I Became a Childhood Friend of the Middle Boss

Chapter 6

I Became A Childhood Friend Of The Middle Boss 5

Chapter 5


After school ended,

we headed straight home.

Shortly after, the young sky standing in front of the gate opened its mouth like a person in a trance.

There was no sign of it closing.


“Why? What’s wrong?”

“Is this really your house?”

“Well, is it quite big?”

“It doesn’t seem that big….”

Young sky hesitated in response.

To some extent, I understood why she reacted that way.

The house was indeed quite spacious.

Compared to the one-room apartment where I lived in my past life, it was on a different scale.

“To me, it’s just average.”

But as someone who had lived in this house since birth, I didn’t feel any particular excitement.

Instead, it felt ordinary.

Relatives lived in even better houses than this one.

Of course, I was aware of that.

I decided to be cautious not to appear as if I were showing off to her, who was already overwhelmed by the house.

“So, you really have a garden in your house….”

“You have a garden at your place too.”

“We’re from an orphanage. The people over there are the staff, right?”

“Yes, they are the servants.”

“Wow…. Wealthy people indeed hire people like in dramas.”

“We are not that wealthy….”

“Well, you came from a prestigious family.”


“It feels like we’ve come to a luxury house.”

Honestly, it wasn’t to that extent.

But Young sky seemed to feel like she was on a drama set.

She looked around the garden with wonder.

Then, she straightened up as if embarrassed.

“Is it okay for me to be here?”

“Where’s the problem in coming? Just come over to hang out.”

“Still…. Do your parents know that I’m coming?”

“Only Mom knows. Dad is working at the clan at this time, and my younger sister is at the martial arts hall.”

“So, your mother is at home right now?”

“Is that so?”

“…What did your mother say?”

“She seems happy about it since you’re coming. Oh, she asked if you like tteokbokki.”

“What if I tell her now…”

“Don’t you like tteokbokki?”

“I love it, a lot. I can handle spicy food really well. I’m not picky about it at all.”

“Then it’s settled.”


It seemed like Young-ha was worried about meeting my mother.

She nervously fidgeted her feet as she followed behind me.

I didn’t pay much attention to her reaction.

I understood her concerns, but my parents were not the type to be overly concerned about such things.

They didn’t discriminate against people based on financial status or family background.

The only concern was…

“I didn’t mention that she’s an Ain, but it should be fine, right?”

That was the main worry.

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Not informing the family about that.

It was strange to mention it in the first place.

She wasn’t hiding her relationship or planning to get married, so there was no need for her to specifically mention that she was an Ain.

“Are you really okay?”

“I’m really okay.”

The Shin Geom Do family, which I belonged to, had a long history of producing Hunters.

For those living ordinary lives, Ains might be unfamiliar, but for us living in the world of Hunters, Ains were very familiar beings.

Ains, who were often discriminated against in society, excelled in physical abilities and were mainly active as Hunters.

Hence, my father would sometimes bring Ain colleagues home.

So, there was no need to worry.

“Mom, we’re here.”

“Come in!”

With that thought in mind, I opened the door.

My mother, who had already been informed by the servants that we had arrived, was waiting in the entrance hall.

Smiling brightly, she greeted Young-ha next to me.



“She’s Young-ha. She’s my partner in class with Gyung-woo.”

Blushing, Young-ha awkwardly greeted her.

My mother glanced at her and then smiled broadly as before.

“Right, come on in. Gyung-woo must have some interest in you.”


“Mom, what are you talking about?”

“Please, get along well with our son.”

“No, it’s not that. In fact, Gyenwoo…”

“Oh, aren’t you hungry?”


“I heard Gyenwoo was coming, so I hurriedly prepared tteokbokki. Would you like some? Do you like tteokbokki? It’s not spicy. He’s not good with spicy food.”

“Oh, I like it! I’m not good with spicy food either.”

“Really? That’s great. Since I also prepared fried foods, have them together with tteokbokki.”

“Yes. Thank you, ma’am.”

“Then wash your hands clean and wait in Gyenwoo’s room. He’ll guide you if you follow him.”

Under mother’s welcome, Yeonha’s face brightened.

Soon, mother called a servant to guide Yeonha.

To follow her, I quickly took off my shoes.



At that moment, mother called me.

I turned around to see mother standing behind me, tilting her head.

With a stern expression, mother sighed as if resigned.

Then she spoke.

“Since you brought the child home, he must be a good kid.”


“So, don’t see that child through other people’s eyes, judge him as you see him now. Got it? Don’t hurt him for no reason.”

“…Yes, I understand.”

A warm tone tinged with concern.

Having heard those words from mother, I nodded.

She was indeed our mom.

“Is this Mongshil?”

“Yeah. Mongsoon is in the younger brother’s room.”

“I see.”

We set down our bags and admired Mongshil.

Just then, Mongshil, who was sound asleep within us, sensed something and opened his eyes.

“Did you sleep well?”

Mongshil stared at Yeonha intently.

It seemed like he found Yeonha, whom he saw for the first time, fascinating.

I opened our door.

“Ah, here it comes.”

“Mongsil, come here.”

“Can I touch it?”


Mongsil came out to us.

Seemingly in a good mood, it hopped around us.

When Yeonha reached out a hand, it willingly accepted the touch.

“Wow, it’s really cute.”

“I thought it would be shy, but it’s surprising. Do you like it?”

“It seems to like you more than me, though?”


“But it only comes to me.”

Yeonha bragged proudly.

Deciding to call Mongsil over, I stuck out my tongue at her.

“Mongsil, come here.”

“Mongsil likes me more.”

“Why isn’t it coming?”

However, even when I called, Mongsil showed no particular reaction.

It just glanced at me briefly while sitting on Yeonha’s lap.

Then, it suddenly turned its head away.

Even offering hay was of no use.

“Can I try giving it some?”

“Sure, here you go.”

“Oh, it eats well.”


Strangely, when Yeonha offered the hay, Mongsil actively started eating it.

‘It doesn’t recognize its owner.’

Mongsil wasn’t usually like this.

Watching Mongsil playfully teasing Yeonha, I was at a loss.

“Why is it acting like this? Is it sulking?”

“Um, well….”

Then, noticing Mongsil circling around Yeonha, I realized.

“That’s a mating behavior.”

Although it can sometimes be a sign of affection, this felt different.

The way it was clinging to Yeonha’s arm was reminiscent of a mounting position.

It was clear.

That rascal Mongsil had fallen for Yeonha.

“Can you please get it off…”

“It’s fine, it’s neutered. It’s a male, but not a real male.”

“I didn’t mean it in that sense!”

“Are you misunderstanding me because I’m a rabbit?”

“I didn’t want to hear such nonsense. Please, just let go quickly…”

“Mongsil, come here.”


Mongsil, without even recognizing her owner, bared her front teeth.

Is she considering me, of the same gender, as a mate competitor?

It was unbelievable.

“Hey, is this how you treat your big brother?”

Still, when I grabbed her by the scruff and lifted her up, she behaved quite well.

Mongsil was looking at me with eyes that seemed to say, “When did this happen?”

“It’s not working. She’s been inside the house. She didn’t react like this after being neutered. Why is she responding to you?”

“How would I know that? She wouldn’t come out with us, would she?”

“Sometimes, if she’s in a good mood, she might dash out.”

“Ugh… I wish she hadn’t…”

It seems like being courted by a rabbit was quite a shock.

Approaching me with quick steps, she grabbed my shoulder abruptly.

Then, she cautiously hid behind me and peeked at Mongsil’s condition.

“She’s not coming out, right? Right?”

“She’s not. Even if she’s feeling good, she usually doesn’t jump out.”

“From now on, I’ll be satisfied with just seeing Mongsil in photos.”

“Okay, let’s just enjoy her through photos. Or do you want to see Mongsuni later? Mongsuni probably won’t do that.”

“Isn’t she kind of threatening you not to approach her?”

“I don’t think so, probably?”

“Why probably?”

“I’ve never brought a girl home, how would I know.”

“Hmm… you’ve never brought one home.”

Before we knew it, the tension in the air seemed to have eased somewhat.

As she muttered something under her breath, she let go of the hand she had on my shoulder.

Around that time, Mother entered the room.

“Hey, you guys, come and eat tteokbokki!”

“Even the rich eat tteokbokki.”

“We eat instant tteokbokki too, don’t we? People all live the same way.”

“But I doubt they put beef brisket in tteokbokki.”

“So, you don’t like it?”

“No, it’s delicious. Your mother seems to be really good at cooking.”

Leaving Mongsil in the care of the servants.

Yeongha and I ate the tteokbokki that Mother had made.

It seemed like Mother’s skills were at play.

Unlike usual, the tteokbokki had brisket, fried food, and various ingredients, making it very delicious.

Yeongha was impressed.

“Since I brought dessert, go ahead and eat. Hanuel, do you prefer milk or juice?”

“Um… I’ll have milk, please.”

“Alright. I won’t bother you then, have fun playing.”

“Yes… Thank you.”

After eating the tteokbokki, Mother brought up a roll cake.

Other sweets were also prepared.

“Your mother is truly kind. She’s beautiful. I want to be like her when I grow up.”

“You should tell that to our mom directly.”

“It’s embarrassing. You tell her later.”

Yeongha seemed unaccustomed to receiving such treatment.

As soon as Mother left the room, she whispered quietly to herself.

Then, she looked at her stomach and eyed the dessert.

“I can’t eat all of this….”

If you’re full, you don’t have to eat.

It seemed like she couldn’t refuse Mother’s kindness.

I smiled at her.

“Just eat as much as you can. Or you can take it home when you leave.”

“…Is that okay?”

“Of course, it is.”

Yeongha’s eyes widened.

The idea of being able to take it to the orphanage seemed to excite her.

Her ears perked up noticeably.

‘Would she be happy if I did a backflip?’

I briefly observed her reaction, wondering if she might start bouncing around.

But there was no reaction I was hoping for.

Suddenly, a thought struck me.

‘Come to think of it, how is her status window?’

I realized I hadn’t checked Yeongha’s status window until now.

It required considerable mental effort to view someone else’s status window.

It never became a habit.

‘But I should check it once.’

Yeongha is a character in the game, a significant character who will turn into a mid-boss in the future.

She’s also someone I plan to bring into the party someday.

It’s necessary to check her stats.

I met her eyes and silently uttered in my mind.

‘Status window.’

Those words served as a signal, and in front of his eyes appeared her status window.

[Personal Information]

Name: Yeon Haneul (Female, 12 years old)

Alias: Rabbit Monster

Affiliation: Laon Elementary School

[Possessed Gifts]


[Physical Abilities]

Stamina: 30

Strength: 28

Endurance: 30

Agility: 32

Magic Power: 75

Luck: 20

Remaining Points: 0

Must be because she’s an Ein.

Yeon Haneul’s physical abilities were quite high.

Even if one were to consider her as a member of a prestigious family, her stats were outstanding.

Especially her magic power.


As far as I know, there weren’t many characters in the game with magic power exceeding 70.

Moreover, Yeon Haneul was only twelve years old now and had never handled mana before.

Nevertheless, the fact that the magic level was 75 could be interpreted as having boundless potential when looking into the future.

“Seems like my internal mana is truly abundant. That’s why I could devastate the Academy City area in the game…”

Magic referred to abilities related to mana, such as internal mana quantity, mana efficiency, resistance, and so on.

In other words, just because the magic level was high, it didn’t mean one could hastily conclude that the internal mana was abundant.

However, generally, higher magic levels did correspond to higher internal mana quantities.

And if one had never dealt with mana before, the role of internal mana in magic would likely be significant.


Yeon Ha-neul was like a rough gem.

A gem that could shine depending on how I cut and polish it.

I gazed at her intensely.

Whether my gaze became burdensome or not, she asked, showing a hint of wariness.

“Why? Why are you staring at me like that? Is there something on my face?”

“You have chili powder on your nose.”


“Just kidding.”


“In truth, there’s a bit on the corner of your mouth.”

“A lot? Where? Here?”

“I’ll wipe it off. Stay still.”

I reached out my hand towards Yeon Ha-neul.

She hesitated for a moment, then resignedly turned her face towards me.


“Is it all gone?”

“No, not yet.”

“Hurry up. But why?”

“Let’s take care of each other from now on.”

“…You seem so out of the blue.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah, it is.”

The tteokbokki sauce on her lips.

I wiped off the red sauce for her.

Indeed, I had done well to get closer to Yeon Ha-neul.

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