I Am A Prodigy

Chapter 622 - Deal with Him

Chapter 622: Deal with Him

Su Qingxue could not help but feel a trace of grief in her heart. Was that the difference between her and her siblings? Even though they were in the same direct line of descent, would Brother Hao have dared to act in such an unbridled manner if elder brother and elder sister were there?

She gritted her teeth and her face paled slightly as she felt extremely helpless.

“I’m sorry. I lied to you earlier. My Su family is actually from the Sichuan province and I’m their third daughter. Unfortunately, I don’t have much of a reputation,” Su Qingxue looked at Ye Lingchen and said apologetically.

Ye Lingchen did what he did on her behalf, but she ended up being of no help in the end.

“Brother Hao, I’m going to beat this kid’s face into a pig’s head!” Brother Leo and his wretched face stood up as he stared at Ye Lingchen with hatred.

The others exhaled ever so slightly and stared fiercely at Ye Lingchen again. They were nearly frightened after hearing someone from the Su family, but they scarcely expected that she was nothing more than just an unruly girl, someone who did not give them any cause for anxiety.

Brother Hao looked silently at Ye Lingchen and sneered, “Hey kid, you don’t look like a local. Who else could you possibly know? Now tell us your name.”

He did not dare to do anything too drastic because he was in an area where disorder was the norm. It would be a disaster if he accidentally riled up one of the bigwigs, so the most important thing was to understand the other party’s background before making a decision.

Ye Lingchen blinked and suddenly thought of someone.

“I don’t know many people, but since this is Xihai, does it count if I know Pei Tianjun?”

He went there under the identity of Miracle Doctor Y for the sole purpose of participating in the International Medical Association’s test. If he used violence to deal with the situation in front of him, it was likely to cause a lot of trouble.

“Pei Tianjun? Who is he?”

“We’ve never heard of that person here.”

“Doesn’t ring a bell.”

The group of lackeys, including those on the bus, all shook their heads. In that area, everyone who made their mark would become a household name, but Pei Tianjun’s name was not one that they heard before.

“This kid didn’t just blab out a random name, right?” One of the lackeys could not control himself from laughing out loud. “This kid likes word games.”

Brother Hao was also taken aback at first, but the name somehow felt familiar. It sounded like something he had not heard for a long time, but he seemed to have some impression of the name, which was likely that of a renowned person.


Brother Hao stopped them hurriedly. After a while, a character struck his mind and his face changed drastically, “Are you talking about Blue Wolf’s chief instructor, Pei Tianjun?!”

His words immediately froze everyone’s expressions and the audience fell silent.

Few people knew of Pei Tianjun because he was far too mighty a character. Most people would never even get the chance to hear that name, but the chief instructor of Blue Wolf was certainly a title that everyone knew. He was a prominent figure in the entire Xihai, not only in the Sichuan-Tibet region!

It was the Blue Wolf for goodness sake! Composed entirely of elite warriors, even the more prominent clans dared not touch them, for it genuinely represented the highest authority.

The group of goons walked an unorthodox path and were unfit for the public eye. Warriors struck fear in them, more so when those warriors were from the Blue Wolf!

It was the same as campus gangsters hearing the police, or the police chief’s name, being mentioned.

“Do you know Chief Pei?” Brother Hao was stunned and he looked incredulously at Ye Lingchen.

“It’s impossible! Brother Hao, you can’t believe what this kid is saying. It’s obvious that he’s trying to pull a fast one!”

“He’s just shooting his mouth off. I don’t think he even knows what Chief Pei looks like.”

“Yeah, how could an outsider like him have seen Chief Pei when none of us have ever seen him here?”

Everyone was suspicious.

Brother Hao did not believe him as well. No everyone could know who Pei Tianjun was, considering his identity. Within the entire Sichuan-Tibet region itself, there were no more than a hundred people who could interact with Pei Tianjun.

Could they have possibly run into someone who knew who Pei Tianjun was? The likelihood was much slimmer than winning five million in the lottery.

Most importantly, the guy might be an enigma, but his tone suggested that he was still rather young, so the possibility of bragging was quite high.

“Do you know Pei Tianjun?”

Su Qingxue stared at Ye Lingchen in surprise and was half-skeptical.

Ye Lingchen did not speak but took out his cellphone to make a call instead. He then briefly exchanged a few words with the person on the other end.

“Tch, go on and pretend! How is it possible for you to know Pei Tianjun so well?” Brother Hao could not help but sneer. He was determined that Ye Lingchen was just bluffing.

The next moment, however, his cellphone rang.

His face paled instantly after taking it out and looking at the caller ID. In a flash, cold sweat trickled down from his forehead. The caller was none other than his boss!

More accurately, it was the backer of his boss’ boss!

He made a small name for himself after crossing the boundary of the Sichuan-Tibet region, but far from being an actual bigshot, he was more like a lackey that the big guys never noticed.

Why did they call him so suddenly?

Brother Hao pressed the answer button stiffly and humbly before trembling as he placed the phone to his ear.

“Are you Brother Hao? Did you offend Young Master Ye?

“Apologize until Young Master Ye is satisfied!”

After the phone call, Brother Hao was drenched in a cold sweat and his lips turned white.

He wiped off the cold sweat on his face, then looked at Ye Lingchen in awe while speaking in an extremely respectful tone, “I’m sorry... Young Master Ye, I, I can’t help but...”

“Brother Hao, what’s going on? This kid isn’t...”

Brother Leo pointed at Ye Lingchen, with that frivolous attitude of his immediately sending chills down Brother Hao’s spine. He turned around suddenly and slapped Brother Leo right away!

“Do you think Young Master Ye is someone you can just point at?” Brother Hao was practically roaring with a distorted expression. Being the ruthless person that he was, he said solemnly, “Chop off Brother Leo’s finger!”

Brother Leo was stunned!

Everyone was stunned!

Su Qingxue was stunned too!

Everyone on the bus was stunned!

“Didn’t you hear what I said?” Brother Hao’s voice was hoarse.

It was then that everyone responded. Their expressions changed drastically and they finally realized how big of a screw up they did at that time.

One of the lackeys took out a dagger from his waist and walked toward Brother Leo without saying a word.


Brother Hao knelt at once and faced Ye Lingchen. All the other lackeys also lowered the baseball bats in their hands and knelt to the ground, afraid to even breathe too heavily.

“Young Master Ye, please don’t take offense against lowly people like us. I’ve already punished Brother Leo. Please spare us,” Brother Hao lowered his head humbly and spoke in a begging tone.

“Ali, do as you wish according to the rules of boxers,” Ye Lingchen looked at Ali.

“According to the boxing rules, this matter is considered settled if he takes a punch from me.” Ali grinned and walked forward. Everyone knelt on the ground and took the initiative to give way.

Ali’s fist was almost half the size of Brother Leo’s belly. A single punch alone sent Brother Leo flying like a weed, breaking at least half of his ribs!

Brother Leo fell to the ground in a miserable heap and could not even let out a scream.

Brother Hao and the others trembled, but they dared not let out a peep.

“That’s it then. Let’s go.”

Ye Lingchen remarked nonchalantly and turned around to board the bus once more. There was no need for him to intervene in the matter, as he believed that the Warrior’s Department would come and deal with people like Brother Hao.

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