How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 111: Golden Will 3

Chapter 111: Golden Will 3


The clash of their swords erupted in a violent explosion, sending shockwaves through the arena. Lucas felt the raw force of Riley's attack, the cold steel of their blades meeting with a resounding crash.

The heat from their wielders' intense focus and energy clashed as well, momentarily dimming before lighting up their surroundings with fierce brilliance.

Golden sparks danced across the wavy light of Lucas's sword.

He could feel the intensity of Riley's energy, the raw power behind the single strike he gave.

Riley was strong, no doubt about that.

'He's strong, but...'

Gritting his teeth, Lucas tightened his grip on his sword, surging the hidden mana from within.

The golden glow of his aura expanded, forcefully pushing Riley back.

He watched as Riley stumbled slightly, regaining his balance just in time to see Lucas charging at him again.

'It lacks speed'

He knew Riley was strong. That was a fact he had realized upon watching him all this time. Even without having a proper bout with him, Lucas could measure Riley's strength through his eyes alone.

Those eyes that saw through your entire being and looked down upon you... Eyes that were much worse than the apathetic gaze Seo brought to you.

They were eyes encroached in arrogance, eyes that stemmed from 'Pride.'

Lucas knew that in order to achieve a proper victory in this fight, to reclaim his tarnished honor from the man standing before him, he needed those eyes to see a new light.

'I can't let him gain momentum,'

From their initial clash, Lucas's battle sense had reached this conclusion.

The technique [Golden Shower] was one he had developed on his own, unlike any known fighting technique in the world.

It should have been the first time Riley saw it, and yet, Riley had immediately recognized its weakness.

'He really is amazing.'

Dashing forward, Lucas's golden sword gleamed once more, threatening to pierce through Riley's chest. He executed [Luminous Pierce], the second form of his original technique.

Crouching down, he enhanced his mana, channeling it to the bottom of his feet, then explosively released the excess mana from his body.

His form shot through the air like a piercing light, aiming for a quick strike to prevent Riley from making any rash movements.


But once again, his strike was thwarted.

This time, Riley casually dodged to his right, evading the attack with ease.

Lucas's golden sword struck the ground where Riley had been standing, sending a spray of dirt and stone into the air.

Before Riley gave him a counter trike of his own.


Lucas was baffled. Even if Riley had seen through that attack and had enough time to prepare himself, the speed at which Lucas was moving should have been enough to at least land a crucial strike upon his arm or chest.

Not to mention the amount of mana Riley expended from his initial attack-the mana inside him should have been shaken for a moment.

The distance was also enough for a successful hit to land.

Yet, Riley had casually dodged that attack as if it were nothing, like he already knew where it was coming from and where it was going.

Was the culmination of his training this easy to see through? It hurt his pride, but Lucas didn't let it take over his cool.

He knew he had to focus.

This much was to be expected from someone like Riley. He knew he shouldn't be too


And even if he didn't land a successful strike, the fact that Riley was now focused solely on him was already a win in his book.

[Verdant Slash]

Not wanting to let Riley take any form of initiative, Lucas rushed at him again.

His golden sword, now enveloped in a vibrant golden aura, slashed through the air with renewed vigor.

The [Verdant Slash] was a technique that combined his mana with the natural energy around him, creating a powerful strike that could cut through almost anything.

It was a move he had practiced countless times, honing it to perfection.

Riley's eyes widened slightly at the sight of the golden aura. He adjusted his stance, readying himself for the incoming attack.

Lucas could see the calculations in Riley's eyes, the anticipation of his next move. But this time, Lucas wasn't going to be predictable.

At the last moment, just as Riley was about to parry the strike, Lucas shifted his body, redirecting the slash to come from a different angle.

The sudden change in trajectory caught Riley off guard. For a split second, it looked like the [Verdant Slash] would finally land.


But Riley's reflexes were astonishing. He twisted his body and brought his sword up just in time to block the attack.

The force of the impact reverberated through both of them, the clash of their energies creating a shockwave that rippled through the arena.

Lucas didn't let up. He followed the [Verdant Slash] with a flurry of quick, precise strikes, each one aimed at finding a gap in Riley's defenses.

His sword moved like a blur, the golden aura leaving streaks of light in the air.

Riley parried and dodged, his movements fluid and graceful. It was like a dance, a deadly dance where one wrong step could mean the end.

Lucas could feel the strain on his body, the toll of his relentless attacks. But he pushed through, driven by his determination to win.

[Golden Shower]

[Luminous Pierce]

[Verdant Slash]

[Solar Wheel]

[Chrysalis Strike]

[Golden Riposte]

[Twin Lights]

Strike after strike, technique after technique, Lucas used everything he had against Riley.

He didn't hold anything back, pouring all his energy and skill into each move.

From the first strike alone, Lucas knew he had the advantage in strength.

The fact that he could easily cut through Riley's unpolished movements meant that, in terms

of speed, he was faster.

And just from the exchange of blows, Lucas knew he had the better technique. Between the two, it was a fact that he was the better swordsman. And yet, why?

Why couldn't he hit him?

'He's reading me like a book'

Lucas couldn't understand it frustration gnawing at his mind. Riley's unbothered face was

etched across his vision, a sudden reminder of the gap between them.


'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!'

Is this guy crazy?

Why the fuck is he going all out all of a sudden with no intent of holding back? Sure, we're

both wearing safety suits designed to block any lethal attacks to an almost 90% reduction, but accidents can always happen in arenas like this.

What if he accidentally cuts me in half with all of those skill barrages he's throwing at me

right now?

And why does he seem so impatient?

The only reason I can even barely dodge him right now is thanks to my knowledge of the game and all the movement skills I have at my disposal, one of which is time dilation. Without this, most of the lethal moves he's thrown at me would have landed with a hundred percent


Due to my knowledge of the game, I have an idea of where and when his attacks will mostly land, as well as knowing a few sets of weaknesses behind those attacks.

But unlike in the game, a warning red marker didn't exist in real life.

Lucas's onslaught was relentless. Each strike was a calculated attempt to break my defense, and he wasn't showing any signs of slowing down.

His eyes were filled with a fierce determination, and it was clear that he was giving this fight

everything he had.

'How long can I keep this up?' I wondered, my breath coming in ragged gasps as I narrowly

dodged another of his powerful swings.

Time dilation was working overtime, my perception of time stretched to its limits to give me the edge I needed to evade his attacks.

But it was draining, and I could feel my stamina waning.

Lucas's impatience was palpable. His strikes were becoming more aggressive, more

desperate, as if he was trying to prove something not just to me, but to himself as well.

His golden aura flared with each swing of his sword, the energy crackling in the air like a

storm about to break.

The moment he got into position, I had to calculate everything in real time. I was initially trying to not give him any momentum, but now the tables have turned. At this rate, all I can do is either block or dodge his attacks.

'I can't let this turn into a battle of attrition.'

Just from that one clash alone, I knew for a fact that he was stronger than me. I could still feel

my fingers vibrating from the sheer force of the clash with his aura.

The heat and pain still lingered in my hand.

[Mana: 150/250]

Once my mana runs out, the time dilation's saving effects would ultimately become useless,

and that includes all my other mana-amplified skills as well.

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