How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 177

Chapter 177

Eugene settled down in a suitable corner afterward. Eugene, Romari, and the hunter sat with their backs to the wall. Galfredik and the beowulfs, who were much larger in size, sat at the edges and prevented anyone from approaching them.

Not here, right?

Not here

Even after taking another look through the restaurant, Eugene couldnt find Maxenne and his group among the warriors and mercenaries having a feast.

Thats strange. He should know the area quite well, Eugene muttered. It wouldnt make sense for Maxenne, who was actually related to the Tolo family, to not know of this town. Moreover, there was no way he would have had an accident or encountered a robber or a thief on his way either. If that were the case, Eugene would have encountered Maxennes group on the way.

In that case, there was only one conclusion to be made.

Did he go somewhere else?

But that would be strange as well. Maxenne had declared his firm intention to join the vanguard of the Tolo family, which meant that he would have known that Kunderima was leading the vanguard as a direct descendant of the Tolo family.

Well, its none of my business.

It would bring too much unwanted attention if Maxenne recognized him and made a fuss anyway, which could lead to Eugenes true identity being discovered. It was better this way.

Master, isnt this weird? Theres too few of them, Galfredik commented with a frown. He wasnt seeing what he had expected.

Hmm. Eugene nodded in agreement. According to Maxenne, the Tolo family had around fifty figures who could be called warriors. However, among the orcs gathered in the restaurant, Eugene could only see around ten who were fit to be called warriors.

In fact, it was rather easy to distinguish them since they were dressed similarly and had rings around their fangs. The remaining thirty were likely mercenaries. There were a few orcs among the thirty mercenaries, but they didnt have any rings on their fangs and their equipment paled in comparison to the Tolo familys warriors.

This is the Tolo familys full force? No, that cant be it. Somethings not right.

Maxenne had been a bit frivolous, but he didnt appear like a man who would make up a story. However, Eugene could only see a quarter of what Maxenne described as being the Tolo familys full force.

Now! Everyone, raise your glasses!


The warriors and mercenaries raised their mugs at Kunderimas husky voice. Eugenes group followed along, and Kunderima stood up from his seat.

He raised his voice while looking around the restaurant, I know, you know, and all the spirits under the mountains know that little fangs are weak! Its a fact! We will pave a way of blood together, with all of you and me, Kunderima! When we open the way, the warriors of Tolo will follow! And the other big, lazy fangs will follow behind them as well!


Eugene and Galfredik immediately noticed something strange in Kunderimas speech as they shared gazes.

Let us fill our stomachs with the blood of the little fangs! Kill and loot as much as you want! Finders, keepers! I will take the credit and honor, so take all the gold, silver, and treasures. Take as much as you want! Now! Drink! Kunderima shouted.


Kunderimas speech was truly extraordinary. It was a speech befitting a Tolo, the most militant of the seven orc tribes. The warriors and mercenaries took a hearty gulp of alcohol at his husky shouts while cheering. Even the beowulf warriors, who wouldnt lose to anyone when it came to being belligerent, roared with bloodshot eyes. However, Eugene and Galfredik were completely unaffected by the traces of Orc Fear contained in Kunderimas words. They nodded while looking at each other.

That Kunderima. Hes as greedy as he looks.

It became evident that Kunderima had been impatient.

It appeared he had been blinded by his desire to make contributions that he formed a vanguard without consulting his family. The reason why Maxenne couldnt be found anywhere was that the half-orc had gone elsewhere to join the Tolo familys main army.

Im glad the orcs are so ignorant. Anyway, wheres the sorcerer?

Eugene couldnt find anyone who looked like a sorcerer among the disheveled, unorganized bunch.

Romari. Do you see anyone who could be a sorcerer? Eugene asked.

I dont see anyone. I cant feel any flow of mana either, Romari answered.

Hmm. Eugene found it strange. If they were setting out tomorrow, it would have made sense for Kunderima to show off the sorcerer to everyone for the sake of boosting morale. Orcs loved to boast, and if he had a sorcerer who had even predicted their good fortune, Eugene was certain that the orc would have shown it off

Is it some sort of a secret weapon?

Eugene felt rather disappointed. Still, he remembered Pythamorass warning about orc druids. It would have been helpful to observe the sorcerer beforehand, but unfortunately, he would simply have to wait until tomorrow.


Dum! Dum! Dum! Dum! Dum!

Clang! Chaeng! Chaechaeng! Clang!

The sound of leather drums resounded, and the sound of clashing iron made by spears and swords filled the gaps. The march was centered around the Tolo familys orc warriors. Half-orcs and human mercenaries were around them as the group advanced.

Although it was rather inappropriate to call it an army, the morale of the rough, northern warriors was sky-high. Eugene stared at the backs of the orc warriors, who were swagging along with battle axes and spears slung over their shoulders.

The mercenaries are pretty good, and each one of the orc warriors should be as strong as a knight. Well, the orcs I faced in Maren were quite decent as well.

He remembered facing orc warriors to save the talkative knight, Sir Madrica, back in Maren. He could understand where the Bayman Orcs confidence stemmed from. Moreover, the Tolo familys warriors looked stronger than the orcs he had faced in Maren.

Hey, An old orc with dim eyes approached Eugene and asked, I heard from Sir Kunderima. You folks know the way to cross the snowy mountain?

The orc sorcerer!

The old creature held a curved cane that had a goblin skull for a handle. Eugene quickly nodded and responded, Thats right. I will show you the way along with this man.

Hmmm. The orc sorcerer examined Eugene and the hunter while stroking his colorful fangs. For some reason, he looked rather dissatisfied.

Are you sure? the orc sorcerer asked.

I-Im certain, the hunter responded while bowing.

Tsk. I see. Anyway, I got it, The orc sorcerer clicked his tongue before turning around, seemingly annoyed.

Eugene felt rather confused. He turned his gaze away from the sorcerer and spoke to Galfredik, Its weird. Shouldnt he be happy that we know the way? Why is he acting like that?

Thats true. He even performed a divination, right? The fortunes supposed to be good, Galfredik responded with a nod.

Hmm. Eugene glared at the orc sorcerers back as he walked haughtily by Kunderimas side. Eugene had seen and experienced his share of wizards until now. He had Romari and Pythamoras on his side, and he had killed two black wizards responsible for turning monsters into undead. However, all of them had been distinctly different in appearance and aura from the orc sorcerer. He couldnt feel any special energy emanating from the orc sorcerer as well.

Romari, did you feel anything just now? Eugene asked.

No, nothing. Its strange. I didnt feel any flow of mana, as well as the mysteries of spells, Romari answered.

Mirian. What about you? Eugene asked.

He didnt smell anything like other spirits. I could only smell pork, Mirian responded. Eugenes frown deepened. It was truly strange that Romari, a real wizard, and a spirit couldnt feel anything special from the orc sorcerer just now.

The hunter cautiously called out. Excuse me, sir?

Eugene responded, Hmm? What is it?

The hunter continued in a low voice after looking around. Well, I think I might know that orc.

You might know that orc? Who? Eugen asked.

The hunter replied, That orc sorcerer...

What? Eugene barely held himself back from exclaiming as he moved closer to the hunter.

What do you mean by that? Tell me exactly what you are talking about, Eugene asked.

The hunter responded, My cabin, the one which you saw, that place is not the only area that Im active in.

It made sense. A hunters area of activity would be very wide, and even more so in a mountain full of wild animals and monsters.

So? Eugene asked.

I often cross about two peaks and stop by a small village located at the foot of the snowy mountain. I think I might have No, Im certain Ive seen that orc in that village, the hunter explained.

Hooh. Continue, Eugene said while pressing a gold coin into the hunters palm.

The hunter explained, Yes, yes. Well, so

He was thoroughly touched and impressed by the knight who had always awarded him with gold coins instead of useless compliments. As such, he was excited to spill everything he knew.

Kieeh. Gold coins truly work on everybody. Humans, vampires, orcs, everybody, Mirian commented.

It was certainly true since money was capable of bewitching even spirits.


Three days later, Kunderimas forces came to rest their eyes on the snowy mountain, which stood erect in front of them like a giant barrier.

Oi, little fang! Kunderima called out.

Yes, Eugene stepped forward with his group in response. He took the lead without hesitation as if he really knew the way through the mountain. In truth, the hunter was walking a couple of steps ahead of him, but no one was vigilant enough to notice the small anomaly. The warriors were much too excited to cross the mountain.

Ohh! As expected, you have to leave these things to a professional guide.

The weather is nice, too. The spirits of the mountains must be watching over us.

Indeed, the weather was clear. The mercenaries and warriors followed behind Eugene without any doubt. They themselves had been here several times in the past to hunt monsters and beasts. However, they had only visited areas where the hunters operated, so they had no idea about the snowy mountains true appearance.

They had never imagined even in their wildest dreams that a white hell would be awaiting them near the summit of the mountain even though the sky was incredibly blue and clear. They had never imagined that a terrible blizzard was waiting past one peak, which would render them near-blind to anything past 10 meters.

As such, Kunderima and his troops followed behind Eugenes group without any worries. However, one figure became increasingly anxious as Eugenes party climbed the mountain without hesitation.

Do they really know the way?

It was the orc sorcerer.

He had initially assumed that a bunch of nobodies had become drunk at the thought of leading the vanguard and bluffed about knowing the path. However, that did not seem to be the case. He could tell just by watching how they chose their paths without hesitation that they were guides with extraordinary abilities.

Ah, this is no good

The orc sorcerer pondered for a long while, then he finally came to a decision.

Everyone, wait a minute! he shouted.

Hmm? Whats wrong? Kunderima stopped, then turned around at the voice of the orc sorcerer. The orc sorcerer took on an extremely serious expression, then strode forward.

He spoke while pointing at the snowy mountain with his goblin-skull cane, Sir Kunderima. Just now, I felt the spirit of the White Fang Mountain.

Huh? All of a sudden? Kunderima asked, dumbfounded.

The orc sorcerer responded, Thats right. I am quite taken aback as well, but it must be because we are getting closer to the mountain. Hmm? This is?!

Hooo! Kunderima exclaimed with surprise. The mercenaries and warriors seemed shocked as well. An orc sorcerer was a being who deserved their awe and wonder even more so than the seven tribal chiefs. As such, they were struck with sudden anxiety when the sorcerer started trembling with a glimmer in his eyes.

Omnac Mororak. Vidas Aribu Lekka! Dun-hamil, Zuzunak


The sorcerer waved his goblin-skull wand toward the snowy mountain in the distance. Kunderima waited with an anxious heart.

Kashua! The orc sorcerer completed his chanting while shaking his cane, then suddenly turned around before directing his cane at Eugene.

"The spirits of the White Fang Mountain have whispered to me! This man is an unclean creature! He is a false prophet who will lead us all to death! the orc sorcerer shouted.

Everyone became wide-eyed at the sorcerers words. It was strange since the orc sorcerer had basically ignored Eugenes group after the first day.

Eugene looked at the sorcerer as if finding him ridiculous, then he turned toward the hunter. Hey, you said hes a fake sorcerer

The hunter responded, Yes, yes. Thats right. Hes a liar and a swindler who doesnt know anything about sorcery. He cheats ignorant villagers of their money. Just look at him! Isnt it obvious that hes a fraud, talking this and that about how youre going to bring them to death?

The hunter couldnt hide his agitation. He had seen the orc sorcerer; rather, the con artist, on several occasions during his ten years of living in the area. He had even purchased a defense charm from the fraudster in the past, yet he tripped and broke his leg in the forest the next day.

Well, from what he said just now, I think hes not just a simple fraudster, Eugene said.

What? the hunter mumbled in confusion.

The orc sorcerer raised his voice once again, Sir Kunderima! You must put an end to that liar as quickly as possible! That way, the spirits of the mountain will be appeased and


The orc sorcerer stopped his words as a sudden vibration erupted through the cold air. Everyones gazes turned toward the source of the commotion.


Waves of translucent energy fluctuated like a haze above a fluttering, black cloak.

But that wasnt the end of it

Three servants had thrown off their long, thick fur robes to reveal thick leather armor, completely covering their limbs.


The servants bodies began to slowly grow larger as they growled. The orc warriors burst into exclamations when they saw the long, thickened, gray, and furry limbs of the servants and their beastly faces.



Eugene threw off his cloak and looked at the hunter.


His body started to swell until it burst through his cheap, leather armor. He became twice as large as the beowulfs after transforming into a lycanthrope.

Eugene opened his lips. Hes too accurate to be a con artist, right? Hes correct. Theyre all going to die here today.

The hunter immediately fainted as the champion monsters breath inundated his face.

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