I (30), Who Works for a Black Company and Died While Regretting My Gloomy Life, Started Over From High School!

Chapter 96: Please Enjoy Some Casual Conversation (Still Relaxed)

Chapter 96: Please Enjoy Some Casual Conversation (Still Relaxed)

The BBQ skewers, with a colorful array of vegetables and meat, sizzle on the charcoal grill, cooking away any excess moisture and fat. The irresistible aroma of the collaboration between the charcoal and meat alone is enough to make anyones mouth water. When the barbecue sauce is brushed on with a cooking brush and caramelizes, it becomes impossible for anyone not to let out a satisfied gulp. For high school students who have played all day and are now hungry, this is nothing short of critical.

Mmm! This is seriously delicious!

So good! I cant stop eating this!

You always seem to have some mysterious talent up your sleeve, Niihama chew chew chew

Hey, dont eat too quickly and choke, you guys.

While my friends enthusiastically devour the barbecue skewers, I watch with a wry smile and offer a word of caution. Although I decided to be a carefree kid today, seeing these young ones enjoy the food so much genuinely makes me happy.

Phew, how does it taste, Shijouin-san?


I direct my gaze towards the girl whose reaction interests me the most. The angel in the white blouse (though Im a little concerned about sauce splattering) is currently taking big bites from the center of a skewer shes holding from both ends.

Her blissful eating style clearly shows how much shes savoring the flavors, and it brings a smile to my face. However, Shijouin-sans face gradually turns red.

Oh, um you saw me eating in such an indecent manner it was just so delicious that I couldnt help myself

Despite her words, Shijouin-san continues to eat while hiding her mouth with her hand. No matter how refined her upbringing as a young lady, she cant suppress her appetite when faced with delicious food on an empty stomach.

Hehe, Im glad you liked it. I ended up doing the cooking because everyone trusted me with it, but if it turned out bad, I would have gotten a unanimous scolding.

No, not only is it not bad, its really well done! The meat and vegetables are cooked perfectly, so juicy and not at all dry! Are you secretly a barbecue master, Niihama-kun!?

Haha well, kinda

I cant really attribute it to my previous life when I was just the office guy responsible for grilling the meat. I had to study a lot to avoid displeasing my superiors, treating vegetables with olive oil to prevent them from getting too grilled, creating zones of high and low heat when igniting the fire I did whatever it took to not make them unhappy.

Wow, I think I can have as many as I want of these! Oh, this corn looks perfect already; Ill have it, please.

While enjoying the occasional drink of juice, Shijouin-san tackles one delicious dish after another on the grill with her hearty appetite.

The sight of her delicately enjoying the food and eating enthusiastically is incredibly endearing. It makes me want to keep serving her more and more food.

Hey, Niihama! Are you eating?

Hm? Oh yeah, dont worry; Im eating too.

While my friends are busy devouring the barbecue skewers, Ginji comes over with a can of juice in hand, in high spirits and ready to chat.

It seems hes interested in hearing about what happened between Shijouin-san and me in the afternoon. Whether its girls or anime, hes naturally curious about other peoples love affairs.

Well, you know, its obvious what happened this afternoon. Why dont you come up with something more creative and exciting, Ginji? I mean, if this wasnt a dream, theres no way we could be enjoying this heavenly, happy place filled with beautiful girls

So, it was a dream after all!?


Ah, well, I mean thats right. Think about it, Ginji. Only in a dream could we experience this heaven filled with joyful laughter. When you wake up, youll be crying over summer vacation ending without anything special happening

N-No way! So, it was just a dream!? Ugh, I dont want to wake up! And to think you were the one giggling like crazy, Niihama, while I wasnt even lucky enough to get that kind of treatment!

I burst into laughter at Ginjis response, which is typical of a teenage boy. Its like having a conversation with an innocent virgin. No, seriously, stop with the blushing and looking forward to romantic encounters like a middle school girl!

(Well, I cant really tell him, can I?)

I remember the time I spent with Shijouin-san in the afternoon.

We lay down together, looking up at the clear sky. We blushed in unison when we realized how close our faces were to each other. When Shijouin-san accidentally fell into the sea, I hugged her soft and sweet-smelling body as I tried to help her

(I cant say it out loud! No matter how much my adult mental state is adjusted, some things are just too embarrassing to talk about!!)

Well, um, even if we didnt kiss or anything, thanks to you, weve gotten a little closer.

Is that so? Good for you, Niihama

? Ginji?

Huh why are you getting teary-eyed?

Well as someone who knew you before, its just so nostalgic You, who couldnt even have a proper conversation with girls before, making an effort to get close to someone like Shijouin-san, whos like an idol at school Youre really amazing Sniff

Uh, yeah thanks?

My perplexed gratitude doesnt seem to reach Ginji, whos sniffling and wiping his eyes. For some reason, hes overly emotional right now.

Its like watching a father shed tears at his hopeless sons wedding Wait, why are you saying this? Youre the guy who turns red and jumps around like a shrimp whenever a girl even talks to you.

Hehehe seems like youre having a fun conversation, Niihama-kun.

Huh Kazamihara?

The one who speaks to me from the side is Kazamihara, who has returned to her casual clothes and glasses.

Shes usually a girl with a face thats hard to read, and I never know what shes thinking. But now, shes wearing a mischievous smile, and she seems to be in quite high spirits.

Id like to hear some juice-worthy details. So, what exactly do you like about Haruka? I think todays a good day to spill the beans.

Wait, hold on a second!?!

I instinctively check if our conversation is leaking to the surroundings, but fortunately, Shijouin-san is at a distance, joyfully humming to herself as she grills the next barbecue skewer. It seems she didnt hear our voices.

Oh well, dont be so reluctant to provide this love talk with juicy details to this hopeless romantic girl. This is the epitome of entertainment I mean, its a love story between close friends, so naturally, Im very concerned!

And now youre calling it entertainment!?

Normally, Kazamihara gives an impression of being quiet and aloof, but for some reason, shes acting like a gossip-loving office lady, eagerly wanting to hear about others love stories.

Seriously, its like shes tipsy or caught up in some bad mood.

Come on, spill the beans. Or else, with this much barbecue power, Ill start fondling your chest, Niihama-kun.

Kyaaah!? W-Whod ever do that! Stop it, you idiot!

Kazamihara transforms into a sexual harassment demon, and I let out a shriek like a girl.

Has the liberating atmosphere brought out aspects of myself that I usually hide? Seeing me in agony, Kazamihara smirks, showing a sadistic grin.

T-This girl! Is she, like Ginji, overwhelmed with joy by this first-time-ever fulfilling barbecue event?

Oh well, I guess theres no helping it! Even I didnt expect to feel this Buwaaah!

Thinking that just confessing and putting an end to my youth would satisfy my lingering feelings after the time leap. But as I reunited with Shijouin-san and started interacting with her, my heart began to burn.

I want her to look at me. I want to spend more time with her. Such feelings, like a jet engine, drive me, and this is an unknown experience for me, who never really experienced true love until I died.

Hahaha! Thats the spirit, Niihama-kun! Haruka is a true angel, so we cant just hand her over to some smooth-talking guy! So, keep being this kind of heavy guy like a pickled stone!

Dont call me a heavy guy!

It seems like that was the right answer, as Kazamiharas face, which usually doesnt show any emotions, breaks into a smile.

(TLN) Nice, wholesome chapter. I like it.

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