Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 572 127.1 - Answer

Chapter 572 127.1 - Answer

As Maya finished speaking, she felt an overwhelming sense of release, as though a weight she had carried for far too long had finally been lifted from her chest. The secret, the burden of her family's legacy, had been something she'd always known she needed to keep hidden. Yet, now that it was out in the open, she didn't feel regret—only relief.

Her pink eyes softened as she gazed at Astron, watching for any sign of his reaction. There was a deep vulnerability in the moment, more so than she had anticipated. Revealing her family's hidden past wasn't just about sharing information—it was about trust, about giving him a piece of herself that she had never shared with anyone else.

'He deserved to know,' she thought, her heart calming now that the truth was out. 'He's always been by my side. Always helped me….'

And even if there was risk involved, even if her family wouldn't approve of her being so open, it didn't matter to her. Astron wasn't just any person to her. He was her Junior, someone who had been there when no one else had, someone who had always seen her beyond the titles and legacies, someone who never treated her like she was something fragile.

Her mind briefly wandered to how long she had carried this secret alone. Despite the powerful name of her family and the quiet influence they wielded, it wasn't easy being an Evergreen. There were always expectations, the pressure of maintaining secrecy, and the loneliness that came with hiding parts of who she was.

But not with Astron. With him, she didn't need to hide anymore.

'He deserves to know everything.'

The silence stretched between them, and Maya could feel her heart rate increasing again, this time not out of nervousness but anticipation. Astron's purple eyes were fixed on her, not betraying much, but she could sense that he was processing everything she had said. There was a depth to his expression, a seriousness that told her he was truly listening and understanding the gravity of what she had shared.

'Will he accept me?' she wondered, though part of her already knew the answer. She had seen the sincerity in his eyes before—Astron was not the type to judge her based on her lineage. Still, the lingering fear gnawed at her, the insecurities that came with years of guarding her family's secret.

'But even if he didn't...' she mused quietly to herself, 'I wouldn't regret telling him.'

She leaned back slightly, allowing herself to relax as the weight lifted. Her gaze remained locked with his, and for the first time in a while, she felt a genuine sense of peace.

"So… that is why," Astron began, his voice calm yet filled with understanding. He let the words hang for a moment before continuing, his eyes locked onto hers. "It must have been hard, telling me everything. It takes a lot of courage and trust to reveal something like this." Nôv(el)B\\jnn

Maya nodded slowly, her heart pounding, though the tension in her body was beginning to ease. She had shared her deepest secret, and instead of pulling away, Astron was meeting her with the same steady warmth he always had. It gave her a sense of security she hadn't realized she needed.

"That's right," Maya replied softly, her voice carrying the weight of what she had just revealed. She reached for her cup of tea, her hand steady, but even as she took a sip, it did little to quench the thirst she felt growing inside her. The familiar taste of the tea should have soothed her, but now, her body craved something different. Her lips felt dry, and the subtle pressure of her vampiric urges began to stir within her.

'Not now,' she silently reprimanded herself, feeling the gnawing hunger starting to creep forward now that she had let her guard down. Her fangs pressed against the inside of her lips, a reminder of what she was struggling to suppress.

Astron finally raised his head, his deep purple eyes meeting hers with an intensity that both calmed and unsettled her. His gaze seemed to search her soul, and Maya felt her breath catch as she waited for him to speak.

"Do you remember the first time we met?" Astron's voice was steady, a softness in it that made her heart skip.

Maya blinked, slightly caught off guard by the question. Her mind wandered back to that day. Of course, she remembered. "Of course," she replied, her voice warmer now. "You came to apply for the club at the academy. I remember it well."

Astron nodded. "And do you remember what happened after?"

Maya tilted her head slightly, her mind drifting to that memory. "I... gave you some chips, even though you didn't really want any," she said, the words making her smile softly. She let out a small laugh, almost involuntarily. "You looked so serious and lonely back then. I remember feeling uncomfortable seeing you like that."

"I didn't want the chips, but you didn't care. You just… handed them to me anyway," he said, his voice softer now, as though he were sharing an inside joke between them.

Maya chuckled, the memory brightening the tension that had hung over them. "You looked so stiff, Junior. I couldn't just sit there and watch you look that out of place. I thought maybe it'd help."

Astron shook his head slightly, a small smile still playing at his lips. "Every time I came to the club, you always tried to talk to me," he said, his voice tinged with amusement. "Even when I made it pretty obvious I wasn't comfortable with it."

Maya couldn't help but feel a flush of embarrassment at his words. She remembered how persistent she had been back then, always trying to break through his walls, even when he clearly wasn't ready for it. "Well," she began, rubbing the back of her neck, "I didn't want you to feel like an outsider. You had that aura of... distance around you."

Astron nodded, his eyes softening as if recalling those early days. "You were persistent, Senior," he said, a hint of teasing in his voice. "But I appreciate it now. More than I realized at the time."

Maya looked down for a moment, her heart warming at his words. The embarrassment slowly shifted to something more tender. She had always known there was something about him, something that made her want to reach out, even when he resisted.

"Do you remember," Astron continued, "the time you offered to help me with my mana?"

Maya's eyes lit up at the memory, and she couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. "How could I forget? One of the best decisions I ever made," she said, her voice soft but full of conviction.

Astron tilted his head, his expression curious. "Really?"

"Yes," Maya said, her gaze drifting as she recalled that day. "It was in the Training Grounds. You looked like you were struggling with how to use mana, even though you were going against the PhantomGlide Dummy. And I knew you had the potential... but you were just being held back."

Astron didn't interrupt.

"So, I offered to teach you how to sense and control your mana," Maya continued. "I remember you hesitated at first, but I could tell you were intrigued."

Astron tilted his head slightly, his expression shifting as though he was contemplating something. "Did you have anything to gain from that back then?" he asked, his voice quiet but probing. "You had the blood of Elven Royalty flowing in your veins and belonged to one of the strongest families in the Human Domain. Did you really need someone like me?"

Maya fell silent at his question. He was right in a way—she didn't need to help him, didn't have anything to gain from it. The truth was simple: she liked helping people. And when she saw Astron struggling, alone and distant from everyone else, she couldn't just stand by. She wanted to see him succeed, to see him grow into the person she knew he could become. That was all there was to it.

She thought about that first day, the way he had hesitated before accepting her help. The way he had been so guarded, yet still willing to let her in, just a little.

'…Helping people, isn't that good?' Maya's gaze drifted towards him again, and this time, when their eyes met, she saw something she hadn't seen before.

'Huh?' It was faint, but it was unmistakable—a smile. A smile so pure, free of the usual mask he wore. There was no coldness, no calculation in it. It was just… honest. A gentle, quiet expression that softened his usual composed demeanor.


Maya's heart skipped a beat. Then it started to race. The smile, so genuine and unexpected, hit her harder than anything else. Her chest tightened, and she felt a sudden rush, her heart pounding so fiercely that it seemed ready to leap out of her chest.

'What is this…?' she thought, feeling a warmth bloom inside her. Her hand instinctively reached up, pressing against her chest as if to calm the thudding. She tried to maintain her composure, but the intensity of the moment was undeniable.

That smile—it was unlike anything she had seen from Astron before.

Maya couldn't tear her eyes away from him. The smile lingered on his face, and with each passing second, the rapid beating of her heart grew more intense. She tried to steady herself, to push the overwhelming feeling back, but the warmth in her chest only expanded. Her desires, the ones she usually kept locked away, started to surface, and the urge to reach out, to touch him, became nearly unbearable.

'Calm down,' she told herself, her fingers trembling as they hovered by her side. But it was futile. The closer she felt to him, the more her resolve wavered. The thought of wrapping her arms around him, pulling him close—it seemed like the only way to calm the storm inside her. Her body ached to act on the emotions she had kept hidden for so long.

And then Astron's eyes met hers once again, that same gentle smile still on his lips. "You were the first," he said softly, his voice cutting through the tension building between them.

Maya blinked, momentarily stunned by his words.

"The first person to reach out to me," Astron continued, his eyes unwavering as he spoke. "When I was drowning myself in the darkness… held out a light." His expression remained calm, but there was a depth in his gaze, something that went beyond the words themselves. "That might've been something you did for everyone, just part of who you are. But to me not many had done that."

Maya felt her breath catch in her throat. The sincerity of his words, combined with that smile, made her heart thud painfully in her chest.

"T-that…" Maya stammered, her voice barely above a whisper as she tried to respond. But the words seemed to slip away, lost in the flurry of emotions building inside her. Her heart raced, her pulse thrumming in her ears as she struggled to form a coherent sentence. It wasn't just his words—it was the sincerity behind them, the depth of his gaze, that left her completely unguarded.

Astron, noticing her struggle, continued speaking softly. "After that day, I always held onto that moment. It may not have seemed like much to you, but it meant something to me. I swore to myself that one day, I'd pay you back for what you did… for reaching out to me when no one else did."

Maya's breath caught again as she listened, the intensity of his words pressing down on her. She wanted to say something, but she was overwhelmed by the warmth spreading through her chest.

"The opportunity came when you were kidnapped by the vampire," Astron said, his voice growing quieter, almost as if recalling the memory was difficult for him. "There was no way I was going to leave you there, no matter the cost. I did everything I could to bring you back."

His eyes locked with hers again, the calmness of his expression betraying the weight of what he was saying. "And that… it brought us here, to this moment. Right now."

Maya could barely breathe as the significance of his words sank in. The pounding in her chest was unbearable, the emotions swirling inside her threatening to burst free.

She wanted to reach out to him, to say something that would match the gravity of what he was sharing, but all she could do was stare, her heart beating faster with every second.

"Do you understand now, Senior?" Astron asked, his smile soft and calm, a contrast to the intensity of the moment.

Before Maya could respond, her eyes widened as she watched his hand slowly reach toward his collar. With deliberate movements, he loosened the fabric, revealing the pale skin of his neck. His actions were steady, and as he opened his collar further, he lifted his gaze to meet hers once more, the warmth of his smile deepening.

"This," he said, his voice quiet but resolute, "this is my answer to your words."

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