I Am A Prodigy

Chapter 785 - Advancing to the Finals

Chapter 785: Advancing to the Finals

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Bang! ”

Ye Lingchen’s fist was like iron, and its power greater than a cannon. That fist directly broke through Zokawa’s palm.

Aso’s entire body was like a kite with a broken string, flying backwards in the air.


Sun Nation’s team leader said hurriedly, afraid that Ye Lingchen would follow up with another heavy blow.

Zokawa had already been crippled by Ye Lingchen. Although Aso had lost one of his arms, he still had the strength to fight. If they did not admit defeat, he would definitely end up in a miserable state.

By then, if they were matched against England, they would have to forfeit immediately.

“What a pity. All of you admitted defeat so quickly.” Ye Lingchen shook his head and said, “You talk big, yet admit defeat so quickly?”

“Don’t be so smug! The awakened ones from Murica are born to counter the martial artists of your country. Just wait! You will taste defeat!” Aso sneered.

“It’s really funny that you are so stubborn even though you’re an abomination.” Ye lingchen shrugged. “The human body itself is a treasure trove with limitless potential. If you insist on turning into a beast, you’re an idiot.”

After saying that, Ye Lingchen did not even look at Aso. He lifted up his spear and got off the stage.

Ye Lingchen already had a deep understanding of genetics. Amaterasu Genetics had gone astray. It was indeed possible to use the traits of beasts to improve the human body, but it should focus on humans as the base, developing beneficial traits of humans to further evolve its genes. However Amaterasu Genetics was going about it in reverse.

Aso’s self-awareness would become weaker and weaker in battle. Frenzied killing was a huge flaw and had hidden dangers. Moreover, if he became a beast, he would indeed become stronger in a short period of time. However, it came at the cost of his potential. He would be neither human nor beast for his entire life.

“China wins!”

Following the judge’s announcement, the stunned audience recovered from their daze and started exclaiming endlessly.

Wu Tianbao then started explaining, “Double knockout, and not even a scratch on him! This is just unbelievable! Ye Lingchen has become the number one among his peers!”

Back in the Chinese team’s corner, Ye Lingchen could feel the resentful glares around him.

“Ye Lingchen, why didn’t you leave any for us?” Lin Xi complained, “Do you really not want me to fight?”

“Me too!” Chen Xiaoxiao chimed in.

Ye lingchen smiled and said, “Pretty ladies, as long as you keep up your good looks, you’ll be invincible. What’s the point of fighting?”

“Blergh. Don’t think that you’ll get away with sweet talking,” Lin Xi and Chen Xiaoxiao both sneered. However, they did not pursue the matter.

Even female martial artists could not help enjoying compliments.


2pm in the afternoon.

Everyone was gathered around the tournament venue.

Murica versus England.

It was another highly anticipated battle.

England had already proven that they were not weak, but they also suffered heavy injuries. No one knew how they would fare against Murica.

Ye Lingchen and the others were also paying attention to this battle.

“As expected, your opponent in the finals will be Murica. This is the only battle where you can learn more of your opponents. You have to watch them carefully,” Sun Hongtao said solemnly, then he frowned and said worriedly, “If the English team chooses not to fight, it would be difficult for us.”

“Will they give up?” Ye Lingchen asked.

“It’s hard to say.” Sun Hongtao shook his head. “The five participants from England are all heavily injured. They won’t have any chance of winning against Murica. It’s very likely that they will conserve their strength and just go through the motions, saving it to deal with the Sun Nation.”

“Damn! Murica’s luck is too damn good!” Jing Shan could not help but complain again, “We fought all the way here while they had it easy. It’s not fair!”

“Luck itself is also a type of strength.” Sun Hongtao was extremely calm. “Blaming others when facing a disadvantageous situation will only make the situation worse. Only by facing it objectively can we solve the problem!”

“England and Murica should be fighting seriously,” Tie Jun interjected suddenly.

“Why?” Zheng Dali asked curiously.

“They both consist of awakened ones and they have their pride. They will definitely have a good fight. Moreover, with Lingchen’s ruthlessness towards the Sun Nation, they’re now in a bad spot. Murica will definitely help reduce England’s strength.”

“To help the Sun Nation’s martial artists defeat the English team? That is possible,” Sun Hongtao nodded and said.

While everyone was discussing, Wu Tianbao began his announcements. “In this morning’s match, China’s Ye Lingchen amazed us with his strength and I believe that he has left an impression on many people. It can be said to be extremely wonderful.

“Next, it will be Murica versus England. Both sides are awakened ones and I believe that it will also bring us a wonderful battle.

“However, England suffered heavy losses during its match with Tintu. They have hardly any combat power remaining. What tactics will they adopt next?”

Wu Tianbao laughed and continued:

“Now, let’s have a look at the lineup from both countries.”

As he finished speaking, the large screen displayed the battle lineup of both sides.

“Murica: Sean—A+ awakened, Owen—A+ awakened, Anna— A+ awakened, Kevin—A+ awakened.”

Sean was of the metal element, Owen was of the water element, Anna was of the fire element, and Kevin was of the wood element.

Ye Lingchen noted the attributes of these four people in his mind.

As for John, he had been severely injured during the battle with the Deutschland and could not participate in the match.

“Only four people from Murica can participate in the match. It seems that John has yet to recover from his injuries. However, out of the four, apart from Owen being slightly injured, the other three are all at their peak. They are very scary.”

Wu Tianbao continued, “England: Anthony, Joey, and Alex.”


“Their injuries are quite serious!”

“Can they still fight?” Chen Xiaoxiao covered her mouth and asked in disbelief.

Anthony’s injuries were slightly better. He was awakened with the lightning element. He appeared first in the match against Tintu. He was also the strongest in England. After suffering a blow to his abdomen, he went through two days of recuperation and had recovered half of his strength.

As for Joey and Alex, they were in a much more miserable state.

One of Joey’s hands was still wrapped in bandages and the ribs on her chest had not recovered. His face was pale and no one knew how much strength he could muster.

Alex’s body was covered in wounds. He had been injured by a spiritual energy storm. However, most of them were superficial wounds, halving his combat potential.

The four participants from Murica were all at the peak of their strength, going up against the three injured participants from England.

This lineup comparison was nothing but tragic.

“England has chosen Anthony to go first. As an awakened one of the lightning element, he has shocked everyone in the battle against Tintu. I hope that he will also bring us a surprise today! Let’s send out the participants from both sides!”

As the referee gave the order, Sean and Anthony went on stage...

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