How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 44: Act 1, Chapter 2: The Forest of Monsters 4 (The hunt)

Chapter 44: Act 1, Chapter 2: The Forest of Monsters 4 (The hunt)

Over the past few days, I focused solely on preparing for the upcoming Duo exams. I worked tirelessly to improve my overall level and skill, purchased necessary items for dealing with the bosses and monsters, and even went as far as ensuring my financial situation was stable here in the academy.

Despite all these preparations, nothing could have prepared me for the absurd and

unexpected situation I was facing now.

Not just one, not two, not even three, but all six of the main cast for this arc were present and right in front of me, each asking to partner up with me.

Seriously, what the hell was going on?

Is this the butterfly effect in action? I knew I had interfered, if not coincidentally disrupted, the flow of the story from time to time, but I was pretty sure those decisions weren't drastic enough to warrant this absurd situation.

Seeing them all here, their eyes on me, each with their own reasons and expectations, was overwhelming.

Rose Brilliance, with her golden hair and piercing eyes, still slightly annoyed from our last encounter.

Seo, the clumsy yet endearing top knight, seemingly unaware of the social cues around her. Lucas, who should hold some resentment towards me but instead was determined to prove himself. Janica, watching with a mix of confusion and curiosity.

Clara, the platinum blonde with a calculating gaze, assessing the situation with a business- like demeanor.

And then Princess Snow... who had just arrived, joined the fray, immediately asking me to be her partner for today's exam.

Haha, fuck me...

As all six of them stared at each other, I could feel a hidden tension rising. It wasn't something I was particularly pleased with. These were all very powerful individuals. The aura and mana they exuded exceeded that of a normal person-no, even some of the professors here at the academy would have a hard time matching the geniuses of their skill and degree. These individuals were the perfect prospects for the academy, and just standing next to them, most students would have already fainted if they ever experienced what I was feeling right


The pressure was immense, like standing in the eye of a storm with powerful forces swirling around me.

"I believe I was the first to ask, right Lu-Riley?" Rose's voice had a sharp edge to it.

"Does that really matter?" Lucas retorted.

"Riley already has plans with me...." Seo's voice was uncharacteristically firm.

"Heh~ I believe Mr. Hell would benefit more by partnering up with me, no?" Clara's voice was calm, but her words carried an undeniable weight, as well as reasoning within them.

"There are certain limits to one's shamelessness" Princess snow chimed in, crossing her arms and making subtle glares at the others.

"Hey...uh-uhm, everyone, let's all calm down, shall we?" Janica tried to mediate, her voice trembling slightly.

Now they were even starting to fight, bickering with words and completely ignoring me, who was right in the middle of all of it. Although I appreciated Janica's efforts to calm everyone down, she was just as ignored as I was.

How am I supposed to get out of this situation right now?

Of all six individuals here, three of the people I wanted to partner up with were already present, which was a good thing.

But, under this situation, I had the feeling that it would get much worse for me in the long run if I just randomly asked one of them to partner up with me.

All of them seemed eager to party up, making things a lot harder than what was originally intended.

Rose, Janica, and Snow-if I could at least partner up with one of them, my plans would be set in stone. But with them fighting right now, I don't believe I can stop this at any moment. Looking at my watch, there wasn't any time left before noon, when the exams would start. I needed to hurry this up.

Staying silent wouldn't get me anywhere, so as I took a deep breath, I began to address everyone. 'Acting mode on.'


As my serious voice left my mouth, they all stared at me curiously.

'Let's break this up, shall we?'




"Why did you choose me? You clearly knew I just chimed in to make the situation more complicated for everyone, and yet you actually chose me... Did you perhaps already plan for this to happen?"

"... Who knows"

Holding back a proper reply to Princess Snow question, who stared at me with a slight smirk and curiosity, I focused my attention on my sword. Strapping it to my waist, I handled it with care. It was a brand-new sword I specifically bought for this test alone, and I needed to ensure it was in perfect condition for its proper use.

Counting the mana stones and the three scrolls I had in my small leather bag, I then proceeded to put my extra throwing knives behind my back.

From the bows and arrows I've bought and even the small charm I bought.

Everything was all set. Now all we needed to do was wait for the professor to come, and the exam would start immediately.

"You sure prepared well.... Did you bring any food as well?" Snow asked, her eyes gleaming with their usual calculative sharpness. As someone regarded as the smartest character in the game, it only took a single glance for Snow to formulate plans and gauge the usefulness of anyone she encountered.

Whether you were useful, someone to keep, or something to discard, a single meeting with Snow was enough for her to categorize you. And partnering up with her brought a lot of attention, not all of it welcome.

"Look, it's Princess Snow!"

"Why is she with that knight department student?"

"I wanted to partner up with the princess..."

"I guess it makes sense to have a mage-knight combo for these exams, huh?"

I could hear the murmurings conversations and whispers from the other students around us. Their curiosity and envy were almost palpable as they all stared daggers at me.

Trust me, you don't want to be in my situation right now, mobs. Anyway, paying my attention back to Princess Snow, who casually sat on a chair provided by the school staff, I almost shook my head at her privilege.

They say all students are equal in the academy regardless of status, but I guess at the end of the day, power and status trump those preconceived rules.

Even the academy can't afford to offend a royal, especially one of Princess Snow's degree, where her father alone controls and manages an entire half of the continent-the strongest and most powerful empire in the world, the Germonia Empire.

She tilted her head slightly, aware of my constant gaze, and crossed her legs.

Looking at her like this, as the small rays of sunshine filtered through the canopy of trees to hit her pure white face, it made me think I was seeing an angel-that's just how grand and beautiful she was.

But appreciating her beauty wasn't the reason I brought her along with me.

As I planned to rely on her luck and skills to face a boss easier than anything else, Princess

Snow was essential, especially with all the mobs that boss summons.

"What is it?" she asked, her voice cutting through my thoughts.

"Princess Snow-

"I told you, Snow is just fine," she interrupted, a hint of annoyance in her tone.

"Princess... what is the level of magic you can use right now?" I pressed on, ignoring her

request to call her by name.

She seemed a bit more annoyed at my persistence but answered honestly. "Four intermediate-level spells, as well as one high-ranking one."

The moment she said those words, I almost choked on my own saliva. This was just the start

of the scenarios-how could she already have access to a high-ranking spell? Is she lying?

Even in the game, Snow had no such level of spell at this point.

I don't think the simple mistakes and changes I made in the past would alter her overall

strength to this level.

"Are you serious?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Yes, why would I lie about that?" she replied, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Do you doubt my


"No, it's just surprising," I said quickly, trying to cover my shock.

'If she progressed this much then what about Lucas and the other girls?'

I should really monitor Lucas sometime soon.


With a loud ringing noise, everybody's attention focused on the direction where the sound


Unsurprisingly, it came from the same professor who had advised us earlier, as he walked up

to the small podium once more.

"Attention, everyone. The Duo Exams will begin now. You have your assignments and know the rules. Pair up, and may the best team win."

With his confirmation, everyone immediately entered the forest.

"So, what's the plan, Riley?" Snow asked as she walked behind me, seemingly curious about

everything I did. But I'm sorry, I had no time for useless charades.

[Note: New party member added]

With the system's notification, I smiled, now all of her kills would be contributed to me as


Now then, let's farm the shit out of this forest.

Turning around I faced Snow slightly, before saying something absurd towards her.

"Princess... let's split up."

"Huh?" She looked confused, her eyes narrowing as she tried to understand my sudden


Before she could ponder further, my legs were already moving, my body warming up from the

constant mana release I'd maintained since entering the forest.

"What are you—"

But her words were cut off as I darted ahead, weaving through the dense foliage with ease. I

needed to move fast and make the most of this opportunity.

The exams were a critical time, and I couldn't afford any distractions, even if they came from

someone as powerful and intriguing as Princess Snow.

Snow called out after me, but I didn't slow down.

I knew she would be fine on her own-she was more than capable of handling herself.

Plus, she had her own agenda, just as I had mine, and let's' just say that this whole situation

was for the best.

'Split farming is the best'


Meanwhile, deep inside the forest where darkness loomed and only a faint light penetrated

the gloom, an ancient, sinister cave harbored an awakened monster.

Standing before this monstrous being was an old man, his weathered face illuminated by the

dim glow emanating from the creature's massive red eyes.


The monster roared in anger, its gigantic fangs bared menacingly at the old man. Despite the

beast's threatening display, the man merely shrugged and smiled, seemingly unbothered by the terrifying sound echoing through the cave.

The creature's wrath intensified, its hiss vibrating through the cave. It lunged, ready to

attack, but the old man raised a glowing red stone in his hand. Instantly, the monster halted,

its eyes fixated on the stone, curiosity and caution replacing its fury.

The old man's smile widened as he looked into the eyes of the monstrous snake.

"Finally," he murmured, his voice dripping with satisfaction.

The hope for their cause was here, embodied in this monstrous being. 'Snow Luvenitia White Germonia Leven... my dear lovable child....please don't forgive me for

what I'm about to do.'

With those words lingering in his mind, the old man turned and stepped out of the cave.

Outside, a vast assembly of his subordinates, numbering in the hundreds, waited patiently, their faces etched with anticipation and determination.

As the old man emerged, the monstrous snake followed closely behind him, its silvery gray

scales glistening ominously.

The sight of the creature sent ripples of excitement and resolve through the gathered crowd.

Every eye was fixed on the old man and the snake.

The time had come.

The preparations they had painstakingly made were finally about to bear fruit.

"It is time," the old man declared, his voice resonating with power and conviction. "To hunt

the white rabbit."

'For me to kill to the sole person I swore to protect... the world truly is cruel'

The old man sighed at how unpredicatble the future truly is. With that, the assembly stirred, the atmosphere electric with purpose. The hunt for Princess Snow had begun, and they would stop at nothing to achieve their goal.

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