I Am A Prodigy

Chapter 556 - Plo

Chapter 556 Plo

It was as though their prayers were heard.

The next moment, the doors to the operating room creaked open.

The noisy waiting room with thousands of people suddenly became silent, focusing their attention on the doors.

‘They’re out. How did it go?’

Nobody said anything as the crowd tiptoed to get a better view. Even the live stream comments went silent at that moment.

“Grandmaster Jiang, how’s my grandfather?”

Qin Yang and the other family members surrounded them instantly with concerned expressions.

Grandmaster Jiang and his fellow doctors exchanged looks, then smiled gently. “The tumors within Specialist Qin’s body have all been removed by Miracle Doctor Y. He’s in a stable condition and will get better after proper recuperation.”


Everyone was stunned.

Although they had already expected this outcome, it still made them feel as if they were dreaming when they heard the news with their own ears.

“H-h-has he really been cured?”

“Hot damn, this is such a miracle. That’s cancer! It’s an untreatable condition in the medical world!”

“F*ck! This is a legendary breakthrough. Miracle Doctor Y is amazing! How many lives will this save?”

“Bloody h*ll, am I hearing things? Is that for real?!”

“I’m shaking in excitement now. I’m serious. This is the news of the century for anyone out there. Cancer is just like a demon that can target anyone.”

“Of all the possible words out there, I have this to say. Miracle Doctor Y is amazing!”


In just two minutes after Grandmaster Jiang announced the results, all the major media platforms, be it TikTok, Weibo, or other news channels started reporting this news.

[Cancer cure found. Specialist Qin saved!]

For some time, the entire internet boiled over with excitement. Unless one was at a place that had limited access to news, most would have heard of the commotion. At the same time, the name ‘Miracle Doctor Y’ was etched deeply into people’s hearts.

There was obviously an external force catapulting this incident into the limelight because the incident was not merely related to cancer, but also Specialist Qin. Either one was sufficient to stir up the entire nation, even the world!

[We’re soaring. I think our country is about to soar!]

[Miracle Doctor Y appeared, Specialist Qin is cured. What else can we do but succeed?]

[Wahahaha, all the different Ys are all in China. We’re set for sure!]

The internet was filled with cheers.

In some unknown hospital, a family was seated on the bed watching the explosive news on the internet. In an instant, tears streamed as they were overwhelmed with joy.

“Dad, there’s hope. You can be saved!”

“Miracle Doctor Y can treat cancer. This is no longer a death sentence!”

“Dad, can you hear it? Miracle Doctor Y will not charge us a hefty sum. We can seek treatment.”

“Sob sob sob, medicine will surely advance by leaps and bounds. Dad, there’s hope!”

Countless similar scenes played out all over the country. Patients who had lost hope for life lit up at that moment, once again feeling hopeful about life.

No matter what kind of disease plagued the patients, they were all seated in front of the television, watching the news report in tears. Although Miracle Doctor Y had only cured two diseases, they believe that he would surely cure other diseases as well!

The scariest thing was to lose all hope. Right at that moment, they once again saw the light of hope.

That was a day worth celebrating for the entire country, a day worth commemorating.

“Look, Miracle Doctor Y is coming out!”

“Miracle Doctor Y!”

“Miracle Doctor Y, I love you!”

“Miracle Doctor Y, you’re the only one I worship! Ahhh, so handsome!”

Waves of cheer washed over Ye Lingchen.

In order to prevent the crowd from getting out of hand, the guards quickly took action and started pushing them back in an orderly fashion.

Fortunately, the crowd was also very cooperative. Apart from their screams and shouts, they automatically made way for Ye Lingchen to pass. Their eyes were glowing with respect.

Under countless eyes, Ye Lingchen slowly departed from the scene.

Although he had only cured two people, it required extreme focus on his end. Even Ye Lingchen felt the burden and needed a rest.

Right then, Qin He who was lying on the bed suddenly moved. Compared to earlier, he seemed to have regained quite a bit of strength.

“Grandfather, what’s wrong?” Qing Yang immediately rushed over.

However, in the very next moment, his vision was blurred by his tears. He could not suppress the broad smile that took over his face.

“Dad, grandfather says he’s hungry! He’s hungry!”

“Yes, yes! I’ll go get some porridge right now!” At that moment, all their visions blurred.

Eating was something those with stomach cancer feared. They could not bear to eat anything. However, now that Qin He could express his hunger, that meant that his appetite had returned. It meant that he had really been cured!

“Miracle Doctor Y.” Qin Yang’s expression turned serious suddenly, then gave Ye Lingchen a deep respectful bow as he apologized sincerely. “I’m sorry for offending you earlier. I’m truly thankful for your actions.”

“That’s fine.” Ye Lingchen dismissed him with a casual wave.

“Miracle Doctor Y, this is our consultation fee of five million. It’s not much. I hope you’ll accept it,” said the middle-aged man as he passed a card to Ye Lingchen.

Ye Lingchen accepted it with a nod. Payment for consultation was natural. Since the other party did not lack money, he did not need to hold back either.

After that, he looked at Qin Baichuan, Lin Tianxiong, and the others around him with a confused look. He did not expect to run into them so quickly after they just parted.

“Why are you here?”

“You tell me.” Qin Baichuan forced a smile. “Kid, you caused such a huge commotion. We’re coincidentally in Capital City. How can we not drop by for a visit?”

“Hehe, I’ve told you that he knows medicine. Now do you believe me?” Lin Tianxiong could not resist laughing out loud.

“Of course I know his medical skills are great since he managed to treat your condition. However, how could I possibly know he would be so monstrous as to cure cancer?!” Qin Baichuan replied.

“Actually, the cancer is not fully cured,” Ye Lingchen stated calmly.

His words suddenly made everyone nervous, especially Qin He’s family members.

“Why would you say that, Little Friend Ye?” Lin Tianxiong asked.

“The scariest part of cancer is the recurrence. Of course, as long as you take proper care, it shouldn’t recur under normal circumstances. If you have medication to go along with it, that would be even better,” Ye Lingchen explained.

“Medication? What medication?” Qin Yang urgently asked. “We’ll buy it!”

“If I can produce the medicine for it, then you wouldn’t even need to do the surgery. Using traditional Chinese medication, we can directly attack cancer cells.” Ye Lingchen let out a long sigh. “Unfortunately, I’ll need some time before I can produce medication for it.”

“Miracle Doctor Y, are you having some difficulties?” Qin Yang asked urgently.

“Sigh, I’ll have to first build a medicine factory. Only by investing in its production will I be able to create the medicine,” Ye Lingchen claimed. “However, I think it’ll require quite some time.”

Qin Baichuan could not hold back from poking at him. “Hehe, I get it now. You’re just trying to plot against me.”

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