I (30), Who Works for a Black Company and Died While Regretting My Gloomy Life, Started Over From High School!

Chapter 146: Rejection

Chapter 146: Rejection

Now that I think about it, I believe the correct approach would have been to ingratiate oneself with the influential figures at the workplace through flattery and gifts, and secure a safe position right from the start. But for someone like me, who was originally not very good with words, it never even occurred to do something like that

No, its not just you, Niihama-kun! Im really bad at those things too!

After almost an hour of venting about the workplace, Harukas expression and voice had softened considerably. The drinks were flowing moderately, and each of us was on our second glass.

(Th-This is not good she looks incredibly alluring)

Even without the effects of alcohol, Haruka, who already possessed an extraordinary beauty, was now even more enchanting with the flush on her cheeks.

The kind of charm that seemed capable of melting ones rationality just by looking at her. Yet, I couldnt help but feel helpless knowing that this very charm was bringing unwanted troubles into Harukas life.

(Now then its time to touch upon the subject I need to discuss.)

I took a sip of beer and turned to Haruka with a glass of water, a step towards reaching the purpose of this meeting.

Now then, could you share your story, Shijouin-san? Id like to know everything youre experiencing at your current workplace.

As I brought up the topic, Harukas expression, which had just softened, turned rigid once again, and the slight ease in the atmosphere faded away.

Well, yes. Theres really nothing significant about my story.

With this preface, Haruka began to speak, recounting the emotional pain I had only known through information.

At first there wasnt anything particularly big. I did get approached by men quite often, but that started to decrease as I got more accustomed to the work.

Taking a sip of Cassis Orange, Haruka started her tale.

But then, around the time I started turning down invitations from particularly popular male colleagues my female coworkers gradually stopped greeting me, and they started giving me a lot of work right before I was about to leave.

Even though I was aware, hearing the details so vividly from Haruka stirred a boiling anger within me.

What kind of childish behavior is this!

Still, at first, I thought it was just a misunderstanding or coincidence. But, before I knew it, rumors were spreading among the female employees about nothing but me Haha, it was quite a shock when I realized it was exactly the same situation as in university.

That was only natural.

The adult world she had aspired to escape the jealousy of women had, in reality, been filled with the same petty envy. It must have been a painfully familiar situation for Haruka.

And then, I started getting snide comments every day from a certain influential group of female employees and it finally escalated to harassment like them throwing away my personal belongings or deliberately not telling me my work schedule. And the reason? Apparently because I was getting too full of myself.'

What the!

Once again, I involuntarily shouted at this language specialized in accusations.

I mean! Even adults resorting to getting too full of oneself as a reason!

Actually, thats completely unacceptable, isnt it!? Cant you report them to your superiors or something!?

Thats impossible.

Saying this, Haruka conveyed with a sad smile.

That influential group of female employees are relatives of the president, and no one can say a word against them. In fact, I once sent an email to the companys consultation desk but all I got was a reply saying they were considering it.


Listening to Harukas heartfelt outpour, I couldnt help but feel both pained and somewhat relieved.

(Alright this is good. She can vent her complaints and we can chat casually. Haruka is still at a stage where she can turn back)

If this were a few years later, Haruka might have already accepted her daily suffering as the norm, and it would have been irreversible.

But now, in this moment, she could still express her pain. She could still talk about it.

Niihama-kun Youve also been subjected to terrible things at the workplace for a long time, right? Please tell me. What can I do to persevere through this hardship? How do the others manage so well?

With an agitated expression and a face reddened by alcohol, Haruka asked me.

But, theres no miraculous solution to offer her.

I tried many things myself.

Recalling the time when I grappled with similar issues, I spoke.

I researched the difficult personalities of my difficult superiors, contemplated what was allowed and what wasnt, worked incredibly hard to gain their favor I tried many things. I wont say it was all in vain, but

No matter what I did, no matter how I behaved, in the end, I suffered until the day I died.

Thats why I can say with certainty.

In the end, theres no way to fundamentally change a wretched human being who can easily say cruel things to others.

After all, they dont understand the pain of others. Theyre monsters who can hurt others so severely without any brakes, unable to imagine the pain. Theres no way for humans to fight against monsters like them.

Im sorry, Shijouin-san. Actually, I lied a little. Its true that I was working for a black company, but I just quit today.


To Haruka, who showed surprise, I added more words.

No matter how hard you try, no matter how well you do, if youre in a fundamentally rotten place, youll only end up being destroyed. The only solution is to escape from there.

I slowly conveyed what I wanted to say the most during this meeting.

In my case, due to stress, my health was deteriorating rapidly, and because I didnt quit the black company, my relationship with my family also worsened. I wonder if your parents are constantly worried, seeing their daughters complexion growing worse?

That is

Perhaps Shijouin-san is behaving as if everything is fine to her family. However, they must be sensing something, even so.

Its not that I want you to quit working altogether. I just want you to change jobs and choose a better environment. The place where you are, Shijouin-san, is clearly not normal If you dont escape soon, its going to get really bad.

I bowed my head and sincerely conveyed my message.

Please, escape from that hell and avoid ruining your entire life with such trivial matters. Thats what I earnestly wished.

I decline.

W-Why? Im not saying you have to do it right away! Its fine if you find a new job and then decide. You dont have to make a decision immediately, but please at least consider moving away from your current workplace!

Speaking with great composure, Haruka continued to refute my words.

I didnt expect that I could get Haruka to make a decision right here.

Even those who can say theyre going to quit tomorrow are rare, and I wanted Haruka, who is surely doing her best with whats right in front of her, to be aware of the option of quitting.

But the way she refused now it was a complete and unambiguous rejection.

Her rejection far exceeded my expectations, and my anxiety only grew.

I understand that Niihama-kun is speaking completely logically and that hes saying this with genuine sincerity. I can feel the worry in every word and I truly appreciate it.


However its impossible. If I take even one step back, its all over for me. So, I cant accept that.

What What are you saying!?

Turning her face, which had softened somewhat just a moment ago, as cold as ice, Haruka demonstrated further detachment.

But I couldnt comprehend the meaning behind it.

She acknowledged my words as valid, but what does she mean she cant even consider it!?

Im truly grateful for your sentiments. But Niihama-kun, you dont understand my heart. No, theres no value in you understanding someone like me.

Haruka, with a resolute expression, took her wallet from her bag and placed a ten thousand yen bill on the table.

It was as if she was subtly signaling the end of this gathering.

Thank you for inviting me today I really enjoyed our conversation.

Haru Shijouin-san!

With that, Haruka put on her coat and left the seat in a hurry.

I instinctively raised my voice to call her back

The woman I wanted to save had left quickly, slipping through my fingers, and was heading back towards the path of ruin.

TLN: Go bro!

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