I Became a 6★ Gacha Character

Chapter 165: Temple Knights 5

Chapter 165: Temple Knights 5

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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Explosives have always been a favorite among gamers.

Misuse them and they become a tool leading to your own downfall; wield them wisely and they transform into a means for easily taking down high-health, formidable monsters, even in boss raids, and overcoming various challenges and glitches.

I too, before falling into this world, enjoyed playing dragon hunting games with friends.

We'd stealthily place barrels of gunpowder atop the head of a slumbering dragon and then cleave it open with a greatsword.

"Throwing it could be tricky, but luring the monster might work. The blast seems even stronger than intermediate magic, and it's certainly more mana-efficient. Perhaps using Earth Control or telekinesis, though I haven't learned that yet, could push it away. Then a fire arrow triggers the explosion... That would be a good combo."

-So vanguards need to be the ones who lure the explosives into position, right?

-So if tumors explode, can't we sever limbs and use them as grenades?

-If we gather unexploded remains of trolls, is it possible to craft bombs through alchemy?

-The boss is probably going to be big. We should use a troll to bomb it

Han Se-ah and her chat shared a passion for explosions.

While the heavily wounded adventurers were healing, thanks to the priests' divine energy and sanctuary buffs, everyone else was thrown into chaos with the unexpected appearance of exploding trolls.

Amidst this, the crowded chat was abuzz with innovative and clever suggestions.

Some even proposed using limbs from the dead as ammunition...

I have to admit, the idea was quite intriguing.

"Alchemy using the tumors... clever thinking. It looks like they've integrated sub-content well with the tower's progression. And it makes perfect sense for blacksmiths and such to make tools specifically suited for challenges in the tower."

As Han Se-ah had a lively discussion with her viewers, Irene was also busy at work.

The priests, nuns and temple knights were all bustling about.

Irene, with her generous heart, couldn't just stand by idly.

She took away wrist guards set aside for healing and handed them to a priest.

Then, taking a damp cloth from a nunthere to cleanse away the blood and filthshe gently wiped down a female adventurer whose skin was slowly healing.

Irene's actions were infused with tenderness and care.

The priests and nuns, dedicated to their purpose, didn't hesitate to soil their hands as they cared for the wounded.

Their dedication, brimming with humanity, even inspired the watching adventurers, who began looking for their own ways to lend a hand.

One figure stood out: a male adventurer stepping beyond the safety of the sanctuary.

His light leather armor, the lantern, and the assortment of tools, including an iron rod at his waist, marked him as a rogue.

"Excuse me, priests? I believe this is the mana stone from the troll that exploded near the adventurers earlier."

"Is that so? You're an honest man. May the Goddess's blessings accompany you on your journey."

While others awkwardly handled the scattered armor and weapons, assessing them or aiding with the removal of damaged gear, this rogue headed straight for the center of the blast site.

His actions reflected the true spirit of an adventurer: always quick to spot and grab opportunities, even in the aftermath where lives were nearly lost.

The rogue handed a priest a fist-sized mana stone, unscathed and as large as the ones we had collected.

It seems that a troll's mana stone survives even after the creature explodes.

Oh, so the mana stone remains even after the explosion. Maybe the best strategy for hunting trolls is to trigger them to blow up?"

-Intact mana stone = approved strategy by the game developers

-even if it's not approved, well, who cares.

-It's time for Han Se-ah, the porter, to evolve into Han Se-ah the bomb pouch.

-Throwing a troll tumor and igniting it with a spark, thats what real magic is

Regardless, Han Se-ah's attention was entirely on the bomb troll.

What kind of games was she into before 'Heroes Chronicle' that gave her such a fascination with bombs?

Meanwhile, thanks to the baptism of divine energy, two adventurers began to rise, steadying themselves on their feet.

An archer, the one who had been in Irenes arms, sprinted towards the group.

The mingling of pure white divine light with Irene's kind smile looked sacred.

However, Han Se-ah, didn't even bother to angle her camera toward the scene.


Raei Translations


Irene, driven by her firm commitment to vanquishing the undead, led our group with unmatched vigor.

Her enthusiasm had us spending more time than usual in the tower.

For adventurers, staying over a week in the tower is normal.

Although we can exit every three to four days through the gates, the tainted marsh and the persistent undead outside required longer stays within the tower.

"Brothers, should we be cautious of anything in particular?"

"There's no sanctuary set up past the 36th floor. If you're intent on clearing those evil beings, it's best to keep pace with the temple knights."

"Understood, thank you."

Irene, who usually has a warm smile on with the temple knights, turns cold the instant undead creatures appear.

How well has she taken care of our group until now?

From our morning greetings to our ventures in the tower, and until we settle down for the night, her acts of kindness are countless.

As Irene focuses intently on destroying the undead and chooses to stay longer in the tower, the rest of us also push through the tower's levels without objection.

We progress from the 32nd floor to the 33rd, then to the 34th

"Hey, I'll give you some mana stones, can you treat my poisoning?"

"Don't go that way. An exploded troll has made the path impassable, but it should be repaired by tomorrow."

"Seen anything out of the ordinary? Other than loud troll explosions, not really."

Perhaps it's because the temple knights, nuns, and priests are a constant presence, establishing beacons of divine energy on each floor, but we no adventurers looked on edge around us or looked ready to unsheathe their swords.

In this medieval setting, even the most battle-hardened adventurers show deference in the presence of the holy.

After spending a week inside, we successfully passed through the 35th floor.

If we consider the time it takes to go back down from the 34th to the 30th floor, we'll be spending nearly ten days inside.

Previously, it would have taken over 10 days just to reach the 30th floor on foot, but now, with the appearance of Han Se-ah and the use of gates, even 10 days inside the tower seems long.

-How much longer are they staying inside?

-Irene looks kinda obsessed, but it's kinda cute.

-When will she start using troll alchemy?

-Isnt it time to wrap up the current quests and start new ones?

-It's exhausting just to watch. How does she play in such grime for so long?

"Since we've reached the 35th floor, I should take a break. It feels more like work than play at this point. If we couldn't take out trolls from a distance with arrows or spark spells, I would've taken a break earlier."

The prolonged journey is wearing on everyonementally straining our group.

It's also filling Han Se-ah's inventory, straining her stream schedule, and even the patience of her viewers.

Our inventory, once filled with provisions, is now overflowing with mana stones, loot, and various collected items.

The chat from the viewers is becoming repetitive, with comments like 'troll explosion one-trick.'

Seeing zombie crocodiles and lizardman skeletons over and over wasn't very entertaining.

A visually dynamic fight, such as those involving mounted golems, might hold the chat's interest.

But no one wants to watch a battle that's merely a slow, grinding affair with the sole tactic being to attack relentlessly over a long period.

"Okay, I've marked the entrance to the passage on the 35th floor, so we should start making our way down. We're almost out of food."

"Really? Then let's head out for some tower maintenance."

Hearing this, the party, gathered at the entrance to the passage, collectively breathes a sigh of relief, as Irene nods in agreement to Han Se-ah's statement.

Grace and Katie finally relax, having been on edge due to Irene's grim expression when confronting the undead.

Katie, in particular, had been noticeably tense over Irene's mood switches.

"So we're going back down instead? That works for me. I've been meaning to maintain my sword, and I'm almost out of the oil-soaked cloth I use for it."

"My supply of alloy arrowheads is nearly gone, too. With all the trolls around, I should really only carry flame and explosive arrowheads from now on and skip the rest."

The atmosphere is thick with the stench of poison and decay.

The path is cramped, and the undead creatures we face are revolting.

Our sense of mission, inspired by the Goddess's revelation, has its limits.

Thankfully, the divine energy of the sanctuaries makes things bearable.

Without the divine energy and protective buffs, we might have ended up like Rebecca, who once neglected personal hygiene to the point she looked and smelled like a beast.

If it weren't for the purified spring water in the safe zone, we all would have ended up like that.

Running low on supplies, we make a beeline for the 30th floor, avoiding monster encounters whenever possible.

Our steps are not just light but eager.

Thanks to the open trails and the sluggishness of the undead, evasion is simpler than in the cramped quarters of the caves.

"We'll meet up at the guild tomorrow morning."

"Got it. Im going to take a long hot bath and get a good nights sleep."

"Ha I want to wash up right away today. After visiting the guild tomorrow, we should go to the market before heading back to the tower. I need to refill my arrows and Hanna needs to restock food."

Exiting through the gate on the 30th floor, our party is greeted not by foul odors or damp cave air but by the comforting scent of fresh-baked bread.

Despite the inviting smell, our only desire is to get back to our accommodations for a well-deserved rest.

What the next day will bring at the guild is anyone's guess.


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