I am the God of Technology

Chapter 187 Tough Choice

Chapter 187 Tough Choice

Dante floated in the void, frozen in place as his expression changed multiple times in a second. Eventually, his entire face became red, his eyes bloodshot, and his breathing akin to that of a wounded beast.

His greed was spiked beyond human limits, and as one would expect, he wanted it all! After all, some of them synergized with each other too well, like Quantum healing and Quantum Bestowment.

However, Dante knew that not only could he choose one from each, but these other abilities that were not chosen may not appear when he reached the B Rank.

What he gained at each level depended on what he had done during the period of time and what he focused on. This made the options even more important for Dante, and he had to choose the absolute best for him at this moment.

Dante went through the options one by one.

Quantum Flux was definitely useful, but Dante did not fancy it much. The ability to alternate time around quantum markers, when paired with his ability to drop quantum markers willingly anywhere, could allow him to virtually obtain the ability to control time.

That had great combat utility and could even be used like the famous training montage/time skip protagonists do to rapidly catch up to the enemy's power level. Dante, who was complaining about a lack of time for raising his various sub-abilities and powers, could use this to reach the peak rapidly.

However, he did not necessarily need that right now. He had more than enough time to reach the peak before December, even if he couldn't leave this world for 30 days. Likewise, the ability to control time for combat did not mean much because he already had a wide range of powers that could do better than that.

To even counter his previous reason for not choosing this Abyssal Eyes that gave time control powers, he could definitely find a power system that granted time control. Technically, it wasn't even impossible to get it now, as long as he found a time-related meditation technique and absorbed time element into his later Spiritual Cores.

The slots for powers at each stage were precious because they CANNOT be switched if they became useless or redundant, so you were stuck with them even if you later reached the EX rank and got other abilities.

Quantum Transportation was definitely something Dante wanted because he could not only take Beatrice to his home universe and decimate all his obstacles, but she could meet his parents, and they could officiate their relationship.

He could also bring his parents over and increase the quality of their genes and grant them a longer life through better technology present here. However, despite how good this sounded, Dante wasn't too hot about this one because he could achieve something like this anyway.

Firstly, his Quantum Depository allowed him to store people so he could take them cross-universe; he just needed to resolve Quantum Poisoning, and everything would be fine. The second method was to reach the 9th Rank of Magic with all his Spiritual Cores being of the space element.

With a powerful 9th Rank space spell, Dante could create a miniature world and then store it in his quantum depository. He had a theory that if he was clever enough with it, he could prevent his 'passengers' from contracting Quantum Poisoning.

Basically, it was like being stuck in front of a swamp that was full of toxic miasma that you had to cross. You could either apply a serum that immunized you, wade through it while coughing and then take the antidote after or layer yourself in thick hazmat suits to pass through safely.

The second idea was similar to the hazmat method while his first idea was similar to the antidote after method.

Quantum Banishment was amazing, but did not really touch Dante now. All the enemies that stood in his path could be taken down using his current powers - or his current powers if they were strengthened further - as well as his resources, so he was not under some great threat.

The only ones who could make this ability useful were Lara or higher-dimensional beings, but neither of the two were his enemies… yet.

Quantum Fissure was the same and was even worse than Quantum Banishment. One was a sure kill regardless of power level while one could be resisted by those strong in space abilities like Slessor or the Magi above the 5th Rank in the Magus world.

It was completely out of the question.

Quantum Clone was something that made Dante's eyes bloodshot. It was like being given a thermal blanket in the midst of a snowstorm, able to provide you constant heat to beat the terrible temperature out there.

He had just been agonizing about how much time would be wasted if he had to wait the 30 days, but with this, he could log into any quantum world he needed and be in two places at once. He could create a quantum clone here, in the Zero Gate World with 10% of his power and then take his real body to the Apocalypse World and farm stats.

Also note, it said between quantum markers, not quantum worlds. This meant that he could leave a clone in the home universe with 10% of his power to handle his technological expansion while his main body remained here to accumulate power and prowess!

The best part was that he and his clone could alternate positions at any time, and even be at the same place if they wanted, the only requirements were for there to be a quantum marker at the location to generate the clone, not maintain it.

As for the sub-abilities, Quantum World was something Dante also craved. Putting aside how great it would be to be able to create a stable quantum world with a custom power system he could attach to himself, being able to overlay it into reality and force others to use that power system could make a big difference.

For example, aren't there quantum worlds with rules that did not allow virtual avatars to use superpowers? Dante only bypassed that because he externally used his superpower to enter the world, and due to the imitated power of the Quantum AI over his real body, he could use his superpower freely within the world.

If he could overlay it into the real world, within its range, even the almighty Lara would become a toothless dog that would be forced to bark for him, not to mention his 'classmates' or any Zero Gate World beast.

Of course, Beatrice and her mother would be immune since their superpowers granted them great stats so it did not do much.

As for Quantum Healing, it might look useless at first glance since it did not immunize a person from quantum poisoning, that was thinking too far. Its basic ability could allow Dante to transfer people from one universe to another.

Though they could not enter quantum worlds, that was not something to be worried about. Without a quantum body, entering quantum worlds was useless anyway, so that should not even be factored into this skill's utility.

Just its ability to work in tandem with quantum depository made it very useful since Dante could just port a whole battleship of superpowered people over and then heal them before wreaking havoc.

Quantum Bestowment was also something that looked interesting. If Dante could access it in tandem with Quantum Healing, he would be able to take Beatrice or any of his trusted confidantes into quantum worlds to accumulate power just like him and become stronger.

It would be very useful if he wanted to create a force of pseudo-superpowered beings with Internal Force, Magic, Life Seeds, and Blood? Qi along with Sharingans or Rinnegans. Just the very thought caused Dante to shiver down to his bones.

Quantum Replication made Dante pause because this was actually secretly the most useful and powerful of the list. With this, if he ever gained those resurrection resources, he didn't even need to take them out, but just replicate them.

He could then throw them back for others to fight over while holding the replicated item and laughing with mockery at the rest. More importantly, didn't he have some fruits on his person right now?

If he could replicate them and take them out, and they worked, wouldn't Dante become a lesser god of superpowers? Putting aside whether he could acquire the superpowers himself due to his quantum body, he could make all his people, like Beatrice, his parents, and even Beatrice's parents possess 10-20 superpowers each.

Even if it didn't work, fine, Dante could swallow them and use them as replenishable resources to advance his Quantum Entanglement further, so there was no real loss.

After all, it was inevitable that no matter how advanced the Eternal Universe was, some quantum items could not be technologically replicated. The resurrection resources might fit into this category, not to mention the fruits that could not be fully researched.

As for Quantum Imprint, Dante did not really see the value of it. It allowed him to track a person across universes and quantum worlds, but he had other ways to achieve this, especially if he chose other options.

Maybe he could use it to track his protagonists in the quantum worlds and make sure they don't rebel. Or he could leave them on Beatrice and his loved ones to teleport to them if they were in danger.

So the utility wasn't very high.

Dante looked through his options and gritted his teeth before resolutely making his choices!

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