I (30), Who Works for a Black Company and Died While Regretting My Gloomy Life, Started Over From High School!

Chapter 92: Swaying on the Sea (2)

Chapter 92: Swaying on the Sea (2)

Ah, yeah. If its me, I dont mind keeping you company and chatting.

Hehe, thank you!

With an invitation from Shijouin-san, who was in a swimsuit that could be called eye-candy for high school boys, no single guy on Earth would refuse.

With such thoughts lingering in the back of my mind, I blushed and slightly shifted my position away from Shiratori-san, who was sitting right next to me.

She didnt seem to mind, but this situation of being too close, where certain parts of our bodies were touching, was way too dangerous. I struggled to hide my embarrassment, but my mind was in turmoil as I continued to touch her delicate skin, separated only by a thin layer of fabric.

Hmm? W-Whats wrong, Shijouin-san?

Suddenly, I noticed that Shijouin-san was staring intently at me. Strangely, her gaze wasnt fixed on my face; instead, her eyes were filled with curiosity as if she was examining my entire body.

Well, I was just thinking how great your body looks, Niihama-kun

W-Wait! What are you saying!?

Normally, this expression would imply something perverted like Your body is so sexy, but coming from a refined young lady like Shijouin-san, it left me bewildered.

Ive never really looked at a boys body closely Its so different from a girls.

A-Ah, yeah. Well, Ive been running and exercising for a few months now, so I guess Ive become somewhat toned.

It seemed she was genuinely curious about the differences between male and female bodies and had no idea about the implications of saying someone had a nice body.

(Th-This is too much! Shes looking way too closely!)

Shijouin-san continued to observe my body with great interest. While it was natural for her to find it unusual since she hadnt seen a boys body up close, having such an enchanting young lady examine my shoulders, belly, chest, and other areas in detail was extremely embarrassing. It felt like being in the middle of some sort of play.

H-Hey, c-could you please stop? Honestly, its so embarrassing

Ah!? I-Im sorry! H-How impolite of me! That was totally sexual harassment!

While it seemed unintentional, Shijouin-san finally realized what she was doing and blushed, apologizing profusely.

In theory, this would qualify as sexual harassment under the principle of gender equality, but the key point in harassment is whether the other person dislikes it.

In this case, even though I was feeling embarrassed, I was secretly happy to be praised for my toned body resulting from running. So, its safe to say this doesnt count as harassment.

(In the first place, Im the one inappropriately close to Shijouin-san, sitting next to her in swimsuits Im probably the one harassing her here. If the overprotective company president sees this, I wonder what hed say)

Wait a minute I just thought of something.

By the way Did your father finally approve of you going to the beach?

Considering that it was my idea to organize a mixed-gender event and a swimsuit was required, I was secretly wondering how her dad, who was obsessed with her, would react.

Oh, you hit the nail on the head, Niihama-kun! As you guessed, he absolutely didnt allow it!

Shijouin-san went from a remorseful expression to pouting cutely. It seemed there was some trouble with her father as I expected.

According to her, it seems that Tokimune-san had a hard time accepting the idea of her going to the beach.

H-Hmm? B-Beach? Does that mean Youll be wearing a swimsuit and exposing your skin in front of beachgoers and that little boy!?

Huh? What are you saying, Father?

The family meeting started with a shocked Tokimune and his daughter, who had no idea why her father was in shock and had question marks in her mind.

Initially, Tokimune-san seemed unable to put aside his reluctance to let his daughter go to the beach, which was crowded with boys. He opposed the idea of his daughter going to the sea with just her friends, citing safety concerns.

However, his wife, Akiko-san, immediately interjected with an alternative, saying, Then, why not have Natsuzaki-san go along as a driver and guardian? This quickly shot down the safety issue, leaving Tokimune-san looking extremely unhappy.

Nevertheless, Tokimune-san continued to resist, expressing his concerns about his beloved daughter going to the sea with boys, saying things like, Butwearing swimsuits at the beach A mans self-control is thinner than shoji paper

His true feelings as a father might be something like, I cant stand the idea of my adorable daughter being in a swimsuit in front of boys, aaaaahhh! However, that couldnt be a valid reason, so he could only stammer and come up with negative excuses.

With him murmuring like that, I finally mustered the courage to speak up! I asked him, Why cant I go to the beach with friends like any other high school student? And even if we have Natsuzaki-san as our guardian, why is that still not allowed?'

Perhaps due to her excitement about the longed-for event of going to the beach with friends, Shijouin-san strongly confronted her father, launching a fierce attack. And with her relentless assault, Tokimune-san finally gave in.

He reluctantly gave his permission, and when he saw Shijouin-san assert herself with emotional words, he softened his expression just a bit.

Shijouin-san found this part a bit strange but my guess is that her father was happy to see his daughter persuading him with her powerful words.

Thats how it went, though it wasnt easy at all. But in the end, I managed to win permission to go to the beach!

Well done, Shijouin-san.

I sincerely praised her, and she responded with a cute, triumphant face. Compared to a few months ago, she had become more assertive and confident. It was a necessary strength to avoid the worst possible future that I had been worried about, and it was truly a delightful development.

Hehe, after all, its the beach! Friends and the sea! Its a dream come true, and I put all my effort into convincing my father!

More dazzling than the summer sun shining above us, Shijouin-san laughed innocently.

And you know what? Actually being here is much more fun than I imagined! I got excited, played around with everyone, ate delicious food together without worrying about getting scolded for being too wild! I completely embraced my inner child and enjoyed it to the fullest!

Her words revealed part of the reason why she was so happy.

When I invited her to the beach, she mentioned that despite going to the sea with her family, she had never gone with friends. This might be because, from a young age, she was always surrounded by girls who would criticize her for standing out due to her beauty.

So, Im really grateful to you, Niihama-kun.

I suddenly noticed that Shijouin-san was smiling at me.

Just like the physical proximity between us on the floating mat, her smile had a familiar warmth, as if we were family.

Always always You always do things to make me happy. I cant keep up with repaying you, its almost unfair.

With a mischievous expression, Shijouin-san whispered to me from very close. Even though we were already close, this swimsuit-clad girl showed a slightly different side, and my heart pounded intensely.

(TLN) If someone interrupts their good time, I will dive into the story and fight them.

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