How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 62: Exercises and Gifts

Chapter 62: Exercises and Gifts

When morning came, I found myself doing pushups as the fresh breeze entered my room and the morning sunlight touched my skin.

Sweat dripped down my cheeks as I held on tight, enduring the aching pain my body had to handle.

"97, 98, 99, 100..."

Reaching my quota, I slowly stood up and drank from the glass of water beside me. I wiped off my sweat with a dry towel before proceeding to my next exercise.

"Would squats or jumping jacks be better?" I pondered for a while before deciding to do squats next.

Although I wanted to do my usual morning jog and perhaps get some weights to keep my muscles in shape, I couldn't.

The wounds I sustained hadn't fully healed yet, and the doctors prevented me from leaving my room in the infirmary. I was forced to make do with natural calisthenics instead.

As I began my squats, I could feel the strain on my body. Each movement was a reminder of the injuries I had sustained, yet there was a certain satisfaction in pushing through the discomfort. It was my way of regaining control, of asserting my will over my weakened state. "One, two, three..." I counted aloud, focusing on my form and breathing. Despite the limitations, I was determined to maintain my physical conditioning. Every squat brought a mix of pain and progress.

The infirmary room was quiet, save for the sound of my exertions and the occasional chirping of birds outside the window.

After completing a set of squats, I took a moment to catch my breath, leaning against the edge of the bed.

I sipped more water, letting it cool my parched throat. The taste was refreshing, a small comfort amidst the rigorous routine.


The door to the room opened, and a beautiful girl entered. Her black hair was tied in a ponytail-like braid, and she wore a red apron. In her hands was a tray full of delicious- looking meals. She looked like a wife ready to serve a wonderful breakfast to her husband, and she glanced at me with a subtle smile.

"Riley breakfast is ready" Seo said as she handed me a beautifully arranged plate of breakfast. "Thank you..." I nodded, accepting the plate gratefully. Seo had been taking care of me ever since I woke up, even though she didn't have to.

Two days had passed since I regained consciousness, and this had been my daily routine ever since. From the morning exercises to the afternoon therapy sessions with the doctor, I spent my days trying to heal both mentally and physically.

Seo was a constant presence, ensuring I had everything I needed. Her care and attention made the healing process smoother, and it seemed like I would be able to leave in just a few more days.

As I began to eat, the aroma of the food filled the room, making my mouth water. Seo sat nearby, watching me with a gentle expression. Her presence was comforting, a reminder that I wasn't alone in this recovery.

"Are you feeling better today?" Seo asked, her voice soft and caring.

"Yes, a bit better," I replied between bites.

Stretching my arms slightly, I could feel my muscles still aching and the wounds on my stomach and shoulder twinging if I overdid it. Overall, I was fairly okay and on the borderline of a full recovery. The honey-dewed healing potions and Seo's constant care really helped.

"Then that's good...." Seo said quietly as she sat down on the chair right in front of me. As usual, she waited for me to finish my meal.

Even though I always told her she didn't have to wait for me, especially since it was quite awkward being stared at, she insisted that it was fun watching me eat.

It was slightly weird at first, but after a few days of her constant presence, I couldn't help but get used to it now.... Although I do still feel there was something more to it.

Considering her personality and social awkwardness, it probably stemmed from the fact that she was still really worried about me. She has a trauma related to one of her childhood friends and sister, so understanding her mindset, I just let it be.

Ignoring Seo for now as I continued eating my breakfast, my eyes landed on the five gift boxes wrapped in overly aesthetic gift paper.

They were congratulatory gifts from my technical friends and acquaintances, delivered as soon as they heard I woke up.

It felt kind of awkward receiving gifts from people I barely knew or had connections with, but considering they were all free and likely given from the bottom of their hearts, I

wholeheartedly accepted their kind gestures.

Among them was a gift from Alice, wrapped uniquely in high-quality cloth. I knew it was bound to be something special, making me excited since she personally gave it to me


"Hehehe~ you really are quite dumb, huh, junior? You almost got yourself killed; you know? Tsk, tsk, tsk..." Shaking her head, she looked at me with annoyance as her cheeks puffed. She then grabbed my face and pinched my ear.

"O-ow! Senior?"

"You deserve punishment!"

"How does that make sense?"

Remembering our slight banter and conversation brought a smile to my face.

Although she played it off with her usual playfulness and theatrics, I could tell she was genuinely worried. Her visit was somewhat surprising, but in a nice way.

Her concern reminded me that despite the chaos and danger, there were people who cared about me. People like Seo and Alice, who went out of their way to make sure I was okay.

It was a comforting thought amidst all the confusion and uncertainty.

Finishing my breakfast, I decided to open one of the gift boxes.

I reached for the one wrapped in high-quality cloth, knowing it was from Alice. Carefully unwrapping it, I found a beautifully crafted pendant inside, with intricate designs and a small pink gemstone at the center.

Touching the pendant, I was surprised by the sudden system pop-up.

[Note: Item Description]

[Item: Pendant of the Heart]

[Rank: Rare]

[Effects: ????]

[Description: A pendant crafted by the great feline of fantasies, Cheshire. With its small yet intricate design, it holds certain mysteries waiting to be unraveled.]

Reading the description, question marks popped up in my head at the weird item. A sense of trouble crept in as I saw the name "Cheshire."

Whenever that cat was involved, I knew trouble was bound to follow.

This made me slightly reluctant to keep it, but considering it was from Alice, I just shook my head and safely put it back in the cloth before tucking it into my pocket.

I can find out about its effects later...

"Was that from senior Alice, Riley?" Seo asked as she quietly took the food tray away,

glancing back at me with slight curiosity in her gaze.

"Yes," I confirmed.


She made a quiet, unsatisfied sound before making her way out of the room.


As the door closed, question marks popped up in my head, curious as to what was up with her.

Before I could ask anything, she was gone.

I did notice this ever since Alice visited yesterday but...

'Do they not get along?'

As I pondered over this, I couldn't help but recall Alice's visit again.

Her playful demeanor had a way of brightening up my day, even in such dire circumstances.

But Seo's reaction to Alice's gift and her overall demeanor made me wonder if there was some

underlying tension between them.

Sure, here's an expanded version of your passage:

Could it be jealousy? Or maybe just a clash of personalities?

'I can't imagine Seo being jealous... so maybe it's the latter?' I mused to myself.


Even if that's the case, it doesn't really matter. The important thing is that the two of them

get along in the future.

They are key figures in Acts 3 and 5, and if their compatibility level is off, the chances of them

learning the skill [Dual Soul] would become obsolete. And 'I can't have that.'

As it was a very crucial skill in order to defeat Liyana.... As well as the red queen...

Should I set up a way for them to get along?

Maybe arrange a private talk? No, perhaps just hanging out together might improve their


Considering the academy is closed until next week, we have a lot of free time on our hands. A few hangouts wouldn't really affect my schedule too much.

As much as I want to train my new set of skills and keep up with my daily physical exercises, I know that relaxing once in a while would be beneficial for my health.

So, perhaps a few casual outings are in order. It's worth a shot if it means fostering a better relationship between them.

Who knows? It might even strengthen their team dynamic in the long run.

Anyways.... turning my attention back to all the gifts I received, I decided to take them one by

one. Instead of taking my time to relish my excitement, I proceeded to rip everything apart. Quickly tearing off the gift wraps and placed all the items on my bed.

From left to right, I took note of the names of the people who gave them to me: Boseman, Lucas, Janica, Rose, Clara.

With the exception of the pendant Alice gave me, the items in front of me were from those


I felt a surge of excitement at first, but as I stared at the collection, I realized that most of it

was rather useless.

Except for Boseman's 300,000 gem cash card... everything else was basically disposable


'Maybe I should sell all of it?'

I grabbed the shield and made the system appraise its rarity.

[Item: Wooden Shield (Common)] Although I appreciated the effort Janica put into wrapping it, a shield was basically useless for

me since I wasn't the vanguard type. Maybe she thought of my safety when she chose this gift.

If so, that's cute.

Moving on, I grabbed the weird-looking stick this time.

It was unusually shaped, with strange markings carved into its surface. I held it up to the

light, trying to discern its purpose. The system took a moment to analyze it.

[Item: Enchanted Stick (Uncommon)]

Interesting. This might have some potential after all. I wondered what kind of enchantment it


The markings looked ancient, and I could feel a faint energy pulsing through it.

It might not be as flashy as the cash card, but it could have its uses.

Next, I picked up a small box from Lucas. Inside, there was a set of delicate glass ornaments.

They were beautiful but seemed fragile.

I carefully set them aside, making a mental note to find a safe place for them later. Although that guy had conflicted thoughts on me, he was very concerned about my overall

health as he was the first one to actually visit me after I woke up, which was a good thing and somewhat wholesome...

But... I strangely find his gaze creepy for some reason....

'I wonder what's going on?'

Ignoring my thoughts on Lucas for now I out my attention on the only knowledgeable thing

on the bunch...

Rose had given me a book, bound in worn leather. It looked old, but the title was intriguing:

[Secrets of the Forgotten Realms (Rare)] This could be useful for research or perhaps even contain hidden knowledge, I'll have to keep this hidden in my private training room when I

get back to my dorm room.


Clara's gift was a simple yet elegant silver bracelet. It had a subtle charm to it, and I decided

to wear it immediately.

The smooth, cool metal felt reassuring against my wrist, and I couldn't help but feel it might bring me some good luck, something I might need in the coming days.

Overall, those were the items I received. Some were good, some were bad, and some were just


Despite the mixed bag of usefulness, I did get some free items out of all this. It still felt rather cumbersome dealing with everything they gave me, but that didn't mean I didn't appreciate


In fact, I would probably keep all of it, especially the gifts from Boseman and Alice. Stretching my arms upwards, I proceeded to crack my knuckles. It was time to start cleaning

up before Seo or the nurse arrived. I didn't want to get an earful like the last time for having a messy room.

As I tidied up, I glanced at the morning rays of the sun filtering through the transparent white windows.

The light was soft and calming, a stark contrast to the clutter around me.

I knew today was going to be another usual, boring day, so I had better get back into my

training exercises.

The room gradually became more organized as I put things away, each item finding its place.

The shield went into the storage chest, the enchanted stick found a spot on the shelf, and the glass ornaments from Lucas were carefully placed in the display cabinet.

I made sure the book from Rose was on my desk, ready for me to delve into its secrets later.

With the room finally clean and everything in its place, I took a deep breath. The day ahead would be filled with routine, but it was necessary.

Training was essential, especially now with my new abilities. I couldn't afford to slack off.

[Note:] [Status info:]

[Riley Hell]

[Race: Human]

[Level: 71] [Strength: B] [Agility: D]

[Endurance: C]

[Luck: 0]

[Power: C]

[Title: Predator!]

[Skill info....]

[Skill: Monarch's will (Unique)] [(Locked)] [Skill: Intermediate Swordsmanship (Proficiency 5%)] [Skill: Piercing strike!] [Proficiency (90%)]

[Skill: Mana Amplification] [Proficiency (80%)]

[Skill: Time Dilation] [Proficiency (95%)]

[Skill: Dash] [Proficiency (55%)] [Note: New unchecked skills have been added to skill tree....]

[Skill: Heavy strike] [Proficiency (1%)] [Skill: Thought acceleration] [Proficiency (3%)]

[Skill: Flash step] [Proficiency (2%)]

[Skill: Blood rampage (Rare)] [Proficiency (1%)] [Special abilities]

[Crazy Magnet]

[Description: Evil people will have a certain liking to you]

[Overview: A person who's fated to be surrounded with happiness???????????????????????????????????????????


[Available status points: 11]



As I looked over my status screen, a mix of pride and disbelief washed over me. The

transformation in such a short time was nothing short of remarkable.

To think only a month had passed since I came to this academy... Truly, if the old me were to

see my new stats right now, he would've surely passed out.

I can still remember the day I arrived at the academy, unsure of myself and my abilities.

Now, standing at level 71 with a plethora of skills at my disposal, it felt like I had become a

completely different person.

'.... Maybe my goal towards a happy ending wasn't so impossible Afterall?'

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