten up, but her old habits came out because she got drunk one day in the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, where her second uncle lived in exile.

There was a time when I was beaten to death in the market.

‘Still, I have to do this play to protect my surviving sisters. Because this is a strategy put forward by the Grand Marshal. ‘I have to do it as confidently as possible.’

Peter Yeager looked at Lina and bowed.

“Meeting His Highness the Crown Prince.”

As the cold gaze turned towards her, Crown Prince Rain felt goosebumps rising all over his body.

Still, as the crown prince, Lina went to protect the surviving younger sisters of the Cafe royal family.

Also, I remember the gratitude and support of the people who did not forget the Cafe Hwangga when we rescued the people of Francois last time.

I thought back to what Peter Yeager said.

‘It’s okay if His Majesty Rain can’t do what I said. However, if that happens, all of François’ people will be killed miserably by me. This is because the military power of the imperial army alone cannot win their sincere loyalty, and my role is to kill all the people who are not loyal to Your Majesty and eliminate the danger.’

Then she whispered the last words very softly so that only she could hear.

“And as they die, they will curse His Majesty the Crown Prince, who gave them even a brief moment of hope.”

If someone else had said this, I wouldn’t have thought it…

Peter Jaeger was a man with a record of massacring all of the people of Polski, the capital of Warsaw, from children to the elderly…

If you say you will kill all of François’ people, that’s right. This is the person who will implement it.

“I give this order as the crown prince. Stop this massacre happening right now. Instead, I will advise them to surrender.”

A word from the author (author review)

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