Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3755: Little fool, would I still lie to you?

Chapter 3755: Little fool, would I still lie to you?

Chapter 3755: Little fool, will I still lie to you?

How many years will it take?

General Xi sighed. He knew that Cizer was doing it for Xiao Guai's good, but he didn't know if he could wait until Xiao Guai's child was born.

Grandpa. Xiaoguai said coquettishly, Dont sigh. Grandpa will definitely live a long life. In the future, he will have to give lucky money to Xiaoguais children.

After dinner, Xiaoguai ran upstairs to answer the phone.

Cesare accompanied General Xi for a walk in the garden. He looked at his grandson-in-law beside him. General Xi became more and more satisfied as he looked at him.

Speaking of the beginning, he couldn't help but sigh, "At the beginning, I thought you were not Xiaoguai's beloved person. I didn't expect that you would be the one who accompanied her to the end."

Csar also smiled, "Grandpa, fate is destined. It should be mine, and no one can take it away."

Just like before, he introduced Pei Zhennan to Xiaoguai.

He didn't know how much Cesare was suffering during that time.

However, fortunately, these external resistances made Cesare more determined in his choice and saw his heart clearly.

He needs to be a good boy.

This is his most determined purpose.

General Xi paused and looked at the young man in front of him. There is no doubt that his appearance and background are excellent.

Honestly speaking, Xiaoguai is not worthy of him.

Since they are now together and married, General Xi still hopes that he can remember the promise he made at the wedding.

I will love Xiaoguai, take care of Xiaoguai, and never leave her.

"Cesare, grandpa will only say these words to you once. Take good care of my little girl, don't let her down, don't break her heart, otherwise, grandpa will not let you go."

At any cost, he will let him be punished.

Grandpa, dont worry, I wont let you down.

After attending the wedding of Cizer and Xiaoguai, Banxia fell ill.

She was so sick that she lay in bed, so weak that she could only eat liquid food.

Xiaoba stayed at the end of the bed, lying on the ground. From time to time he got up and walked around the bed, making anxious whimpering sounds.

Banxia stretched out her hand, and Xiaoba immediately licked her hand, whimpering louder.

Xiaoba, Im fine.


Little fool, will I still lie to you?

Xiaoba rubbed his head against her palm and spun around in circles when there was a knock on the door.

The servant said outside the door, "Ban Xia, we have brought you lunch."

"come in."

The servant opened the door and came in. Seeing that her face was still so bad, she couldn't help but worry, "How are you? Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

Banxia comforted the servant, "It's okay. Just rest for two days and you'll be fine. Don't worry."

How can we not worry? The servant put the tray on the bedside table.

She cannot see, and now she is ill again, but Master Xingchi is on a business trip.

Going on a business trip abroad, it would take a week at the earliest to come back. No one dared to tell him that Banxia was sick.

As for Ban Xia, he naturally wouldn't worry about her. She hid her illness during the phone calls every day.

If Master Xingchi finds out, he will definitely be angry.

Not only will you be angry, but you will also be worried.

The servant thought sadly, hoping that when Master Xingchi comes back, Banxia will be well.

After feeding Banxia some porridge, she felt sleepy again. The servant carried the tray and exited the bedroom.


Xingchi returned to the hotel after socializing.

Looking at the time, what should the domestic Pinellia be doing at this point?

He picked up the phone and called her.

The phone was answered quickly, and her soft voice rang, "Young Master Xingchi..."


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