I (30), Who Works for a Black Company and Died While Regretting My Gloomy Life, Started Over From High School!

Chapter 156: Return, and Then―

Chapter 156: Return, and Then―

Nn ah?

Waking from a doze, the first thing I registered was the familiar ceiling. As I looked around, still not fully conscious, I saw a study desk lined with textbooks and a shelf holding light novels and games.

My childhood home my room?

I muttered, my impression akin to the first day of my initial time leap. I tried to clear the fog in my head.

Somehow, it felt like I was in a peculiar space just a moment ago, where I seemed to comprehend all the laws of this world

No, more importantly

! What day is it!?

Panicking, I found a mobile phone on the study desk and checked the date.

(High school, second year the day after I visited Haruka and)

I nervously opened the photo folder on the phone.

If there were no photos, I would be filled with anxiety, but

There! Theyre here!

Tears welled up in my eyes as I joyfully exclaimed.

Inside the open folder were many photos.

There were pictures of me, Mom, and Kanako gathered around a plate of takoyaki, pictures from the cultural festival filled with excitement, and a photo taken with the guys after the sports festival.

And pictures of Haruka when she stayed over at my house, a photo taken by Kanako of Haruka and me dozing on the sofa, and Haruka in a swimsuit, smiling brightly at the beach

All of these proved that I was in the second world where I had strived for my youths revenge.

I managed to come back

Although I had prepared myself for a one-way trip and faced the second time leap, it seemed I was allowed to return to this world once more.

Whether this was a reward from destiny or merely a necessity to maintain temporal consistency was unclear

Ah, Onii-chan, you finally woke up? Youve overslept by a lot, you know?


Hearing my voice, my younger sister Kanako entered the room. Somehow, it felt like I was seeing her face after several years.

Kanako hey, I still look like a high schooler now, right?

Huh? What else would you be? Youve been sleeping since morning because you were tired from Haruka-chan, right? Its already evening, you know?

Looking out of the window, the sky was already dyed orange.

From Kanakos perspective, it seemed like I had gone to bed at night and, without getting up in the morning, had slept until this evening.

Well, that didnt really matter.

The most important thing for me was

Wait! Onii-chan, dont start changing in front of your sister!

Sorry! Im in a hurry!

I hastily discarded my pajamas and swiftly changed into casual clothes. Right now, I needed to hurry to the place I had to go.

Im sorry, but Im going out for a bit! I dont know when Ill be back!

Onii-chan!? Where on earth are you going at this hour!?

Kanakos voice, flustered by her older brothers strange behavior, reached my ears, but I didnt even have time to respond as I ran to the front door.

Right now, I needed to meet the person who was more important to me than anything else.

Pedaling fervently, I disregarded the limits of my strength and raced on the bicycle.

Im being cautious about safety, but my restless heart cant be stopped. I reach the Shijouin residence, the place I was aiming for.

Haa Haa

My breath is ragged, but theres no time even to catch it.

I find a spot to park my bike and immediately press the intercom at the main gate.

Soon after, a familiar voice comes through the speaker.

Yes, may I Oh, Niihama-sama!? Why are you drenched like this at this hour!?

Huh? Ah

For the first time, I notice the rain falling gently from the dim sky and the clothes, slightly damp and heavy.

Ah, it seems its been raining

Anyway, please come inside! We cant leave you like this!

I pass through the gate unlocked by the electronic lock and enter the premises. I was pushing myself to the limit to get here, so Im quite exhausted. Nevertheless, I hurry through the long garden, reaching the entrance.

Really, what are you doing, Niihama-sama? Its gotten quite chilly this season!

Fuyumi-san, holding a towel, busily wipes my clothes and hair as if she were an older sister fussing over her younger brother.

I feel quite sorry.

Ah, thank you, Fuyumi-san. Im terribly sorry for coming at such a late hour

No, its not a problem at all but really, what happened? Master and Mistress have gone to the hospital to consult about Miss, so theyre not here. Right now, its just us housekeepers


I tried to think of what to say, but I couldnt come up with a good idea.

So, I decided to honestly voice what I wanted right now.

Im well aware its very rude to come at this hour but

But please, just this once, listen to my wish.

Right now, no matter what, I have to go to her.

Please let me see Haruka! I really, really want to see her right now!


I was so overcome with emotion that tears welled up. I bowed my head and earnestly pleaded. Seeing me like this, Fuyumi-san let out a voice tinged with sympathy.


I understand. Mistress instructed that no matter when Niihama-sama comes for a visit, we should receive him.


Normally, I would be turned away without a doubt, but it seemed that Akiko-san had already given her permission for my visit.

The trust I had built with the people in the Shijouin household through my repeated visits seemed to be vouching for my existence at this crucial moment.

Ah, truly Im grateful.

Thank you so much! In that case, Ill take you up on your offer!

Eh?! N-Niihama-sama!?

After getting permission, I dash towards Harukas room, leaving behind a bewildered Fuyumi-san.

Racing through someone elses house like this is a breach of etiquette, to say the least, but at this moment, I couldnt stop.

Every cell in my body was screaming in wild anticipation. I ran.

To the place where I must be right now.

To the place where the girl I need to see as soon as possible is.

I Ive arrived

Since I had visited Haruka so many times, I quickly found my way to her room. Once I open the door in front of me shell be there.

On the night Haruka collapsed, I felt like my head was going to snap from the incomprehensibility and the sheer injustice of fate. When I learned that the once carefree girl had lost the ability to laugh or cry, it felt like the world was crumbling beneath my feet.

But I managed to overcome that nightmare. Now, all I need to do is confirm Harukas condition

(But what if Haruka on the other side of the door is still in a doll-like state?)


I chuckled at the anxiety that had welled up within me. Even if that fear were to come true, my course of action wouldnt change.

At that time Ill use time loops or whatever it takes to save her.

If its to save Haruka, Ill shout down fate, whether its in the future or the past. Ill overcome any adversity and save the most important person to me.

Because all I can do is run towards what must be done.

Im coming in, Haruka.

With determination, I slowly open the door to the room

And what greeted my sight was a dazzling twilight spreading beyond the window. The rain seemed to have stopped, and the sky, now devoid of dark clouds, illuminated Harukas spacious room with an orange glow.

And there, Haruka was.

She was sitting quietly on a medical reclining bed with a backrest, dressed in pajamas. Her face was illuminated by the dawn light flooding the room, making it hard to see.

But the atmosphere was terribly quiet. Even as I entered the room, there was no response.

While soothing my agitated feelings, I slowly approached Haruka.

As I got closer to the bed, the face of the girl I had longed to see little by little came into view. She looked a bit thinner, but her delicate features remained unchanged.

Im here, Haruka.

Having come to Harukas side, I finally looked at her with eyes accustomed to the brightness.


Contrary to my expectations, Harukas eyes were staring into emptiness. There was no indication that she was aware of my presence.

This sight sent a sensation akin to all the blood in my body freezing, but


Suddenly, I felt a faint warmth and looked down to see a supple finger touching my left ring finger. Like a sleeping child seeking human warmth subconsciously.


In front of my astonished eyes, Harukas eyes moved slowly.

Eyes that had lost focus, no longer pursuing anything were now gradually finding their focus.

And then


Harukas mouth trembled ever so slightly.

Shin ichi rou?

Looking at me with a puzzled expression, Haruka called my name.

In those eyes, she was looking at me.

In the world she had regained, she recognized my existence.

TLN: LETS GOO! We back bois!

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