I Became a Childhood Friend of the Middle Boss

Chapter 29

I Became A Childhood Friend Of The Middle Boss 28

Chapter 28

In the game, Dogyunwoo, along with Ganghanbyeol, solves the issue intertwined with the Divine Sword Doga and, as a reward, obtains the Gunchung Sword.

The Gunchung Sword could be considered the weapon that best suited Dogyunwoo in the game.

To elevate Dogyunwoo, who specialized in aquatic species, to a higher level.

“So this is the only sword I can choose in the game.”

There were other swords in the game that were not mentioned.

However, none seemed to fit me as well as the Gunchung Sword.

Above all, I felt drawn to it.


Was Cityeun feeling the same way?

From the moment I recognized the Gunchung Sword, no other sword caught my eye.

It created an illusion as if only I and the sword existed in the world.

It felt like the sword was calling out to me.

No, was it me calling out to it?

“The sword is crying.”

It was not a misconception.

The sword gripped in my hand seemed to be pleased, trembling slightly, and conveying a clear sound.

At that moment, I was certain.

There was no other sword for me but this one.

I read the information on the Military Blue Sword.

[Military Blue Sword]

◆ Equipment Classification

– One-Handed Sword

◆ Detailed Description

– One of the swords favored by Doh Min-geon, the 2nd generation master of Shin Sword Do.

– Made by fermenting the horn of the Brained Beast for 100 days, there is only one of its kind in the world.

– Tests its owner.

◆ Detailed Effects

– Stamina +3, Agility +3

– When worn, can be transformed into a Reverse Blade Sword by consuming internal mana.

– When worn, raises the level of all skills named ‘Water King Style’ by 1.

– Skill “Current Affinity”

– (Unlock condition: Agility 50 or higher)

As expected, it did not disappoint.

The Military Blue Sword boasted performance that was on par with the Water Lotus Sword.

No, to me, the Military Blue Sword surpassed it.

While the Water Lotus Sword converted mana into water droplets and used it as a conductor to freely enhance the attack power of the Water King Style,

the Military Blue Sword simply raised the Water King Style to a higher level just by being equipped.

For someone like me who preferred minimal mana consumption, the Military Blue Sword was more appealing.


‘How do I let the mana flow?’

There was also a Reverse Blade Sword mode where the positions of the blade and back of the blade were reversed.

Fearing to harm others symbolized by Dogyeonwoo’s weakness, in a game where reducing the opponent’s HP to 0 did not always lead to death, it was an unnecessary feature.

However, in a world where the game became reality, the story changed.

Reducing the opponent’s HP to 0 meant actually killing them.

So, as I was to face many enemies upon entering the Academy City, I needed a weapon that could subdue without killing.

The Military Green Sword suited that purpose.

“Ah, so this is how it flows.”

I wasn’t particularly keen on being as reckless as the Dogyeonwoo in the game.

If there comes a time when I must kill someone, I will do so to reach the desired ending.

But if the enemy doesn’t need to be killed, and there’s no reason to kill, I preferred not to.

I wasn’t a calculated killing machine moving murderously for the future to the point of being comfortable with murder.

Living like that would eventually isolate me from people.

“Okay, that’s done.”

Finally, after several attempts.

I changed the Military Green Sword into a Reverse Blade Sword, carefully running my finger over the originally bladed part.

It was dulled enough to be used as a striking tool like a blunt edge.

Conversely, the bladed part was sharp, causing a slight cut on my fingertip with just a touch.

“With this, I can strike those who provoke me freely. Still, I need to be careful not to accidentally hit vital areas.”

The Reverse Blade Sword is still a sword.

Believing it safe to swing with the blunted edge could potentially kill someone.

After licking the blood off my fingertip, I returned the Military Green Sword to its original state.

Then, I put it back in its sheath.

“Sis, we’ve picked everything, let’s head out.”

“Sure, everyone’s waiting outside.”

Me too, Dosiun.

Excited to have the desired sword in hand, we were both in high spirits.

Our steps were light as we left.

Outside, grandfather and the others were waiting.

“Have you picked the most essential thing? Oh, both of you chose swords.”


Amidst the people’s gaze,

Grandfather turned away from their eyes and received the swords we brought back from the viewing.

“Su-yeon Sword and Military Green Sword. Both are excellent swords. Somehow, both of you ended up choosing swords favored by the two main benefactors.”

“Yes, benefactor.”

“Treat them well. They’re here.”

Grandfather handed over the swords.

Dosiun and I received the swords back, not forgetting to express our gratitude to grandfather.



“Yes, Gyenwoo. What is it?”

With a pleased look, I brought up a matter to grandfather.

The purpose of my visit to the ancestral home was to seize the opportunity I had been waiting for.

“I got a new sword, and I was happy to see the lord after a long time.”


As if saying, ‘Look at this guy.’

Grandfather, twitching one eyebrow, interjected.

I awkwardly accepted his words.

“So, I wanted to receive a lesson from you by trying out your sword, grandfather. Could you teach me?”



“I request this of you.”

Behind grandfather.

Father, mother, and others showed signs of astonishment.

They had not anticipated me bringing up such a request.

“You want me to teach a lesson to my grandson… hahahaha, now that I think about it, it seems I have never shared a sword with you guys.”

Meanwhile, grandfather was quite intrigued by my request.

Stroking his beard, grandfather’s eyes sparkled.

“Alright then. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do as a grandfather for my grandson’s enlightenment.”


“Yes. Thank you, lord!”

“But it’s getting late, and considering the hardships you faced inside the gate, it might be tough to spar with you right away. So, let’s do it tomorrow morning.”

Grandfather readily agreed.

I turned my gaze away from the family and others who were staring at me with tongues wagging, and bowed my head to grandfather.

“This will give me the courage I need.”

I asked the lord for a lesson.

The story spread through the ancestral home in no time, circulating among the people’s conversations.

It was said that members of the family, who were about to leave the ancestral home without even eating breakfast, stayed behind to witness the sparring between me and grandfather.

According to rumors, even the servants were showing interest and looking for excuses to watch the sparring.

Everyone was at a loss.

Upon which, father said, “I, as well as my other siblings, find it difficult to face the lord, so much so that we dare not request a spar, and here you are, my grandson, boldly asking for it, causing quite a stir.”

“So, father, you’ve never sparred with grandfather before?”

“…I did a few times when I was young. The lord wanted to test my skills, so we sparred.”

“You’ve never requested a spar yourself.”

“Right, Yongseok. Among our siblings, only the second brother and the fourth sister have ever requested a spar.”

“So, father… you were a coward.”


“Yes, Father.”

“There’s no foolish gamble like entering a losing game in this world. I don’t engage in losing games.”

“Oh, yes… I acknowledge that.”

“Did someone who’s like that come to me and pester me to date?”

“Oh, you! When did I ever do that? I wasn’t the one who followed…”


“…I followed you because I liked you. Son, sometimes as a man, you must be prepared to face a challenge, even if you might lose. That’s how you can achieve victory.”

“Oh, I see…”

“Yet, if there’s losing, there’s winning in equal measure. Even if I lose during the day, at night…”

“There’s no holding back in front of the kids.”

“I win all day and night!”

“Hmph! Anyway, even if our generation doesn’t understand, among your cousins, you’re the first to challenge the patriarch to a duel. So, everyone will be surprised. Truly remarkable, fearless… my son.”

Though the conversation veered off track, I could hear such sentiments.

In any case.

“Are you warmed up?”

“Yes, Patriarch. I am ready.”

I headed to the training ground with my grandfather to exchange swords.


The spectators of our duel occupied a corner.

Ignoring their presence, I drew the military sword.

“I can offer you the first move. If you wish, I can offer even more.”

Grandfather held the practice sword in his hand.

Then he offered me the first move.

But I shook my head.

“You don’t need to offer me the first move. I want to experience the sword you wield with sincerity.”

“…You seem to need to learn the difference between courage and recklessness.”

“I’m not being reckless.”


“Even if I duel with you, will there be anything more than defeat? And even if I receive instruction, at my current level, the teachings I can receive will be conventional.”

“…Knowing that, why did you ask me to teach you a move?”

Grandfather’s gaze turned stern.

An edge of irritation crept into his voice.

Nevertheless, I continued undeterred.

“Because you are incredibly strong.”


“You are the strongest in our country.”

“Hmph… Don’t speak so hastily. I am just one of them. Anyway, go on.”

“Rather than receiving instruction, I thought it might be more beneficial to learn firsthand through experience. When will I ever have the valuable experience of facing a strong swordsman like you?”

“So, you mean to raise the threshold of facing a strong opponent by receiving my sword?”

“Yes, exactly.”

To be honest.

It was to gain courage under the pressure from my grandfather.

But still, there was something to be learned by receiving my grandfather’s sword with my body.

I waited for my grandfather’s response.

Soon, my grandfather chuckled.

“You’re not wrong in what you said. To become stronger, you must experience that world. Your thoughts truly please me. If you are to be a lion of the Divine Sword Guild, that’s how it should be.”


“Yes, very well. Since you ask, I shall show you the world as I see it.”

“…Thank you, Grandmaster.”

“Thank me after you’ve received my sword. Don’t regret it afterwards.”


“Of course, I won’t go all out. If I did, the world I show you might become hell for you.”


“I will show you the sword within the limits you can almost bear.”

My grandfather paused.

At that moment, the tide turned.

A tremendous pressure arose.

It was also when the message appeared.

[Exposed to pressure.]

[All stats reduced by 80%.]

…Did I see it wrong?

From Noble mtl dot com

I doubted my eyes.

But even as I continued to stare at the message, the numbers remained unchanged.

“Where are you looking?”


“Look at me straight.”


“If this were a real battle, your head would have rolled by now.”


“I know you’re afraid. Yet, if you don’t face that fear, you can’t move forward. Look at me.”

…Breathing was not easy.

It felt like something was pressing down on my shoulders, making my body wilt.

At the same time, my body trembled.

The instinct to dodge was kicking in.

“Damn it.”

I gritted my teeth.

To not lose sight of the military green sword, I clenched my hands, now soaked in sweat, with all my might.

I raised my head, determined to face my grandfather no matter what.

Grandfather looked like a giant.

That giant gave a warning.

“Then, let’s go.”

Grandfather’s wooden sword comes in.

I need to avoid that wooden sword…


What is this?

Why is the wooden sword in front of me?


I can’t keep up with the accident.

So, I can’t make a judgment.

So, I can’t move.

In that case…


I have no choice but to leave it to my instincts.


Bang! Whizz! Thud! Thak! Thud! Thud…

Making a loud noise,

Doyeongwoo, who floated in the air and spun a few times, crashed onto the ground.

Then, he hit the outer wall of the training ground and finally stopped rolling.


It happened in the blink of an eye.

People couldn’t say anything about what they saw with their own eyes.

No, they were unsure if they even saw it.

By the time most of them regained their senses, Doyeongwoo was already being confronted by Doyeik, who was swinging his sword.

Doyeik’s movements were beyond the scope of cognition.


But as time passed, the awe they felt faded.

They mocked as they looked at Doyeongwoo lying on the ground.

“I knew it would end like this.”

“Why rush in if you knew you’d lose like this?”

“When the master said he’d go easy, you should’ve just listened.”

“You talk big and end up looking like that? Truly embarrassing.”

“Trembling in front of the master, are you a lion or a cub?”

At the age of twelve, Doyeongwoo, who raised a storm, broke the record of the two masters.

Those who had secretly looked down on him, now openly ridiculed him.

Even so, they were determined to undermine Dogyun-woo’s worth.


Doyeik showed no interest in their chatter.

His thoughts were solely focused on Dogyun-woo lying on the ground.

‘I was going to pin him to the wall.’

Doyeik looked at the wall in front of him, tracing the path Dogyun-woo took when he was struck by his sword and flew, hitting the ground.

What could be inferred from that was….

‘He reacted to my sword.’

At the moment when he swung his wooden sword.

In a fleeting moment, Dogyun-woo deflected the sword, taking his attack and dodging in that direction.


And the loud fall must have been to soften the impact.

That’s how the attack was evaded.


A mere twelve-year-old.

Responding to his attack.

Doyeik couldn’t help but let out a dry laugh in disbelief.

Before he knew it, a smile crept onto his lips.

“What a truly fearsome little guy.”

Have I ever seen such a cute lion cub?

He murmured softly.

An attack beyond cognition.

I couldn’t make any judgments as I gazed at the wooden sword that had almost reached me.


I could only move my body as instinct dictated, evading the attack.

In the moment of being attacked.

I couldn’t remember how I moved.


When I came to, I found myself lying face down on the training ground.

I blinked my eyes.

Then, I slowly raised my head to assess the situation.


People were murmuring as they stood at a distance.

I don’t know what they’re saying.

But given the situation, there was one thing I could guess.

“It’s obvious, isn’t it.”

I must be the laughingstock, stumbling out without even properly countering the first move.

“Then why don’t you try countering yourself.”

I wanted to say that in my mind, but I had neither the worth to engage nor the strength to do so.

After just one attack, my energy seemed drained.

I felt like I had no strength left in my body.

But lying down was uncomfortable, so I flipped over to see the ceiling.

That’s when Grandpa approached.

“Are you okay?”

“…I don’t think so.”

“Well, you seem fine by the way you’re talking.”


“Well, I missed my last attack, so you couldn’t have been hurt anywhere. Even if you were, it would just be a minor scrape from rolling around.”

Grandpa chuckled as if it wasn’t his concern.

I couldn’t bring myself to chuckle along.

“Well, you seem to have some energy left, want to take another hit from the sword?”


To ask me to take that attack again.

I couldn’t see my own face, but I was probably wearing a bug-eaten expression right now.

At that, Grandpa chuckled softly.

“Or should we just call it quits?”

But in a situation where I couldn’t muster the courage, it wasn’t something I could just end.

I pondered with a complex mind.

Just then, a message popped up.

[Acquired a Skill.]

[Courage Lv 1]

[Courage Lv 1]

◆ Skill Classification

―Condition Activated

◆ Detailed Effects

―Preserves up to 5% of the ability points declining due to pressure.

―When exposed to pressure, concentration and evasion rate increase by 5%.

“Ah… Thank goodness.”

“What’s there to be thankful about?”

If it was going to come, it should have come sooner.

I confirmed that I had gained courage and let out a sigh of relief.

The grandfather who couldn’t see the message seemed puzzled.

To such a grandfather…

“I think we don’t need to go on anymore, right? Thank you for teaching me a lesson.”

I expressed my gratitude to the grandfather in a voice that came from my heart.

The grandfather clicked his tongue.

“Well, that’s enough. If you’re feeling fine, let’s play one more round. Next time, go easy on me than before.”

“No, sir! Thank you!”

I had already obtained what I wanted.

There was no need to tremble anymore while facing the grandfather’s sword.

I politely declined.

In the end, the grandfather had to step back reluctantly.

But he didn’t completely give up.

His eyes were set on the spectators of the match.

“But I can’t end it like this after promising to teach you. Feelings! It’s fine with anyone. If anyone is willing to face my sword, come forward!”


“Make sure everyone who participated in yesterday’s evaluation match comes out.”

The spectators of the match looked as if they had been struck by lightning, all with shocked faces.

I smirked as I watched them.

“How pathetic.”

You should experience it firsthand.

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