I Became a Childhood Friend of the Middle Boss

Chapter 26

I Became A Childhood Friend Of The Middle Boss 25

Chapter 25

Splish splash.

Running on the water’s surface.

The mana spread throughout the soles gently pushes away the water as they lift off, creating ripples that spread across the lake.

Splish splash.

Each time, the sound of the water splashing echoes in the ears.

Splish splash.

The sound is not singular.

Expanding one’s senses and listening carefully, one could hear others creating the sounds of running on water.

Splish splash, splish splash, splish splash…

Even without looking at them, their presence could be felt.

A moment later.


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The distance to the monsters at the forefront was so close that a confrontation seemed imminent.

“Sukwoo, hyung.”

The battle was about to begin.

I opened my mouth as I watched those revealing their fighting spirit.

“Oh, Gyunwoo.”

“I’ll leave the command of the subordinates to you, hyung. Nuna and I have to deal with the leader, so we can’t focus on that side.”

“Got it. I’ll support you from behind.”

Doseokwoo was the oldest among those participating in the evaluation.

He was being recognized in his own way.

If Doseokwoo commanded, others would follow without question.

With that judgment, I slowed down and fell back behind the others.

Dosieundo also slowed down.


“Split them to the sides!”

“Clear the way first!”

The battle began.

From Doseungwoo to my peers, we shouted at the front.

They each faced their subordinates, creating a path for those behind to move forward.

“Push them back!”

“Keep running!”

Soon after, a second battle erupted.

People grabbed their subordinates as they had done moments before.

And so, a path was formed.

There was the leader ahead.

“Nuna, let’s go.”


I signaled to Dosieun.

Soon, we increased our speed, which had been lagging, and dashed down a path free of obstacles.


The sound of water crying was rough.

As a result, our field of vision quickly receded.

Passing by people and subordinates, our sight now only contained the enemy.


Just as we recognized him, he also recognized us.

In the moment when the distance was short.

He forcefully swung his spear downwards.

The wind and water currents generated by that force surged towards us.


We immediately changed direction.

As agreed beforehand, I veered right, while Dosieun went left.

Consequently, the enemy’s gaze was scattered.


Right and left.

As he turned his head back and forth, trying to keep up with our movements.

Meanwhile, we exchanged opinions with our gazes, positioning ourselves on either side of the enemy.


Dosieun nodded.

It meant she would attack first.

I nodded back at her, deciding to match her pace.

Shortly after, she bent her body and accelerated.

<Water Monarch Attack Form 3>

Lion’s Steel Whip

Swinging her sword like a steel whip.

Dosieun, who had imbued her sword with mana to extend its length, wielded her sword.

Mana, channeled through the blade, delivered an irregular attack to the enemy.


However, the enemy only hesitated momentarily, then turned his body, deflecting the attack with his spear.

Afterward, he swiftly continued the spear’s trajectory to counterattack her.

I seized that moment.

<Water Monarch Attack Form 1>

Lion’s Backstab

I launched a backstab at the enemy who showed his back.

The sound of the backstab cutting through the air was as if a lion was roaring.


He evaded the attack.

As he slipped away like a shadow, he glared at me and ground his teeth.

But that was short-lived.


Seizing the moment when his gaze shifted to me,

Dosieun swiftly closed the distance to him.

Once again, her blade gleamed.


I too reacted instantly, slipping into the fray.

I leaped into the midst of the clash between Suryeong and Dosieun, blades and spears mingling.


Dosieun’s sword rebounded.

His spear fell.

My sword deflected that spear.

She brandished the sword she had wielded.

He hastily stepped back, spinning in the opposite direction of the clock.

Twirling, he deflected my attack with the spear he had gathered, evading the strike.

Simultaneously, he drew a wide arc with his foot and thrust the spear forward.


The spear swiftly struck.

The transition between offense and defense was seamless.

This made it difficult to approach easily.

Yet, we held the upper hand.


No need to rush.

She and I parried his attacks, catching our breath as we turned around.

Meanwhile, he had no time to catch his breath, constantly moving to block us.


He had no time to catch his breath without the help of his subordinates.

As our exchanges increased, he grew increasingly fatigued.


Finally, he exposed a vulnerability.

We did not miss our chance.

Instantly, we condensed mana into our swords.

<Water King Style Attack Form 2>

Lion’s Claw Marks

Infusing mana into the sword, we engraved fierce claw marks on the enemy, as if a beast had torn through them.

Their thoughts were in sync.


Almost simultaneously.

From different directions, N and Dossie each sliced into his flank.

“Ugh, his skin’s tougher than I thought.”

“It’s not skin, it’s scales.”

“Same difference.”


Unfortunately, the wounds weren’t deep.

But the wounds resembling lion claw marks were harder to heal.

He couldn’t help but bleed during the battle.

And then he would die.

In the end, he couldn’t defeat us.

“Rank 3 isn’t anything special.”

“Complacency is dangerous.”

“But doesn’t Nuna think the same way?”


In this state,

They pressed forward.

Suren was seething with anger.

Not only had he, the ruler of the lake, been bested by mere humans, but he also now found himself dragged to the surface to be at the mercy of these human pups.

Moreover, the humans who had brought him up had cut off his arms and tail to match their strength against his, inflicting severe bleeding wounds.

“How dare, how dare those humans…!”

Among the monsters were those who didn’t just act on instinct but could think and strategize, and Suren, taking the form of a human woman, was one such case.

Hence, Suren not only felt one-dimensional anger about his situation but also a sense of humiliation.

“How dare they…!”

Were the humans really daring to challenge the ruler of this lake like they were hunting rabbits?

As Suren surrendered to those emotions, he wanted to tear apart and kill the human pups attempting to approach him.

Yet, weakened as he was, their skills were not to be underestimated.

Especially the woman with blue eyes.

“She’s different from the others.”

Though they had only clashed a few times, Suren could gauge her considerable skill from that alone.

So, he kept an eye on her….

“Who the hell is this guy!”

There was another.

A man shorter than the woman.

His skill was on par with hers.

“Annoying bastard!”

He knew when to strike and retreat.

The man, while facing the woman, either seized the opportunity or swiftly took her place when she stepped back to catch her breath, disrupting her.

Each time she tried to respond, he skillfully avoided attacks as if tiptoeing on the edge, almost touching the line between provoking and not provoking his emotions.

It was like he knew where the attack would come from.

‘Even if my arm doesn’t get severed…’

And it didn’t stop there.

Persistently, the man relentlessly delved into his left arm, as if there was no limit to his cowardice.

In that sense, the man was a much more annoying and dangerous opponent than the woman.

Despite her reluctance, Su-ryeong had no choice but to face the man.

Right at that moment.

<Water King Style Attack Type 2>

Lost in his thoughts, the man allowed the woman’s surprise attack to happen.

The Lion’s Roar.

Su-ryeong reacted belatedly.

The blade that had entered under his armpit shattered scales, tore flesh, and just before reaching the bone, he twisted his body to narrowly avoid a fatal blow.

But the situation was not good.


Left and right.

Two humans were rushing to continue this flow of events.

They were aiming to finish it.


Su-ryeong screamed as his throat was torn.

He couldn’t die like this.

Even if he died, they would definitely die too.

Enveloped in intense emotions, Su-ryeong pushed the pain aside.


The clash of swords, spears, and blades resumed.

With all his might, Su-ryeong swung the spear to separate the two clinging humans and threatened them with a long reach.


The sound of the wind intensified.

In the fervent movements, there was no moment of calm in the tumult.


Swing, thrust, strike.

Humans dodged, blocked, deflected, and stood their ground without retreating.

Sounds of wind, water current.

Mixed with these sounds, the clang of metal reverberated.

The declaration of not yielding an inch spread like a shockwave.


Exhausting their own lives,

The commander squeezed out the last remaining strength and launched a relentless attack.

Every step they took back, the two humans were retreating.


Humans were also reaching their limit.

Their movements were becoming sluggish.

The end of the seemingly endless dance of metal was in sight.

The commander was determined not to let them retreat.

So, they aimed towards the man first…

Right at that moment.

<Water King Style Defense Form, Type 3>

As the man turned his sword diagonally, cutting through the surface with a continuous motion from the tip to the edge.


A water storm raged fiercely.

Within the storm, the blade emerged.

Following the trail made by the sword…

Lion Screen

Where the water storm and the continuous motion mana met, a screen rose, blocking the way.


The screen concealed the man.

Unable to sense beyond the screen due to the aura, the commander, losing sight of the target in front of them, swung the spear relying on instinct.


The spear sliced through the screen horizontally.

However, the man was nowhere to be seen.

He had moved from that spot.

Nevertheless, the man was nearby…

<Water King Style Attack Form, Type 5>

At that moment, the presence of a woman was felt.

The commander quickly turned around.

As the woman took a big step forward, lowering her stance, she pulled the sword towards her body.

And then, right after that.


A blue lightning bolt sparkled.

A thick stem shot up into the sky.

Lion’s Roar

An incomparable lightning bolt that surpassed the sporadic sparks from a moment ago.

She charged through the water’s surface like a lightning bolt.

Dangerous, she must be avoided.

A warning bell rang in the mind of the commander.

But there was no way out.

<Water Dragon Style Attack Form 5>

There was a man in her way.

He too was in a similar stance.



A lightning bolt also shot up from the man.

The clear blue lightning bolt soaring into the sky seemed as if a dragon was ascending.

The sound of the lightning bolt crackling through the air seemed like a dragon’s roar.

No, it was a lion.

Lion’s Roar

The lion moved.

The man, wrapped in the blue lightning bolt, swung the sword he pulled from inside his body outward.


Dogyeongwoo and Dosieun simultaneously attacked.

Even though it seemed to be their first time coordinating, their synchronization was seamless.

The commander found it difficult to respond properly to the two’s coordination.


At the cliff’s edge.

Those watching the scene could only express genuine admiration.

There was no one trying to deny the muttered words.

“I want to look down from above.”

“If you ask someone at the scene, it might be possible. I’ll make sure to tell them.”

Do Yei Ik was absorbed in the spectacle.

It was regrettable for him to watch the battle of the two through the screen.

Though it was not as good as seeing it in person, he decided to adjust the screen to view it from various angles.

After a moment, a few screens shook, and the shooting angle changed.

His gaze shifted to one of the screens.

A smile crept up on his lips.

“They make a good pair.”

A scene of the battle filmed in mid-air.

Do Gyun Woo and Do Si Eun’s movements were clearly visible.

With only their heads visible, they were repeatedly meeting and parting around the center like dancing, resembling a spinning top fight.

And then.


Finally, their swords clashed.

It was Do Gyun Woo who bent the side of the leader.

It was an attack that occurred almost simultaneously.

“hehehehe. I think I understand now why Gyun Woo can beat Seung Woo.”


Those who witnessed Do Gyun Woo’s skill could not refute his words.

Contrary to the concerns of those who thought Si Eun was a burden, she was now demonstrating a skill that was no less than hers.

“Tsk…. How did that guy….”

Do Seung Woo’s father, Do Beom Joon, had to finally acknowledge Do Gyun Woo’s skill.

Unable to control his expression, he twisted his face.

Then, he either found it unbearable to continue watching the screen or got up from his seat.

“I… I’ll go smoke a cigarette.”

“It seems like it’s about to end now, just wait a moment.”


Although Do Beom Joon tried to leave, wanting to escape, Do Yei Ik held him back.

Unable to defy the patriarch’s orders, he had to stay and watch the battle, even though his pride was hurt.


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Meanwhile, as Do Yei Ik predicted, there were signs that the battle was coming to an end.

As the flow created by the leader with all his might was disrupted by Do Gyun Woo’s defensive stance, the opponent was pierced.

[<Soo Wang Ryu Attack Form 5>]

Do Si Eun, in a charging posture.

As she moved, a lightning strike exploded.

◈ Lion’s Roar ◈

Like a bolt of lightning striking.

Around her, lightning blossomed.

The blue lightning shooting up into the clear sky seemed as if watching flowers bloom.


People were mesmerized by the spectacle.

She, who had only shown signs of wallowing in obscurity, had now perfectly triggered the wallow.

“hahahaha! You finally did it!”

The achievements of the two families were being reproduced.

Doyeik burst into laughter as he watched the flower blooming on the water’s surface, coloring the screen white.

And at that moment.

“Um, over there!”


Someone pointed to a different screen.

A screen showing a lake from a distance.

On that screen, the lightning flower rising above the surface was clearly visible.

And also from the left.

◈ Crack! ◈


People doubted their own eyes.

It couldn’t be. It was unthinkable.

The wallow caused by Cityeun somehow reaching over there.

As if denying that thought.

◈ Crack! ◈

A powerful lightning bolt shot up from the left.

The water where Dogyun stood.

There, a fierce blue current enveloping him fiercely bloomed into a flower.

“This can’t be happening….”

The surface reflecting the world like a mirror.

Above that surface, two clusters of flowers emitting blue light bloomed.

To the viewers, the scene appeared as if two lightning bolts falling from the sky pierced the earth.

◈ Lion’s Roar ◈

The flower eventually transformed into a fierce lion, roaring with all its might.

Two lions pounced on the sovereign.


From bottom to top, the wall of lightning surged.

The sovereign split into three streams under the blades wielded by the two.

The body of the one who couldn’t even leave a final word didn’t sink beneath the water but floated on the surface.

And thus, the sovereign met its end.

“We have captured the gate.”

A message appeared before the people at the gate.

“So, it wasn’t just one person!”

Ignoring the message, Doe Yieuk gazed at Doe Gyunwoo in the fluttering lightning with joy.

His laughter didn’t cease.

“I always thought you were just a rabbit, but you’re a lion cub too.”


Well, if you shed the blood of a divine sword, you can’t be born as a rabbit.

Doe Yieuk’s shoulders trembled without even remembering to maintain his composure.

Meanwhile, due to his words…

“Achieved the feat of gaining recognition from the Divine Sword Guild.”

“Acquired the title ‘Lion Cub.’”

Doe Gyunwoo received the messages.

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