How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 187

Chapter 187

First, I want you to tell me everything you know about the new King of Brantia, the servant disguised as the imperial prince asked Eugene while raising his chin somewhat arrogantly once Eugenes attitude suddenly changed. Eugene could already see signs pointing to the kids bleak future from his attitude, but it made sense. Even if he was just a servant, for him to serve the imperial prince meant he was from a prestigious noble family.

Kieeeek? T-This little runt dares to act so arrogantly to Sir Eugene?! Is what I would say, but it was just too much gold! Ptooey! Ptooey! the spirit exclaimed before diving into her pocket and literally sucking and licking the gold coins.

Just as the spirit had said, Eugene could tolerate such a level of arrogance for the amount of gold he had received. As such, he responded calmly, The king is the son of Count Crawlmarine. He has the support of many influential families, including Eland, Brodin, Dark, and Eugene. In addition

The servant interrupted, Anything other than such obvious stories? Do you know anything about him personally? From what I hear, the king started as a slave of Duke Batla before becoming his aide. Wouldnt that mean hes a little lacking in culture and sophistication?

Is this brat trying to pick a fight with me?

But the question obviously came from the real imperial prince, not from the servant in disguise. The Roman Empire was a symbol of civilization and power. It was entirely plausible for an imperial prince to evaluate the King of Brantia as such.

Eugene responded, Its not the book that calms the storm, but rather the blade. The Brantian King is a knight of considerable strength. I think he deserves the throne.

Hooh? The exclamation came from the real imperial prince. Eugene turned his gaze at the princes reaction, and the prince quickly realized his mistake and looked away while feigning ignorance.

Hes a terrible actor. However, I should play along for now.

The fake prince coughed and changed the topic after reading the awkward atmosphere.

Ehem! I see. But from what I heard, the Duke of Batla, the master and guardian of the king, is an amazing knight as well. Is that true?

Eugene responded, Well, I heard he has some skills with the blade.

Eugene glossed over it, as he couldnt possibly endorse and praise himself. It would simply be uncouth.

Thats not what Ive heard. On my way here, Ive heard that he is an outstanding man who is unrivaled with the blade and a brave warrior who can overcome any tribulation, the servant said.

Well, I have heard that some people think so, but I think it might be a little exaggerated, Eugene responded. He wanted to cringe in embarrassment.

However, the imperial prince seemed to have a different idea regarding the duke than the duke himself.

Ha! What do you mean by that? He is a hero who has conquered the turbulent times, a mirror for knights who seek honor and chivalry rather than a pretentious throne! said the imperial prince, disguised as the servant.

Even though you have come from the Kingdom of Caylor, you are now walking on Brantias land, sir! How can you deny the glorious honor of Duke Batla? the prince continued enthusiastically with glittering eyes, and Eugene became at a loss for words.

Apart from the fact that the prince was a horrible, horrible liar and actor, why did the imperial prince of the empire admire himself like so?

I dont have a good feeling about this.

The fake prince poked the real princes waist, and the real prince froze for a second before explaining himself, Is what the young master has said repeatedly. Isnt that right, young master?

Huh? Oh! Thats right. Hahaha! My servant has always had great admiration for Duke Batlas strength and prowess, as have I. Ahaha. Hahahaha, the servant quickly said.


Even the two peoples laughs were incredibly awkward. Eugene had to forcefully suppress a sigh.

Ehem. Anyway, sir, since you are a knight from the Caylor Kingdom, you must know quite a bit about the Duke of Batla, as he is a member of the Dark Clan from Caylor. Oh, dont tell me you are biased toward him because he is a member of the Dark Clan? By any chance, are you a follower of the church there? the fake prince asked with cautious eyes, and Eugene quickly glanced at the real prince and the other knights.

Although they appeared to be looking elsewhere, he could tell they were waiting for his answer.

Not at all. Not all knights of the Caylor Kingdom follow the central church, Eugene responded.

Oh! Thats a good thing, the fake prince said. As expected, the Roman Empire also hated the central church of the Caylor Kingdom. Eugene felt slightly grateful toward Delmondo. The knowledge he possessed regarding the empire had come from Delmondo, a former official of the empire.

Well, if thats all the questions you have for me, lets speed up a little. It will be better for the young master to rest at an inn rather than Eugene started.

No, its fine, The real prince stepped up once again, although the fake prince was staying quiet.

If youre going to act, do it properly!

Then, surprise quickly filled his face and he hurriedly explained himself once again, The young master enjoys hunting and the atmosphere of the wilderness, so those things do not bother him. Isnt that right, young master?

Ah! T-thats right. Hahaha!


In a sense, the two peoples acting skills could truly send shivers down anyones spine.

Eugene was convinced. He was certain that the two little runts would have been properly identified many times on their way to Brantia.

Anyway, since we were on the topic, is Duke Batla really such a strong knight? From what I hear

Eugene was getting fed up with the constant bombardment of questions, but he gave sincere answers. Of course, he was only giving properly packaged facts that most of his followers would already know.

The greedy spirit wriggled inside her pocket, stuck out her head, then looked up at Eugene with rapacious eyes before chattering away, Sir, sir! Just give them some first-class information and ask for more gold! They have so much money, so tell them about our first meeting! Oh, it was just fate, how we came to

Eugene quickly pressed down on the leather pocket with one swift movement. Then, he responded appropriately to the constant blabbering of his own legendary tales.

And so! When Duke Batla executed the evil dragon in the Carls Baggins Peninsula, his holy sword shone bright with a

Is that so? Thats great.

And I am not certain about this, but in the Rodrick Archipelago, he stood facing an enormous sea dragon. At that time, he thundered with courage and an unyielding spirit to

Oh, thats a little

Ten! Ten Swordmasters of Eland challenged the duke, and

Where the hell had the prince heard these stories from?

No; in the first place, did monsters retreat when they were yelled at in the empire; and were swordmasters so common they had ten of them?


For the first time in his life, Eugene regretted taking the gold coins.


Let us part ways here, Eugene said.

Thank you, sir. Ah, by chance, are you thinking of entering the palace later? If so the real prince started.

No, I am going to depart immediately after conducting my business. Goodbye then, Eugene interrupted and said curtly.

See you next time! Thank you is what the young master wants me to say! Hahaha The real prince was still faking it until the very end. Eugene walked away without looking back and immersed himself in the crowd.

Sir, sir. What if you see him again? What if he recognizes you in the palace? Mirian poked out her head and squeaked. Even the spirit, who thought of herself as unrivaled when it came to talkativeness, had been forced to stay inside her pocket all day long in front of the chatty prince.

He wont recognize me, as I almost never took off my helmet, and I even shaved. It doesnt really matter anyway since Ill have to go take care of the orcs as soon as the meeting is over, Eugene responded. According to the information he had gathered from the Tolo tribe, the ships of the Bayman Orcs would soon be arriving.

The only way to get to the south without crossing the snowy mountain was to travel via ships, and there were only a few coasts that they could utilize. If Eugene immediately departed with his troops, he could avoid facing the imperial prince in the palace.

But do you think aide number two will be fine on his own? That prince, he sure talked a lot. What if aide number two gets angry and starts beating him up? Mirian asked.

Unless hes out of his mind, he would never beat up a prince Eugene paused. The prince was currently disguised as a noble from the Roman Empire. Moreover, a servant was pretending to be the young master and the prince was pretending to be a servant.

So what would happen if a servant was the most talkative and meddlesome of the bunch?

There is a high possibility that they will get into a quarrel with the knights or nobles.

Nobles and knights lived and died with pride and honor. Moreover, Brighton was currently crowded with nobles who had attended the coronation. A problem would certainly arise if the horrible actors acted exactly as they had toward him, or even half of what they had done.

Should I tell Luke and the others?

Eugene immediately shook his head.

Luke could never lie or trick others, and he was a terrible actor as well. Perhaps Lanslo would make good use of the information, but not Luke. Eugene was almost convinced that Luke would make a mistake.

Well, Im sure hell take care of it Eugene muttered. In the first place, they had to be prepared for whatever treatment they would receive as the consequences of hiding their identity. In addition, the princes party had remained unexpectedly fine during their journey from the distant empire. It meant they had always reacted well to whatever predicaments they had found themselves in.

As such, Eugene decided not to care about it any longer.

I already got sufficient information about the empire, and Ive already paid for the damned gold coins by listening to him talk all day long, Eugene stated.

Thats right! Even the money-crazed spirit agreed with Eugene. It was nice that they were able to obtain information about the empire, but the prince was so chatty that Mirian almost started to miss the loquacious knight of Maren, Sir Madrica.

Lets prepare ourselves, just in case, Eugene said while hurrying toward Brightons City Hall, which had been transformed into the royal castle.

Where are you from? This is the noblest place in Brantia, where the great spirits The guards called out.

Its me, Eugene responded.

And who is me Heup! The guards gasped after recognizing Eugenes identity.

Shh. Dont make a fuss. Act normal, Eugene commanded.

Most of the guards wearing chest plates engraved with the royal crest were mercenaries Eugene had smashed apart in the past. They immediately stiffened after meeting the eyes of the vampire duke, who had returned after a long, secret mission.

P-Please give us your orders, the guards stammered.

Soon, or maybe even today, a group of foreign nobles may come visiting. They might introduce themselves as nobles of the Roman Empire. If they ask about me, dont ever tell them that Ive returned, Eugene said.

U-understood. The guards quickly nodded at Eugenes command.

Good. Keep up the good work. No need for formalities, Eugene said.

Yes! The guards stopped themselves from raising their spears in salute, and Eugene patted them on the shoulders before passing by. The guards stood as still as stone statues until Eugene disappeared completely, then they finally breathed a long sigh.

Phew! Hes really like a ghost. When did he return? Oh, thats right One of the guards turned his head toward where Eugene had disappeared with a sudden thought. However, Eugene was already gone.

Master Pranbow and Sir Lanslo stressed that I was supposed to deliver their words to His Excellency Welp, Im sure he will find out as soon as he enters the castle. It will be fine, the guard muttered. The city hall had been renovated into the royal castle, and it was extremely large. What were the chances that Eugene would meet that person before anyone else?

As such, the guard brushed it off and resumed his duty.

However, he had never imagined that it would happen

Neither Eugene, nor the guards, nor that person, the daughter of Elands king and a princess knight, had imagined what was to come.

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