Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Chapter 1015 1015 Combined Intervention

Chapter 1015 1015 Combined Intervention

Nico and Max carefully analyzed the plan that the Morphos had presented them and then began to add details based on the current intelligence.

"This is where the enemy ships are at the moment. These spots appear to be weaknesses in the formation, but we suspect that they're actually hiding spots for a larger reinforcement fleet. These spots are more lightly defended, with the majority of their troops on the surface already.

What I suggest is that we strike here and here, and our Drone Fighters will enter the atmosphere in a wave, with some carrying your troops.

That should reduce the risk of them being targeted for destruction and will allow us to give them maximum fire support.

While they descend, we need to take out the ships here and here and launch an offensive here to keep the enemy from coming for the landing force. After they are deployed, we can adjust as necessary." Max offered.

The Morphos team looked over the plans with approval and then set them back on the table.

"Isn't this too much to do at once? Our forces are limited, and though the enemy is not as abundant here, you mentioned they might have reinforcements hidden in that strange way." The Envoy asked.

"We will still have the whole Android Army in orbit since we are only sending down the Drone Fighters at first. They are capable enough to hold a large region of space on their own.

It isn't optimal for the space battle, but the Drones have the ability to effectively deal with the energy beings, so they are needed on the surface, and our job in orbit is just to protect them while they work and try to save the locals." Max explained.

The Morphos team sent the data off for analysis by their researchers and computers while everyone waited, and Nico had the Androids bring them snacks and refreshments.

"I looked into what your species eats, and it was surprisingly similar to our own cuisine despite the distance between our home galaxies. So, I have prepared a selection of snacks that our computer assures me will not be toxic to your bodies, according to the data provided by the Koleska and our medical scanners." Nico explained.

The Morphos Envoy nodded in acceptance and picked a pumpkin pie square from the plate to pop in her mouth.

"Oh, these are good. A bit spicy and savoury. The Koleska didn't steer you wrong. We have worked with them many times in the past, thanks to our similar appearances. They are some of the few who aren't put off by exoskeletal species." The Envoy explained.

"That is understandable. Many species in the Alliance near our Galaxy find our species highly intimidating as well. Some will always fear what isn't like them, but that shouldn't stop us from having a successful military alliance." Max agreed.

The confirmation from their Commanders came back only a few seconds later, along with a request for Max's fleet to set the formation for travel. Nico was in charge of that department, so she was the one who showed them the routes.

"The region that we are in is relatively stable, so I plan to open a portal to get close to the target and then arrive at Warp 20. Are your ships capable of that speed?" She asked.

"Unfortunately, no. We can do Warp 15 for a short burst, but we can only sustain Warp 12 with these vessels. The smaller interceptors are faster if that helps."

Nico shook her head. "In that case, we will open the portal much closer to give the enemy less time to react. It is a bit higher risk of alerting their allies, but if we can get in fast enough and start dropping the attack squads, it will greatly increase their survival rate."

The Morphos Envoy smiled, a strange reshaping of her mouth that made her exposed teeth look more hungry than anything else.

"We are not that risk averse. If it is needed to save our friends, we don't care if you drop us directly in combat. We will adapt," she declared.

Max chuckled. "She won't forget that you said that. Nico Tarith is a highly aggressive tactician and prefers to take the fight to the enemy instead of bombarding from a distance."

"Hopefully, that doesn't become necessary. My troops might have been raised as soldiers, but they are not easily reconstructed assistants like your Androids." Envoy Queen joked.

Max smiled back at her. "Don't worry. If it comes to that, we have plenty of experience on our side to take care of the melee scrum. Inform your team that we will be departing in five minutes. Would you prefer to remain here on our vessel or return back to your own?"

"I will remain here for the duration of our work together. It would just be inconvenient for me to be constantly travelling back and forth, given the security risks and the need for constant communication." The Envoy decided.

"In that case, let me get you set up with some rooms near the strategy room. Our accommodations are rapidly configurable, so we can set them to be nearly whatever you might need." Max explained.

Showing new people the little quirks of human design was always a good time, and this time wasn't going to be any different. The Morphos preferred to bathe in acid to get themselves suitably clean, as they were immune to the effects. Other than that, they simply needed acid-resistant bedding but preferred a nice soft mattress.

Nico was configuring the rooms as they walked, giving one smaller room to each of the assistants and one of the larger officers' suites to Planetary Governor Queen so that she wouldn't feel slighted in her role as Envoy.

"Welcome to your new accommodations. The interior is all made of acid-resistant materials, so there are no worries about damage, and there is an acid bath available in each room for your convenience. My apologies to the rest of the staff, but your suites are not quite so luxurious, though the basic amenities remain." Nico explained.

The Envoy's team chuckled at the thought of them all getting one of these massive suites suited for a Planetary Governor, with three bedrooms and a luxury sitting room fit for royalty. They wouldn't have expected even this much to be available on an alien ship on such short notice, and most of them were looking forward just to having a proper bath.

"Thank you, Commander. Your consideration is greatly appreciated."

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