How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 104  Grand Festival 6

Chapter 104  Grand Festival 6

"Hehe~ Junior, did you know I'm going to be one of the judges for the upcoming grand festival?"

I glanced up from the stack of papers in front of me. I was in the corner of the student council office, diligently working on the last of the tasks President Dorothy had assigned me.

It was the final day of the weekend, and tomorrow, the first day of the grand festival would commence.

I aimed to complete all my duties so I could have some free time to relax before my fight with Lucas.

"You aren't going to participate, Senior? You're the third-year's top representative, right?" I asked, genuinely curious.

Alice giggled, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Hehe~ well, I made a few small talks with the principal and voila, I became one of the judges~"

Weeks had passed since I joined the student council, and as usual, Senior Alice was as lively as ever.

She sat in front of me, holding a cute rabbit-like plushie, her presence a constant source of distraction.

Yet, there was something endearing about her bubbly energy that made the interruptions almost welcome.

I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. "I see. Well, I guess that means you'll have a front-row seat to all the action."

Alice nodded vigorously, her plushie bouncing along with her movements. "Exactly! It's going to be so exciting."

Right now, she was talking about the proceedings for the grand festival tomorrow.

Although I already knew about her becoming a judge, being a player of the game, it was still fun seeing her talk so happily about it.

"Won't it be bad if you don't join? I heard some magic tower masters came here to personally see your talents and progress," I said, recalling the game details.

In the game, it wasn't explicitly mentioned, even in her own route, but many people came to the grand festival this year just to see Alice fight.

I guess when you're regarded as a future Archon, such attention is to be expected.

Alice tilted her head thoughtfully, her plushie still in her hands. "Hm~ that's true, but I don't really care~ Besides, even if people say that I'm the third-year representative, I share that title with Celine and Pres. So, me skipping it out won't really matter since seeing Pres fight will surely satisfy them."

She made it sound so simple, but I knew better.

Alice was an exceptional talent, one of the brightest stars in our academy.

Her decision to step back and let the spotlight fall on others spoke volumes about her character.

She wasn't driven by glory or the need for validation from the esteemed visitors; her motivations ran deeper.

"You really are something, Senior," I said, admiring her nonchalance. "Most people would jump at the chance to showcase their skills in front of such an audience."

Alice shrugged with a playful grin. "Hehe~ I guess I'm not most people. Plus, I get to enjoy the festival without the pressure of competing. It's a win-win for me."

I chuckled at her carefree attitude. "Fair enough. I suppose it does have its perks."

Although not nearly as well-known to the others, most people and students regarded our student council president, Dorothy Gale, as one of the top students in the magic department among third years.

She was actually considered second only because Alice had more mana. In terms of actual magic affinity, control, and knowledge, Dorothy was no slouch.

That was why the title of the strongest was shared among the two of them.

In an actual fight, Alice would probably still win due to her massive mana reserves and her familiar, but under the right conditions, Dorothy could give her a run for her money.

Dorothy's precision and mastery of spells were unparalleled, and her strategic mind made her a formidable opponent.

She excelled in utilizing the environment to her advantage and had an impressive arsenal of spells at her disposal.

"What will happen to your assigned opponent then, Senior? Do we have to reschedule their fight?"

"Ah, there's no need for that. I already managed that matter myself and reassigned her to become the President's opponent,"

"I see."

I guess she really didn't want to join the grand festival, huh?

Considering how meticulously she bothered with all of this, I'm pretty sure the rescheduling may have earned her quite an earful from both the President and the principal herself.

"Hehehe~ I'm excited to see what you're really capable of, Junior. From what I heard among the first years; it seems there's more to you than meets the eye~" Senior teased with a playful grin.

"Please don't expect too much"

"Ho~ staying humble now, are we? Since this Senior of yours has become a professional judge, want me to guarantee you a perfect score no matter what happens?"

"I think you'll get me into even more trouble if you do that,"

"Hahaha, that's true," Senior agreed, enjoying the banter between them.

Since she's one of the judges now, I felt slightly more pressured knowing she'll be watching my fight with Lucas tomorrow.

Since it was the first match of the day, fewer people would probably come to see it, as the matches begin quite early in the morning.

I was hoping to lessen the burden of embarrassment in case I lost, but with Alice around, I guess I can't have such positive notions.

Continuing to check through the papers, I finally assessed everything. I highlighted some information that still needed a bit more evaluation, but I'm sure Dorothy will handle it properly.

With that done, I immediately left it in front of Dorothy's desk. Since she still has a meeting with the principal, she'll probably see it this evening.

"You sure are diligent, Junior~"

I've noticed this since I've spent a bit more time with her recently, but Alice surprisingly liked complimenting people…?

'Specifically complimenting me.'

She was being extremely nice to me for some reason.

With that usual lively smile of hers, she seemed very enthusiastic about everything, but somehow, it felt off at times, for reasons unknown to me—like she was trying to convey something or do something subtly.

I had asked her a couple of times before why she was acting this way now, but she always just played it off as her being a senior.

However, I knew there was more to it than that. After all, she was my favorite, and I practically knew everything about her likes and dislikes.

'Maybe this was her true personality?' I wondered, contemplating whether this side of her couldn't be experienced through the narrow lens of a computer screen.

Though I didn't exactly dislike it, her obvious kindness towards me did come with its burdens.

She was more touchy than usual, sometimes louder, and would occasionally perform strange acts on her own to catch my attention.

Even Dorothy and Celine had noticed her peculiar behavior.

Of course, even if she were called out, she would simply brush it off, insisting that she had always acted that way.

I had grown accustomed to her behavior by now, but I still wished she would keep her antics in check.

I vividly recalled the time she casually held my hand while we walked back to Killian Hall.

'The stares I got were enough to kill me' I ignore the stares not wanting to entertain the thought of any further rumors tarnishing my name.

My reputation in school as a notorious womanizer had plummeted so drastically that some girls went out of their way to avoid meeting my gaze, and even some seniors did the same.

Not to mention the hateful and envious glances I received from the male students.

"Since you're done with your work, shall we have lunch together, Junior?" she asked, her voice breaking through my thoughts.

I nodded silently at her suggestion.


[Hero's Legacy]

[Act 1, Chapter 5: The Grand Abduction]

In the original game scenario, after a fierce battle against General Auvin's cronies, the grand festival proceeded as planned.

Protagonist Lucas, amidst the festivities, was slated to face Senior Kalo, a formidable knight student from the second year.

The anticipation of their showdown hung thick in the air.

However, just as Lucas and Kalo were about to clash, chaos erupted with startling violence.

A sudden terrorist attack shook the entire stadium, throwing the festival into disarray.

Visitors and students alike were injured, forcing an abrupt cancellation of the event.

Amidst the pandemonium, the final struggle against General Auvin and his loyalists ensued.

In the midst of the chaos, Janica, a crucial figure in the unfolding drama, was kidnapped by General Auvin, who managed to evade capture yet again.

But fortune favored Lucas and his allies; General Auvin's escape was thwarted by Snow, or more specifically her Shadow Knights, dispatched by the emperor to protect his daughter.

The climactic confrontation with General Auvin followed soon after, marking a turning point in Lucas's life.

For the first time, he found himself on the precipice of taking another human life—a decision that clashed with his deeply-held knight's honor and reverence for all human life, regardless of their deeds.

This inner conflict between his moral compass and the harsh realities of self-preservation became a defining struggle for Lucas in this act.

Depending on your decision, his strength and mentality will grow in the direction you choose.

This moment was pivotal, shaping the progression of Act 2 and beyond.

With General Auvin eliminated early on, concerns about sudden terrorist attacks or kidnappings dissipated.

The grand festival proceeded smoothly as intended, without any interruptions.

Yet, the absence of immediate threats posed a dilemma: should Lucas retain his current naive mindset, or should circumstances be engineered to force him to mature, mirroring the game's original narrative?

Each choice carried its own advantages and consequences.

Maintaining Lucas's innocence could preserve his purity and idealism, appealing to certain story arcs.

On the other hand, orchestrating challenges to his worldview could yield greater character development and narrative depth in the future.

Reflecting on these options, after the match concludes, a thought crossed your mind:

'I wonder if I should hire some random thugs to kidnap Janica?' I mused to myself, but quickly shook my head at the thought.

I'd probably only end up creating more trouble for myself to clean up.


Should I let Lucas remain the goody-two-shoes he's always been? It would be the longer path, but perhaps the safest bet.

Abrupt changes in personality could be jarring and might not fit well with the story's flow.


Alice's loud voice snapped me out of my reverie, her raised brow indicating annoyance.

"Your pasta is about to get cold," she said, clearly irritated.

"Ah, yes... sorry," I apologized, realizing I'd been lost in thought at the expense of our meal.

Alice had paid for my expensive lunch right now, and my distraction was rude.

"Is something wrong, Junior~?" Alice asked, her skepticism evident.

"No" I replied, shaking my head. "Just thinking about the busy day tomorrow."

"I see..."

Alice still seemed unconvinced but chose not to press further.

Sighing inwardly, I took a spoonful of my pasta and appreciated its taste.

'But is this really worth 5,000 gems?'

It's good, but... It's really not worth the price.

I could probably buy a 300-500 gem pasta in the commercial district that would taste better than this.

'Tsk, this was such a scam...' I muttered to myself, feeling slightly guilty for letting Alice pay for this extravagance.



"Do you like me?"


I almost choked on the pasta slipping down my throat.

Why was she suddenly asking such a question?

"Excuse me?" I managed to sputter out, bewildered by her unexpected inquiry.

Alice smirked mischievously, looking at me openly. "Do you like me?"


My mind raced.

Why was she suddenly asking that question right now?

We were sitting in the cafeteria on a weekend, and although it wasn't crowded, there were still enough people around to make me feel uncomfortable.

'She does realize we're in public, right?'

"Junior?" Alice's voice pulled my attention back.

She smiled, not directly at me but slightly behind me.

Curious, I turned around.

There, at a distance, strands of silver hair fluttered in the air, complementing the pristine white dress that matched her fair skin and hair perfectly.

Princess Snow stood there with her jewel-like blue eyes, an epitome of beauty.

It had been a long time since I last saw her.

'Why was she here, of all places?'

Alice and Snow locked eyes, their gazes almost sparking with unspoken words.

The atmosphere around us shifted subtly, charged with an unexpected tension.



I remained silent, unsure of what to say or do in this sudden encounter.

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