How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

How many have we killed so far?

Well, Im not completely sure, but it must be well over 200.

Fuck. Then how much is all of that worth?

This is amazing! Simply amazing!

The troops could not hide their excitement as they whispered among themselves. Most of them had been former mercenaries or active mercenaries before meeting Eugene. It was an unbelievable feat to have killed more than 200 monsters in only two days, even if they were only low-rank monsters.

Moreover, only three people had suffered light injuries out of the forty. It was truly an amazing feat.

Whether we live or die, we will devote ourselves to Sir Eugene.

Sir Eugene is a true knight. He cares for his subordinates.

The troops shared determined gazes filled with trust and devotion. They didnt need words to describe how they felt towards the handsome knight. Any mercenary would be favorable towards a knight who was brave, powerful, and resourceful. In addition, the knight didnt treat his subordinates as simple consumables. Instead, he was the first one to rush into a battle and the last one to retreat.

The soldiers wouldnt see him as a simple employer or a mercenary captain. Instead, he was starting to take his place in their hearts as a heroic lord.

There was more

Once I dispose of the mana stones and the materials, you will all receive your earnings in silver. So keep fighting hard. Understood?

Yes, sir!

He was even generous and benevolent. The troops eagerly packed the byproducts from a group of dead kobolds before moving on. The wooden encampment they built yesterday was truly disturbing and frightening.

It was surrounded by the heads of various monsters held up by wooden spears. There were heads of all sorts of monsters, including harpies, goblins, kobolds, and even the stone heads of gargoyles, which were intermediate-rank monsters.

Now, now, lets hurry up.

The mercenaries busily got to work. By now, they knew that the heads of the monsters were to be severed and hung on the wooden spears. About thirty minutes later, all the freshly decapitated heads of the monsters were hanging on the wooden spears located outside the camp.

There were literally hundreds of heads placed around the camp like decorations. It was bizarre and ominous.

Lets take a two-hour break. Make sure to identify the injured ones and tell the troops to organize themselves on our way back.

Yes, Sir Galfredik!

Partec, Veron, and Rudrian answered before returning to their respective positions. They had been appointed as squad leaders of the troops. After they left, Galfredik turned towards Eugene and spoke.

If we continue at this rate, I think we may have to withdraw by tomorrow. We already have so many byproducts that it may become quite difficult to transport it all if we continue.

I understand. By the way, that monster must be more cautious than we thought. Do you think we need to go there personally?

Maybe the monster is scared? If it doesnt come out again this time, we can head in a bit deeper. Even though it may be a little dangerous Hmm?

Galfredik suddenly stopped and frowned. Eugene aligned his gaze with Galfrediks. He could see a group of troops on the hillside. The group of troops descended and arrived at the ruin.

Eugene was puzzled by the sight.


It cant be. Baron Beogalan didnt seem like he was such a generous lord.

There appeared to be approximately thirty soldiers in the group. They were still a long way off, but they would arrive at Eugenes current location in about ten minutes.

Everyone, prepare yourselves for battle!

The soldiers stopped working at Galfrediks shout and started to put on their armor once again.

What is that?

Partec narrowed his eyes after spotting the uninvited guests descending the hillside.

How would I know? However, I do know one thing, its that they dont look very friendly.

The three squad leaders took on tense expressions after hearing Galfrediks answer. All of the unlocked evil lands usually had guards or managers watching over the trail paths. The same should be true for the Philia Ruins.

Regular subjugation teams would be barred from entering without permission, and even if they were here to deliver a message, it was customary for them to wait at the entrance that led to the trail path.

It was extremely rare for armed forces to approach without prior warning. Moreover, the uninvited guests were close in number to the subjugation group.

Have everyone come into the camp.


The squad leaders quickly relayed the order as experienced veterans, and all of the troops quickly entered the camp before taking defensive formations.


The soldiers placed their crossbows and spears between the gaps of the wooden blocks, and they glared at the uninvited guests as they grew closer and closer.


Sir Oleg. I think they must have spotted us. What shall we do?

As I said in the beginning, all units will charge.

What? Are you saying that we will rush them right away?

Thats right.

The face of the employed mercenaries hardened after hearing Olegs words. They were expecting to have a plan before engaging with the enemy, but they were given an order to charge recklessly. They wondered if the knight was out of his mind.

Moreover, they were informed that the enemy would number less after failing the ruins subjugation, but that didnt seem to be the case either. Rather, the enemy seemed like a well-organized group of soldiers.

I will cut down those who disobey my orders.

Ah, yes.

The mercenaries had no choice but to accept their fate. They were rather scared of Oleg, who was a well-known knight in the region. In addition, the orders of their employer were absolute.

Well, we have Sir Oleg on our side.

Even if hes a bit stupid, his skills are the real deal, right?



Oleg unsheathed his longsword before charging forward on his horse, and the mercenaries followed suit. Having a fully armed knight leading the charge on his warhorse was enough to empower the mercenaries.

It was then


A sharp, piercing cry threatened to tear the air apart. The eyes of the charging mercenaries immediately shifted towards the direction of the cry.


A dark, brown object was soaring towards them at an incredible speed from the other side of the Philia Ruins. Although it was the first time they saw it, everyone immediately recognized the identity of the flying object.



Even though the monster was far away, it was easily ten times the size of a golden eagle. Its appearance was enough to send chills down the backs of the mercenaries.

Kyaahk! Kyararak!

I see harpies as well!

Harpies answered the cry of their monarch and suddenly came out of hiding from within the Philia Ruins, soaring into the air along with their kin. It was evident at first glance that their number exceeded 100. The mercenaries turned to one person with shocked expressions.

S-sir Oleg!? What should we do now?

We will kill all the monsters.

B-but we were hired to deal with defeated soldiers of the subjugation

I will give you more money. If you try to run away, I will crack your head open and kill you.

The mercenaries broke out into cold sweat after seeing Olegs crazed eyes. They wanted to run away, but they instantly realized that Oleg wasnt joking. His words werent just a warning.

Oleg was the simplest, most ignorant knight in the neighborhood. He would surely come after them and crack their heads open if they ran away.

What should we do?

What else can we do? Lets pretend to follow him and run away when we get the chance.

The mercenaries had been together for a long time, and as such, they could convey their intentions with just their gazes. Once again, they resumed their charge down the hill.

After a while, Oleg and the mercenaries arrived at the site near the gate of the ruin.


The wyvern hovered in the air while screeching eerily, and the mercenaries hurriedly got into formation and raised their shields and crossbows.


Oleg suddenly knocked an arrow before firing his longbow. However, the wyvern was high in the air, and it was incredibly fast. It avoided the arrow as if mocking the stupid knight.

T-the harpies are coming out of the ruin!

The hired mercenaries screamed in an urgent voice. It was commonly known that monsters usually stayed in their evil land. However, they were currently rushing out of the half-crumbled walls.


The mercenaries met the harpies in battle while swearing. They were experienced soldiers, and as such, they were able to hold their position against the harpies after forming defensive formations. Oleg also abandoned his bow and started wielding his longsword against the charging harpies.

A bloody battle full of flesh, screams, and shouts ensued.

Eugene and his troops watched the battle unfold from their encampment, which was located a little distance away.

Huh. Things are taking a strange turn.

I know.

Galfredik expressed his astonishment, and Eugene nodded in response. He wasnt sure if he was just lucky, but things really were taking a strange turn.

Sir Eugene, what should we do?

Im not sure.

It would be the right decision to join the humans to fend off the monsters, but the knight wearing the surcoat with the Beogalan familys crest and his soldiers seemed to be faring quite well against the monsters. In addition, the wyvern was continuing to circle the sky above without coming down. It bothered Eugene.

It appears that the wyvern is waiting for us to exit the encampment.

After considering Marks explanation about the wyverns habits and his own experience, Eugene decided to remain within the compound.

Do you think that you can hit the harpies from here?

Ah, yes. We should be able to distract them for sure.

Then help them out.


Those with crossbows hurriedly aimed their weapons at harpies before firing. There were many harpies, and they were surrounding the defensive formation of the mercenaries. As such, every shot fired was right on its mark.

Should I join them too? Galfredik asked while raising his longbow.

However, Eugene shook his head before pointing at the sky.

No, we need to take care of that bastard.

Right. Hehe! Galfredik chuckled before dismounting his horse. He took a unique stance in which he stretched out his left leg and pointed it inwards.


An arrow soared into the sky with a sharp sound. The wyvern quickly circled, perhaps taken aback that the attack was much stronger and faster than Olegs.


Ah, so close!

Galfredik clicked his tongue as the wyvern roared angrily. However, those surrounding him could only watch him nervously. Their backs were soaked with sweat.

If the wyvern became enraged and started attacking them

Galfredik, can you shoot your arrow in a way that will drive that wyvern in a certain direction?

Hmm. I think it may be possible.

Then try it. Over there, above the gate of the ruin.

Right. Phew.

Galfredik took a large breath before taking an arrow from the ground and nocking it before pointing it at the wyvern.

What are you doing!? Theres no way a wyvern is going to fall from a single arrow!

What good is it going to do to anger it? This is driving me crazy!

The soldiers desperately wanted to stop him, but they had no choice but to watch Galfredik and Eugene with anxious gazes.

Ping! Ping! Ping!

Three arrows soared into the air one after another, at intervals of about two or three seconds. The wyvern flapped its wings leisurely and avoided the arrows. Galfrediks arrows narrowly brushed its tail.


Another arrow immediately shot into the air.

The wyvern possessed excellent sight. As such, it recognized that the arrow was aiming at a place where it was flying towards. In order to avoid the projectile, the wyvern made the choice to make a quick turn, which led it to the sky above the ruined gate.


A loud noise accompanied a heavy shockwave, and the eyes of the soldiers shifted immediately. Eugene had thrown a javelin from his spear thrower. Unlike the arrows, it was drawing a straight line through the air as it headed towards the wyvern.

Its going to miss

It did not miss.

The javelin continued its path and penetrated a wing of the wyvern, just as it circled around to avoid the arrow.


The jaws of all the onlookers were forced agape with shock.


The wyvern let out a terrible scream before flapping its wings once more. In the meantime, Eugene reloaded his spear thrower and launched another javelin with all his might, without delay.


The projectile split the air as it flew forward like thunder. It hit the wyvern dead center on its body.


Even though the wyvern was known as the emperor of the sky, there was no way it would be fine after receiving a javelin to its body. Moreover, the person responsible for throwing the javelin wasnt an ordinary knight, but a vampire who was several times stronger than humans.

Kuwuugh! Kuweh!

The wyvern thrashed and struggled in the air while screaming violently, then it eventually crashed to the ground. It couldnt maintain its flight with a spear in its chest.


Eugene glanced sideways after hearing Galfrediks shout.

What are you all doing? Lets go!

Ah! Yes, Sir Eugene!

The soldiers belatedly came to their senses and answered haphazardly. Even though they saw it with their own eyes, they could not believe it. The wyvern was felled with only two javelins.

This is crazy! Crazy!

Sir Eugene is a knight blessed by god!

I cant believe I dared to pick a fight with him I must have been out of my mind.

Sir Eugene is the god of war!

H-he cant be human. How could a human

Admiration, reproach, faith, and even superstition. Although their emotions were based on slightly different things, the troops shared the same admiration and awe toward Eugene.

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