I Became a Childhood Friend of the Middle Boss

Chapter 15

I Became A Childhood Friend Of The Middle Boss 14

Chapter 14

Do Seungwoo

May, the month of family.

The weekend with Parents’ Day.

After having a late lunch, our family headed to the ancestral home of Shin Geomdo.

Shin Geomdo’s ancestral home was located in Gwanak-gu, about an hour’s drive from our house.

“Since we’re going to see grandfather, you should behave quietly there, especially you, Yeeun. Don’t try to climb the lion statue like you did last year.”

“I won’t do that anymore!”

“Right, be good.”

Driving the car, Father warned Yeeun sitting in the back seat.

Yeeun nodded without a word, but it was hard to predict what would happen.

She had a track record of causing trouble.

Feeling uneasy, Father also spoke to me.

“Gyunwoo, make sure to watch over Yeeun so she doesn’t cause any trouble. You can do that as her older brother, right?”

“Yes, I’ll do that.”

“I won’t cause any trouble…”

“And you, don’t even think about causing any problems. Please, I beg you.”

“When have I ever done that?”

“You haven’t, but… considering what you’ve been up to lately, I can’t help but worry.”

“No, don’t worry.”

I replied like that.

When have I ever caused trouble?

Even upon careful consideration, nothing came to mind.

If anything, the only thing that came up was the incident with the triplets…

“Could that be considered a problem? It was just a fair competition.”

From Noble mtl dot com

It wasn’t a violation of the law, nor was it beyond the boundaries of ethics.

It was just something I did within my limits.

Could that be called a problem?

“No, it couldn’t.”

After a brief moment of contemplation, I came to a conclusion.

I did not cause the accident.

The fact that I was upright was evidence of that.

Even if Father didn’t know what he was worrying about, nothing to worry about would happen.

Soon, I shifted my gaze from the rearview mirror to see Mother sitting in the passenger seat.

Mother had her lips sealed.

“You’ve been silent since earlier.”

To avoid any unnecessary attention in a gathering of the family, Mother had gotten up early in the morning and dressed up to the nines.

However, no matter how much makeup she put on, it was impossible not to notice the stiff, unnatural look on her face.

Even Yeun seemed to be sneaking glances ever since she got into the car.

That’s how different Mother was acting from her usual self.


As a result, silence filled the car at some point.

Father was focused on driving, and Yeun was just looking out the window.

Mother kept her eyes fixed ahead.

“It’s always been like this.”

In fact, it was not the first time.

Whenever we attended a family gathering, we would display this kind of behavior.

Attending family gatherings was something we disliked, felt uncomfortable with, and found nerve-wracking.

I had never seen it as a pleasant sight before.

Even in my past life before realizing the truth.


I absentmindedly stared out the window with a sword in my lap.

And then I silently hoped for a traffic jam or some car trouble to make us arrive at our ancestral home late.

So being in this silence felt like going back in time.

The atmosphere inside the car was stifling.

Feeling uneasy, I broke the awkward silence and spoke up.

“Come to think of it, we had our meal before leaving, but didn’t have any coffee, did we?”

“Huh? Uh, right. But why bring out the coffee now?”

“Yeun, don’t you feel like having some cake?”

“Cake? Brother, did you bring cake?”

“Mom, don’t you want any coffee?”

“Huh? What are you suddenly talking about?”

Except for me, my family members all widened their eyes like rabbits.

I glanced at my family members who were caught off guard by the sudden topic.

“We have over an hour to drive, so how about stopping at a café on the way for some coffee? And maybe have some cake too.”


“After getting all dressed up for once, we should catch some fresh air on the way. Right? What’s the harm in being a bit late?”

What’s the harm in being late?

Anyway, by now, it was clear that we would end up boasting and picking on each other about how we’re doing with our relatives once we arrived.

I’d rather go late than rush.

Being a bit late for dinner is fine.

That’s how I persuaded my family.

At first, my family just blinked blankly at my words…

“Should we go that route then?”

Starting with a smirk from Father, Ye-eun and Mother readily agreed.

“I’m going to have ice cream! I’ll find a place that looks delicious!”

“We’ll have dinner later, so pick one to eat. Ye-eun, see if there’s a nice place over there, and Mom, I’ll look around here.”

The silence that had settled in the car earlier vanished as if it was a lie.

Before I knew it, my family was laughing and chatting cheerfully.

‘Yes, this is how it should be.’

I felt content watching that scene.

It was nice to see Ye-eun and Mother competing to find a café.

“Should I look for one too?”

“You focus on driving.”

“Stay strong, everyone.”

Father chimed in before I knew it.

I cheered on the three of them, then suddenly had a thought and checked my smartphone.

There was a message from Yeon Ha-neul.

[Yeon Ha-neul]: I’m heading to the mountain now…

[Yeon Ha-neul]: (Photo)

It was a photo of a hiking trail sign.

I chuckled as I read the text from Yeon Ha-neul.

‘She said she wouldn’t be home today, so I jokingly told her to climb a mountain or practice at the swordsmanship hall, and she really went climbing.’

It was a half-joking comment.

She always complained but in the end, it was endearing how Yeon Ha-neul followed my words.

I replied to her.

[Me]: The mountain I mentioned before?

[Yeon Ha-neul]: Yeah, it’s behind our house and super high!

[Me]: It’s just the hill behind the neighborhood, though.

[Yeon Ha-neul]: (―“―;)

A reply came quickly.

Seemed like she hadn’t climbed the mountain yet.

[Me]: Don’t you have to reach the summit for that?

[Yeon Ha-neul]: It’s really high here, though?

[Me]: You have to become a Hunter.

[Yeon Haneul]: …….

[Me]: If you do it, it’ll all work out. ?

[Yeon Haneul]: Isn’t it too much to say it’s not your own business?

[Me]: When you reach the top, take a certification shot so I can see.

[Yeon Haneul]: Hmph!

[Yeon Haneul]: ( ̄^ ̄)

[Me]: But did you really go alone?

[Yeon Haneul]: I came with the Director. He was thrilled when I said I’d go to the mountain.

For a few minutes, Yeon Haneul and I exchanged messages.

Soon after, she said she was going up the mountain and the communication ceased.

Around that time, Yeeun and her mother’s showdown reached its conclusion.

Her mother emerged victorious.

* * *

After enjoying a pleasant time at the cafe, when we arrived at the main house, we were an hour late from the appointed time.

Nevertheless, we got out of the car without a care.

“We’ve been waiting for you.”

“How have you been? And the others?”

“Except for Mr. Dowoon’s family, everyone else has gathered.”

“Is the eldest brother still not here?”

“Then, please follow me inside.”

The household staff followed us.

They took our luggage, and the highest-ranking manager guided us.

“You can use this room. The keycard should be on the desk inside.”

“Thank you for showing us around.”

“No problem. We’d appreciate it if you could join the dinner gathering without delay.”

“Of course. We can’t afford to be late when Father is attending. But do you know where the others are right now?”

“If it’s the others, they should be gathered in the study discussing.”

“The study on the second floor, right?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“Then we should head there too. They’ll probably say something about us being late.”

“I’ll take my leave now. Please feel free to call me if you need anything.”

The manager opened the room for Father, Mother, Yeeun, and me and then left.

We each went into our rooms.

“Leave the luggage there.”

“Alright, understood. We’ll take our leave as well.”

I was planning to stay just for the day, so I didn’t have much luggage.

I asked the servants to put my belongings in one corner and then sent them away.

At that moment, my parents entered the room.

“Gyeonwoo, we are going to the study to meet relatives. What are you going to do now?”

“Mom, I can go with you and dad, or you can spend time together. Just make sure to come to the dinner on time.”

Until the dinner, I was free to spend my time as I pleased.

I could stay quietly in the room without socializing with relatives.

However, showing such behavior in a gathering meant for building camaraderie would likely lead to exclusion.

Although I might face scolding from adults, Nana and Yeeun would probably tolerate it to some extent.

Of course, I had no intention of doing so.

“If we just stay in the room, it will be boring, so we’ll go to the training ground. Yeeun, do you want to come too?”

“Yeah! I want to go too!”

“Since there will be cousins at the training ground, let’s go there to socialize, right?”

“Sounds good? Shall we do that?”

The main house’s training ground had various facilities not found at home.

So, while I was here, I planned to use those facilities.

It was an opportunity to train my body.

“Then we’ll go check it out.”

“Sure, see you later. And don’t play too rough with the kids there.”

“As long as I don’t provoke them.”

“Trust you, son.”

After talking with my parents like that,

Yeeun and I headed to the training ground.

The training ground was on the basement’s second floor.

“They are all working hard.”

As I descended to the training ground, I exchanged glances briefly with my cousins.

We had been competing since childhood, and even now, we were still in competition, so we didn’t need to exchange greetings properly.

Moreover, today was a day to showcase our skills to the family members, so most of us were focused on training.

“What are you going to do, oppa?”

“Hmm, let’s see.”

I decided to train as well.

I looked around the training ground’s facilities.

“Wow… What’s that? Was it here before? Oppa, the doll is moving!”

“…It’s probably made by Yeonseong Namga. It’s not available in stores; it must have been here at the main house.”

On one side, a doll made of iron was moving on its own, engaging in a sparring match with the cousins.

The joints moved smoothly.

“So, they have this even at this time.”

Although it was slightly different from what I knew, it was a training doll used at the academy where Kang Hanbyeol trained.

It was made by Yeonseong Namga, belonging to the Shigamun, along with the Divine Sword Do.

“That looks fun too!”

On the other side, cousins were stepping on the floor where the lights quickly turned on and off.

It seemed like the difficulty varied depending on the color of the light.

“It does look interesting.”

Apart from that, there were many facilities that caught my interest.

So, it was inevitable to ponder over what kind of training to undergo initially.

And at that moment.

“Late, aren’t you? What were you doing that made you late?”

A guy who was training to face randomly popping targets on the floor walked towards me.

My cousin, Do Seungwoo.

The troublemaker who had been bothering me all this time.

“Glad you made it here on your own.”

In truth, the moment I entered the training ground, I was already looking for Do Seungwoo.

And I planned to approach him when the right opportunity arose.

But he came to me himself.

Saved me the trouble.

“How have you been? Is Yeeun doing well?”

“No, I haven’t been well because of you.”


“How about you, have you been well?”

In the past, I might have flinched, but now I didn’t want to.

Since Do Seungwoo and I were the same age, we had been involved with each other since we were young, often being compared by the family members on who was superior.

Because of that, Do Seungwoo and I couldn’t become close despite the attempts.

“It’s hard to become close when we’re always compared. It’s weird to get close. It’s rather strange.”

Still, we managed to maintain a somewhat appropriate relationship without hurting each other’s feelings too much.

Contrary to my hopes, Do Seungwoo viewed me as an enemy to be defeated and resented me.

He used to openly embarrass me whenever he had the chance when we were young.

Each time, I couldn’t properly respond to Do Seungwoo’s provocations and ended up crying like a fool.

As such antics repeated…

―He’s always crying. Doesn’t he ever think of fighting back when he’s angry? I would if I were him.

―He’s the son of a lion? How did such a thing come out of our family? Even if I understand, I can’t understand. What will other families think if he keeps acting like that? They’ll just mock our family.

―Born in the belly of a commoner with only a face to show, that’s why he looks so pathetic.

―Bringing shame to the family.

―Even claiming to have lion’s blood…

I found myself in a situation where I was being ridiculed by the people of the family.

On the other hand, Doseungwoo, while tormenting me, diligently raised his status.

“Well, that should be enough for now…”

And so, he became a rising star in the family, someone to look up to.

Yet, for some reason, he didn’t stop tormenting me.

He despised me terribly.

“Really, what did I do wrong?”

I felt helpless.

Unjust and angry.

But before realizing my past life, I couldn’t muster the courage to stand up to him and fell into self-deprecation.

Truly foolish.

“A real fool.”

I cursed myself inwardly.

Perhaps he continued to torment me even though there was no longer a reason to look down on me and do so.

So if I continue to fall for his tricks like this…

“It will continue even in the Academy City.”

According to the game’s flow, five years later, Doseungwoo and I will enter the same academy where Kang Hanbyeol is studying.

There, I will be bullied by him, suffering great shame that doesn’t befit a member of a prestigious family.

“And then, I will meet Kang Hanbyeol, who will confront those who tormented me.”

In the game, Kang Hanbyeol meets Dogyeonwoo, who was bullied by students, and starts to fight against them, including Doseungwoo’s gang, led by the Three Stooges.

And during the midterm exams of the first semester of the first year…

By defeating Doseungwoo, who comes out as the boss, Kang Hanbyeol was able to officially recruit Dogyeonwoo as a colleague.

In that sense…

Doseungwoo could be seen as playing a role in bringing Kang Hanbyeol and Dogyeonwoo closer.

Even so…

“Just keep being a victim like this? Until meeting Kang Hanbyeol? For the next five years?”

Absolutely not.

Why? Why? Seriously, why?

Question marks filled my mind.

I had no intention of following the story if it didn’t suit me.

“You couldn’t stand it because of me? Did I do something wrong to you?”

“I missed you so much.”


“Did you think I wouldn’t find out it was you who stirred things up with the twins?”


He was no longer just a child, and he had to maintain his dignity because he was receiving attention in the family.

But as someone who had nothing to lose in the family, I had no need to maintain my dignity.

I said it outright.

In that moment, he was at a loss for words and silently stared at me.

His eyes narrowed.

“I don’t quite understand what you’re talking about. Twins? Who are you referring to?”

“There are triplets in the Swordsmanship Institute.”

“Ah, those kids, right. Were they in the same school as you? Come to think of it, I remember hearing such stories.”

“What stories?”

“That you got into a fight with those kids at the Swordsmanship Institute and caused a scene? I found it surprising to hear that.”


“I didn’t expect that from you. I thought you knew how to live with whatever comes your way when faced with something like that, but still, getting into trouble with those kids made you angry, right? Well, it’s understandable. If someone from the prestigious Do School gets into trouble even with insignificant kids, then there must be a problem…. You did well; I would have done the same.”

The guy chuckled.

I could see the animosity reflected in his narrowed eyes.

Perhaps mine were the same.

My own resentment and animosity towards myself and the guy must have been evident.

“What’s with you not attacking back and just taking hits and dodging in sparring? You’ve changed a lot.”

“Yeah, thanks to someone.”

“Now you can properly face me. When can you spare some time for a sparring session? I won’t go easy on you then.”

The awaited words finally came out.

I responded with a smile of repentance.

“Oh, really? Shall we do it right now then?”

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