How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

Hooh, is that so?

Yes, Lord Essandra. Sir Eugene said that he would eradicate the evil monsters with Sir Galfredik and he asked us to report to you. One of the knights spoke in a resolute voice, and Essandra nodded with satisfaction.

As expected, Sir Eugene is truly a knight who knows honor. Taking care of my people is just as important to me as succeeding the marquisate. Hahaha! Truly an exceptional knight. Would you not agree, sirs? Essandra spoke with a laugh.

Yes, my lord!

Well spoken, my lord!

The nobles hurriedly agreed with Essandras words. However, not everyone was sincere in their agreement.

Hmph! The new replacing the old

No matter how outstanding he is, Sir Eugene isnt a knight from the peninsula, right?

But its not like we can express our dissatisfaction. This is quite troublesome.

Quite a few nobles, including Edrique, forced a smile on their faces while grumbling on the inside. For now, the most important thing for them was to get on Essandras good side since she would soon become the new marquis.

Sister, will you be heading straight to the castle? Edrique asked.

Thats the plan. Its highly likely that all of the villages and hamlets in the marquisate are in similar conditions, and not only the ones that Sir Eugene had visited thus far. Therefore, it would be meaningless for me to wander around to win over their loyalty. Rather, I might even scare the residents. Essandra responded. As someone capable enough to become the next marquis, Essandra had accurately seen through the situation.

She continued while looking around at the nobles and the knights. As the one succeeding the honor of Archivold, I will reclaim the familys main castle. Prepare yourselves.

As you wish, my lord!

The nobles and knights answered in one voice before leaving the tent. However, Edrique dawdled for a moment before approaching Essandra. He spoke carefully while she put on her armor with the help of her slaves. Sister, to me it seems like brother Gabriel is trying to buy time.

I know. She answered.

Are you planning to lay siege? That would increase the casualties of the troops and it will make things more difficult after the battle, Edrique said. The noble followers of Gabriel were not technically Essandras enemies. All of them shared the same root.

Of course, according to customs, the nobles would not be killed even if Essandras siege was successful, but problems would definitely arise with their disposition after the battle.

That was what Edrique was referring to.

Its highly probable that there wont be a siege at all. Gabriel and Elena will come out of the castle with their own two feet. Essandra declared.

What? What do you mean by that? Edrique asked with a puzzled expression.

Its nothing for you to worry about. Anyways, there is something for you to do. Essandra said.

Uh for sure. What should I do? Edrique asked.

Take some knights in my place and warn the villages and hamlets of the marquisate. You can join the main army after you visit all those places. Essandra explained.

Warn them? Edrique asked. Was she planning to persecute the residents of the marquisate? Edrique felt a little nervous.

Scary, dangerous monsters are on the loose, and I sent knights and soldiers to kill them. Thats what you should say. Essandra continued.

Monsters? Ah, are you referring to the griffons that Sir Eugene is planning to kill? Edrique said.

No. Dont mention anything about griffons. Just tell them that there is an evil, vile, vicious monster on the loose. A monster that threatens the safety of the marquisate, something that has never been seen before. Ah, right. An undead might be good, Essandra said.


Why? You dont want to do it? Well, then I will entrust someone else with the task. I was going to send away them with my flag in tow. Who should I choose? Essandra spoke playfully.

Not at all! I, your younger brother Edrique! Will definitely accomplish the mission! I will depart right away! Edrique exclaimed in a confident voice. He quickly abandoned his puzzlement and ran like the wind to complete his task.

Essandra grinned when her brother left.

With this, the bait has been laid out.


And thats Rodan Forest, sir knights. Griffons usually start to become active around sunset, but they sometimes wander in the middle of the day as well, so you should be careful. The hunter could not hide his nervousness as he pointed at the dense forest. He had been active in the nearby area for more than a decade by now.

Eugene glanced through the thick woods before turning towards the hunter.

Have you ever seen the griffons? He asked.

Just once from afar. There was a griffon fighting against a group of more than ten wolves. It ripped apart the dogs in less than five minutes, The hunter said.

Hooh. To think that you would stay and watch it, you have great courage. Galferdik complimented the hunter. The hunter scratched his head awkwardly after receiving the compliment.

Any hunter would have done the same, since watching them fight will be of great help in the future. I was hiding behind a rock at the time. I think I must have been slightly out of my mind as well, The hunter said.

I see. Did you see if they werent able to fly very far as the rumors have it? Eugene asked.

Yes. Maybe its because their wings are quite small for their size. Even though it was extremely agile on the ground, it was a little slow and clumsy when flying. However, the beak and the claws of the monster were quite frightening. It tore apart the wolves as easily as butter. If humans were to get caught in them Phew. The hunter shuddered as if recalling the events.

I heard that mercenaries attempted to kill a griffon several times, Eugene said.

The forest is very deep and dense, so its quite difficult to find the griffons. Moreover, they wont make an appearance if theres a large group of mercenaries, just like any other monsters or beasts. They will only come out at night to hunt, one by one. So far, no one has even managed to stay inside the forest for more than three days, not to mention hunting the griffons, The hunter said.


It seemed that the griffons were quite crafty and knew how to deal with armed humans, just like the monsters who became roamers after leaving an evil land.

Great work. Here. Eugene spoke before tossing a silver coin at the hunter.

The hunter bowed and expressed his gratitude before speaking carefully. Please be careful. Griffons are dangerous monsters capable of tearing apart fully grown wolves with their talons.

Even if knights were equipped with solid armor, it would be difficult to endure the claws of large monsters such as the griffon. The hunter was quite worried for the two young knights, who were without any mercenaries or aides.

Thank you for your concern. Ah, one more thing. Is there anything you know regarding the habit of griffons? Perhaps what they like or dislike. Eugene asked.

Hmm, ah! The hunter thought for a moment, then spoke while clapping his hands. According to my grandfather, griffons love deer and horses.

Hooh. Its the first time Im hearing about this. Galfredik responded with an interested expression. Knights werent aware of the characteristics of all monsters. In certain cases, mercenaries or hunters were more knowledgeable than knights.

They like deer and horses Eugene muttered.

Yes, yes. Whenever the griffons leave the forest, they always attack people with carriages and carts. Ive heard tales that they would leave the humans and take the horses, The hunter said.

Hmm. I see. Eugene stroked his chin before turning his eyes towards the forest. His gaze remained fixated, and a cold smile appeared around his lips.

Wouldnt the griffons really like it if the horse had a pedigree? Eugene said.


Silion cried softly while trembling with a mournful expression after meeting the gaze of its master.


What? A-a spirit!? Galfredik shouted.

Yes. Her name is Mirian, and she became my subordinate before you. She is the spirit of water. Eugene explained.

The two had been conversing as they entered Rodan Forest, and Eugene brought up the matter and informed Galfredik of Mirians existence. It did not really matter since Galfredik would have to serve Eugene until he died.

Ha! Haha Galfredik laughed vainly as if finding the situation ridiculous, and Mirian swirled around his head while shouting arrogantly. So make sure to know your place from now on, and serve me well, vassal Gal! I am Sir Eugenes right arm!

Shes flying around your head, telling you to know your place. Shes calling herself my right arm. Eugene explained.

What? Shes right next to me? Galfredik asked.

Sitting on your helmet right now, Eugene said.

Wow. Galfredik instinctively reached out and waved his hand above his helmet.

You wont be able to catch her anyways.




It felt like I just touched something, Galfredik said.

G-gal just touched me! He violated my body!

Hmm? It feels like theres the faintest trace of a whiny voice. Galfredik said with a frown.


Eugene was at a loss for words. Even though Galfredik could not see Mirian, it seemed that he could touch her and recognize her presence since he was connected to Eugene as a vassal.

Kieeeeek! Ive been defiled. I cannot believe that he violated my delicate body with those big, rough hands! Kieeeeahh! Sir, you cant abandon me, okay? I belong to you. Mirian whined.

Is she saying something? What did she say? Galfredik asked.

Its better this way, Eugene muttered.

It was quite surprising, but it wasnt so bad. Rather, it was better for them to be able to communicate with each other since they would be with him until the end.

Its quite unexpected that the wizards disciple did not head to the dungeon, Eugene said.

Among the two wizards who colluded with Elena, it was highly likely that the wizard that died in Eugenes hands was the master of the pair. It was unlikely that the student was skilled enough to transform a twin-headed ogre into an undead. As such, Eugene sent Galfredik and Partecs group to the dungeon to prepare for any contingencies, but no one showed up.

Fortunately, the twin-headed ogre was still frozen in its place. Eugene assumed that the skull incense burner was a magic tool used to control the dead. Without it, the undead would become useless.

He must have run away after noticing that things didnt work out. He may have judged that he had no chance of winning since his master was defeated. Well, we can ask our very own underdeveloped, child-like wizard later when we get the chance. By the way the place is too quiet, isnt it? Galfredik looked around the surroundings with a sharp gaze.

When the duo first entered the forest, it had been filled with the sounds of birds and insects, but at a certain point, it became eerily quiet.

I think we must have entered the territory of the griffons, master, Galfredik said.

I think so as well. Eugene agreed.

Eugene dismounted from his saddle and removed all of his luggage and weapons from the saddle before placing them on the ground. After removing SIlions armor and harness, he spoke while stroking the horses mane. You are much lighter than usual, so you will do well. Please.


Silion let out a sorrowful cry. He was being served as bait when he was born to be a prominent, proud warhorse. Eugene felt sympathetic towards the horse.

Yes, yes. Im sorry about this. Ah, right. He apologized before snatching Mirian from his shoulder.

Kieeeek! She shouted.

Go with SIlion and help him out. If anything dangerous happens, fly to me right away. Eugene explained.

Got it! Taking good care of subordinates is a basic virtue of a great senior like me. Hehehe! She spoke proudly before grabbing onto Silions mane.

Hey, buddy, you shouldnt underestimate me, hmm? You will be my junior until the day you die, understand? If you are obedient, Ill even give you a tour of the spirit world later on! Mirian said.

Silion whined vigorously before departing, perhaps it felt relieved in Mirians company.

About thirty minutes later


The earth started to tremble and Silion could be seen galloping crazily from afar.

Kieeeeeeekk! Sir! Its here! Its here! Kieek!


The spirit and the horse screamed in fear. In particular, Silions eyes were filled with tears as he galloped with all his might, pushing himself towards his master, who was more reliable than anyone else in the world.


A monster about the size of a bull with wings could be seen charging right behind them, between the tall trees. The griffon completely crushed many branches and bushes in its charge, and saliva continued to flow from its beaks. It was evident that the monster was completely enamored by Silions fluffy buttocks.

Griffon! Galfredik shouted.

Galfredik! I can sense more than just one! Eugene responded.

I understand. Krrrr! Galfredik raised his longsword as his fangs extended.


The chasing griffon paused momentarily when it spotted the two vampires. The large monster was proudly standing on a large tree measuring 20 meters in height it was definitely the king of the forest.


The griffon had settled down in the forest after leaving an evil land. Since then, it wandered the world. But until now, it never encountered a vampire. The two figures were quite similar to the humans who entered the forest with their irons, but the air around them was somewhat different.

Should it attack? Should it retreat?

The mother griffon fell into contemplation. Soon, several young griffons arrived belatedly. Unfortunately, the younglings werent as cautious or as experienced as their mother. The younglings were born in Rodan Forest and they had only hunted creatures weaker than them for their entire lives. They completely ignored the sudden appearance of the two humans.

The yellow eyes of the baby griffons were fixated on the aromatic, plump buttocks of the horse. Their beaks were filled with drool.

Beeek! Beeek!

In the end, the young griffons couldnt suppress their irresistible instincts as they leaped toward the ground in pursuit.



Mirian and Silion quickly hid behind Eugene.

Is it because of his pedigree? Its not just the mares he attracts. I should use him more often to attract monsters.

Silion would probably tremble with betrayal if he could hear Eugenes thoughts. Eugene turned his attention toward the griffons and completely liberated his fear. They would become the first sacrificial lambs that would grant him the ability to transform.

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