I Am Only Mortal But Why Do You All Sees Me As A Immortal!

Chapter 24: How Someone Makes Alchemy Like This

Chapter 24: How Someone Makes Alchemy Like This

Meng Yirou has a lot of knowledge.

There are countless treasures in the "Divine Medicine Treasure House" of the Tilted Medicine Divine Palace, although this countless is a bit exaggerated, but there are really a lot, Meng Yirou broke into the door of the Tilting Medicine Divine Palace, and this magic medicine treasure house is where she walks on the street every day.

As her knowledge grew, she also began to realize that the things in the treasure house of the magic medicine were not simple, and there were even some precious herbs that had long been lost, and the outside world only knew their names but had never seen or heard of them.

Therefore, she dared to say that there were not many treasures she had seen.

But what did she just see!?

This "senior" took out seven kinds of medicinal materials at once, and she remembered the names of those medicinal materials, or rather, because she had seen them in the "Treasure House of Divine Medicine", so she remembered them very clearly!

60,000 years of six poisonous dragon snake gall!

12,000 pieces of Chiki vine!

There are also purple devil thorn flowers, mountain heart fire lotus, and ice spirit phoenix leaves... Although it was just a glimpse, Meng Yirou dared to be sure that she was definitely not mistaken!

It was the first time she saw the 60,000-year-old Six-Poisonous Dragon Snake Gall, because the Six-Poisonous Dragon Snake reached 60,000 years of life, and within the time of one breath, this kind of demon beast would immediately transform into another demon beast!

Therefore, the "60,000-year-old six-poisonous dragon snake gall" is actually an extremely rare legendary medicinal material!

There is no such thing even in the "treasure house of miracle medicines".

She originally felt that Gu Heng was too arrogant, and even the palace master of the Tilted Medicine Divine Palace dared to belittle her at will, but she stayed in the dilapidated medical hall in this dilapidated town, but now looking at the seven-flavor medicinal materials that had been thrown into the Dan furnace, Meng Yirou suddenly had a feeling that the senior in front of her did not seem to be so arrogant.

But it still depends on what kind of elixir he can refine, there are natural treasures, and being able to refine the elixir that is also sought after and sought after by others, those are two different things.

Her lips trembled, but she was also trying her best not to look so shocked, at least her face was still very normal, after all, there was a Bai Fei'er next to her, she had little knowledge, she had seen a lot, she couldn't act like she hadn't seen the world in front of her—wait!

What did he just do!?

These seven medicinal herbs are extremely intense, and they will conflict with each other!

Especially the Mountain Heart Fire Lotus and the Ice Spirit Phoenix Leaf, these two medicinal materials can't even be put together, otherwise they will explode directly, there is an eight-grade alchemist in Mobei, because he wants to try the feeling of "Ice and Fire Two Heavens", and then threw these two medicinal materials into the Dan furnace, and before he even started refining, because the overflowing medicinal power clashed with each other, resulting in a violent explosion.

Since then, Mobei has lost an eight-rank alchemy physician.

And he put the seven-flavor medicine into the Dan furnace so directly...

Meng Yirou suddenly became nervous, but she couldn't speak, because when an alchemy physician was refining pills, it was the time when the spirit was most engrossed, and in this state, any disturbance would lead to the failure of alchemy, and it would cause the alchemist to be counterattacked!

She herself was a six-grade alchemy physician, but when she saw Gu Heng's alchemy method so "rough" and "fearless", she was really afraid in her heart.

Of course, Gu Heng also sensed Meng Yirou's nervousness and apprehension.

He raised his eyes and looked at Meng Yirou, and said lightly: "Look at it, there are many ways to refine medicine." "

Meng Yirou and Bai Fei'er immediately paid full attention.

Since everyone has said so, let's watch it.

A faint blue fire had automatically erupted under the Dan furnace, and the Dan furnace was instantly hot, and Gu Heng saw that the python gall bladder, monk fruit leaves, red lotus, purple orchid and other medicinal materials he had just taken immediately melted rapidly under the high temperature.

This Dan furnace Gu Heng is very handy, because this furnace is also sent by the system, and it is called "Qiankun Zijin Furnace", in fact, this furnace is neither purple nor gold, and it is not with the word "Qiankun", so it breaks the vermilion lacquer stove, the only advantage is that this stove has its own fire function, and he does not need to be put on the stove.And Gu Heng only needs to rely on his thoughts to control the firepower of alchemy.

Convenient and easy to use.

But it still can't be changed, this is the essence of a broken Dan furnace.

"This—This is ...!"

Meng Yirou and Bai Fei'er's eyes widened, as if they had been immersed in the magic of Gu Heng's refining medicine.

Because in this environment where the most important thing for alchemy physicians is to meditate and concentrate, they can feel Gu Heng's firepower on refining medicine when refining medicine, and the kind of intention and technique that controls the formation of pills!

There was a heat in them.

This is not an illusion, nor is it an illusion.

Meng Yirou and Bai Fei'er's feelings are completely different, but one thing is the same, that is, they are both unconsciously attracted by Gu Heng's movements, no matter how slight the movement is, or even just a random flick of their fingers, they can feel the waves of true meaning!

The method of refining medicine was smooth, fast, accurate and stable, which was pleasing to the eye, and Meng Yirou and Bai Fei'er were stunned.

Moreover, what shocked Meng Yirou the most was that the medicinal power of these medicinal materials was completely confined to the fire!

When refining pills, no matter how precise the alchemist controls it, there will still be a spillover of medicinal power, damaging the Dan furnace or the medicine tripod itself, at this time, of course, you have to use a furnace with better quality and engraved spirit array to refine the medicine, which can not only help the alchemist control the melting medicinal power, but also control the heat.

But Gu Heng's Dan furnace is very ordinary, but the medicinal properties are so violent, and the medicinal materials that will conflict with each other are just thrown into the same furnace to refine, not only did the furnace not explode, but even the overflow of medicinal power did not happen!

What does this mean?

This shows that this Gu senior's alchemy technique is extremely clever, even to the point of being almost perfect!

Not only can he control the medicinal properties and dissolution order of each medicinal herb, but he can also completely seal the medicinal power from escaping, so that they will not affect each other!

What level of alchemy method is this!

Wait, this ... Is this still alchemy?

It's art!

"Worthy of the alchemy master..."

Meng Yirou couldn't help muttering, she was very confused, although she tried her best to keep her expression intact, but her heart was tumbling!

She still can't judge who is stronger, Gu Heng's alchemy technique or her master's alchemy technique, because she is only a sixth-grade alchemy doctor, it is impossible to judge which of the two alchemy powerhouses is better!

Moreover, the more she looked at it, the more she could feel that Gu Heng's body seemed to be condensed with profound and subtle intentions, and the strong true meaning impacted her and Bai Fei'er's minds, and in the next moment, Bai Fei'er's whole body was shocked!

Meng Yirou looked over, but found that she had actually broken through.

The eightfold period of the Yuan Infant has even touched the threshold of the Nine Layers of the Yuan Infant.

As for herself, she had already broken through the out-of-body period double during her travels, but now, her foundation was rapidly stabilizing, although there was still some distance, Meng Yirou felt that she would soon be able to hit the triple layer!

(My new work-

1.I am only mortal but why do you all all treat ma as a immortal!

2.A Proud man called himself a medicinal God!

3.Problems start after graduation but I receive system!

Please read few ch after make decision.)

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