I Am A Prodigy

Chapter 504 - MONSTER!

Chapter 504 MONSTER!

“Another one?”

The two martial artists were taken aback for a moment. Their eyes then sank as they stared coldly at Li Jing and Ali.

“Leave these two people to me. You go ahead and take that woman away!” One of the martial artists said coldly. At the conclusion of those words, he had already started moving toward Ali and Li Jing.

“You’ll have to get through me first!”

The warrior let out a low growl and sped toward Ali like the wind.

When he was only about an inch away, his eyes sank suddenly, and he raised his hand into a fist!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

The power of that fist was so great that it formed a squeezing force in the air. A whistling sound was produced, and aside from being powerful, its speed was as fast as lightning. Normal individuals would find it impossible to avoid it.

Any ordinary person who received that blow would probably have a hole blasted right through his body!

“Good job!”

Ali’s eyes brightened suddenly. He was a boxing champion and had a soft spot for fist techniques. His physique increased rapidly after learning martial arts from Ye Lingchen, and in fact, his strength doubled even though his size was a bit smaller than before!

Many people appeared strong but actually used protein powder to forcibly build their bodies. Such people were inferior in terms of strength. Ali’s present body had a density that was at least three times stronger than before!

“Eight Extremities Obliterating Fist!”

Ali’s body sank suddenly as if he positioned himself in a stance. Without any superfluous movements, he immediately threw a punch!


Two fists collided, producing an explosive sound. In the dark of night, it resembled thunder striking the ground, causing people’s eardrums to vibrate.

“How is that possible?”

The warrior’s expression changed suddenly. All he felt was a strong force spreading out. Ali’s strength was actually on par with him.

Before he could even think about it, there was another strong gust of wind coming from his side. The dark shadow of a leg struck like a venomous snake, delivering a kick straight toward his neck!


He snorted and blasted another punch!

Fist and kick collided, forcing the martial artist to take a few steps back. Only then did he focus his gaze on Ali and Li Jing to size them up.

A hoarse voice came from his mouth. “Are you also martial artists?”

“Is there any justice when two big men are bullying a weak woman in broad daylight?!”

“The power of evil will eventually be purified by justice! Tonight, I’ll annihilate you on behalf of the moon! Hic!”

Ali and Li Jing struck an extravagant pose. Their seriousness looked particularly amusing under the glow of the moonlight.

Some distance away, black lines appeared on Ye Lingchen’s head. He did not expect there to be such theatrical tendencies in the hearts of two big men like Ali and Li Jing. It was simply...shameful!

Could it be that the drunkenness allowed them to unveil their true nature?

“Damn it, these two turned out to be two idiots!”

The martial artist cursed to himself but his eyes became even sharper. “Number Six, these two are stubborn fellas. Let’s deal with them together!”

“You deal with that big guy, Number Four!”

Number Six took note of everything he saw. He did not say much after hearing those words and rushed toward Li Jing!

“Huh! You’re courting your demise!”

Li Jing’s face was red as he sped toward Number Six with unbalanced footsteps!

When the distance between the two began decreasing, Li Jing let out a roar and rose into the air. He executed a very beautiful backflip and delivered a mid-air kick to Number Six!

“Heh!” A trace of mockery flashed in Number Six’s eyes. His body sank suddenly even though he was still running. It twisted in a weird direction and suddenly sprang out from the side in a very abnormal manner and appeared next to Li Jing in midair. He then punched Li Jing’s abdomen!


Li Jing was sent flying more than four meters away!

Fortunately, Li Jing’s physique was also very strong. He quickly got up from the ground and patted the dust on his body. Like a drunkard fighting, he shouted, “F*ck! How dare you hit me! I’ll end you!”

He rushed up again after speaking.

Hidden somewhere in the dark, Ye Lingchen frowned suddenly and let out a soft voice.

With the help of his Qi refinement, he has a good night vision and could see things clearly in an instant.

The amount of twisting and turning that was performed by Number Six’s body was completely different from that of a normal human being. At that moment, the bones in his whole body seemed to twist and change, while his movements were swift and light like a ghost.

Those two martial artists were very different from ordinary martial artists...!

Ye Lingchen looked at Ali.

At this juncture, he and Number Four were also locked in a fiery match.

Ali used boxing techniques and surrounded Number Four, hopping and striking punches from time to time!

Although that fighting style looked rather stupid, it was nonetheless very effective. After all, boxing could cause great damage and must always be confronted at all times.

Although Ali and Li Jing were drunk, they still had the perception of a martial artist. It was akin to instinct, and at the very least, they knew how to defend themselves and not let themselves be beaten.

However, it was only a matter of time before they were defeated. According to Ye Lingchen’s estimation, they might not necessarily be a match for those two martial artists even if they were sober. The reason for the stalemate was actually due to the Eight Extremities Brute Training. They could only hold up because of their strong physique.

“These two people have great physiques!”

However, Number Six rejoiced instead of being surprised and could not resist saying, “Our superiors will definitely be very happy if we bring them back!”

“You’re right. Let’s deal with them quickly.”

After Number Four whispered, his entire body’s aura changed abruptly and there was a crisp skeletal sound in his body. It could clearly be seen that his body was changing, as there were protrusions from underneath his clothes.

The next moment, his lips were showing his teeth and his eyes revealed a savage look. He no longer stood on his legs but supported himself on the ground with his hands.


His body bowed slightly and he simultaneously exerted strength with his limbs. His speed increased by more than double, and he dashed toward Ali in an instant.


Ali’s sturdy body flew out, slammed heavily on the ground, and he wailed in pain.

On Li Jing’s side, Number Six’s body had also changed. Unlike Number Four, his bones seemed to be very soft and there was no sound at all. However, his speed increased by several folds and his body rose from the ground with a light step. He moved in a flash and at the next moment—


Li Jing’s body flew along with that harsh sound. On his chest there was a deep gash left behind by five fingers. Fresh blood began flowing out and it was an incredibly shocking sight!

Such an attack instantly caused Li Jing and Ali to lose most of their drunkenness. They looked at Number Four and Number Six in surprise.

When they looked over however, their entire body quivered and their tipsiness disappeared without a trace. Their pupils contracted and they exclaimed in horror, “F*CK!”

As for Dong Miaomiao, she fell heavily and simply laid on the ground from the start. The sight of the battlefield made her brain buzz as if watching a martial arts master fight.

Dong Miaomiao’s delicate body trembled violently as soon as she saw Number Four and Number Six. A scream soon ensued. “AGHHHHHH, MONSTER!”

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