How to Live as an Illegal Healer

Chapter 65

65. You’ll regret it, but

Kang Seung-hyun and his party went to see Vice Master Haibe.

Haibe’s room was unnecessarily luxurious and grand, befitting his position as deputy master.

“excuse me. My name is Seunghyun Kang Healer.”

“Kang Seung-hyun Healer? Ah, that’s the friend Professor Tansel was talking about.”

Haibe also knew about Kang Seung-hyeon. Professor Tansel seems to be a really huge insider.

“What are you doing with me? I have a meeting soon, so I have to go out.”

“Just give me a moment.”

“If only for a moment…”

Haibe nodded and sat down.

“Actually, this happened today.”

Kang Seung-hyeon explained what happened in the herb growing room.

‘Even if I say this, they won’t let us into the magic center. It’s a place that even professors in the Mage Tower can’t come in and out of.’

The magic center is the core facility of the Mage Tower that affects the entire Mage Tower. No matter how serious the situation, there was no way they would let outsiders in.

‘From now on, I’m going to investigate directly at the Mage Tower… I’ll have to get out of here.’

So, Kang Seung-hyun was thinking of getting out of this job only to receive compensation for solving the situation in the herb growing room.

If you get entangled here, it will be annoying.

‘If you’re sane, you won’t stay still after hearing this.’

“You ask me to open the door to the magic center while talking about such nonsense?”

However, it seems that Haibe was not in his right mind. He turned his head away without even listening to Kang Seunghyun properly.

“That’s ridiculous!”

“I’m not asking you to open the door, it’s that there’s a problem with the magic center, so the Magic Tower should investigate it yourself.”

Kang Seung-hyeon calmly explained the situation, but said,

“It’s nonsense! There can be no problem with the magic center!”

Haibe slammed the table and cut off Kang’s words.

‘You’re a typical cross-legged brat.’

An old-fashioned bastard who doesn’t even know well and tells his subordinates to shut up because he’s right.

Kang Seung-hyun did not like this type very much.

“It is a facility created with the best technology in the Crimson Mage Tower. It’s a safe place even if the magic tower collapses…”


“But what’s wrong with a place like that! There is no such thing as a problem!”


Hearing Haibe’s bullshit, Kang Seung-hyun furrowed his eyebrows.

‘Why are you making such a fuss?’

Haibe had been emphasizing that there was no problem with the center of magic from earlier. Excessive enough to make you want to do something weird.

‘If it’s the most important place in the Mage Tower, shouldn’t I pay more attention?’

Haibe’s attitude now was too strange. If there was really nothing wrong with the magic center, there would be no reason to shout like that.

Rather, it seemed to be hiding something.

“Hi Be! Do you know what the herb growing room is like right now?”

“that’s right! Do you know how hard we’ve been through?”

Shuire and Kim Ho-jung, impatient, intervened in the conversation.

“It’s not normal! To the point where the main magic circle collapsed…”

“At least, a fake magic circle was installed. I plan to take disciplinary action for that.”

However, Haibe did not pretend to listen and came to his own conclusions.

“There was no problem with the magic circle!”

“Does that mean my judgment is wrong? Dare to be younger than me!”

Priests, healers, and wizards all do the same. Kkondaes have a hobby of crushing the opinions of their subordinates.

A normal wizard would have been overwhelmed here, but

“You didn’t even see the situation in the herb growing room!”

Shuire, who has nothing to do with talent, refuted without giving in.

“what? A child is a spoiled talker!”

“The reason why the magic circle has problems is that more than the limit of mana flows in…”

“Stop! The magical linking circuit is magic created by the best wizards of the Crimson Mage Tower!”

Haibe shouted and cut off Shuire’s words. It is the characteristic of kkondae to get angry when it seems that they will be pushed back in an argument.

“Are you going to insult the Crimson Mage Tower itself?”

“I’ve never had that…”

“Shuire Perna! Are the words that the guy who ran out of the Mage Tower brazenly crawled in and said are insults to the Mage Tower?”


Shuire had nothing to say, so she kept her mouth shut.

“Professor Tansel taught his students the wrong way. Is it too much? It’s because I’ve lost my habit of teaching.”


“I’ll give you a separate punishment for attacking the submaster.”

Haibe blocked Shuire’s mouth in a direction that had nothing to do with the subject. It’s a really dumb idea.

“…Haibe Vice Master.”

Kang Seung-hyun, who was lost in thought, opened his mouth.

“Now there will be explosions all over the Mage Tower. A lot of people will get hurt and die.”

“There’s no way that’s going to happen, and even if it does, stop it with magic!”

Haibe did not give up his thoughts until the end.

“This is your final warning. Even now, people…”

“You were just wasting time. Get out of my room!”

Haibe shouted in a fit of rage. He said he would call someone if he didn’t want to leave right away.

The assistant master of the Mage Tower puts the safety of the magicians behind the scenes.

[Observation eye]

Kang Seung-hyun raised his head and looked at the wall.

And he said with a smile.

“…You’ll regret it.”

-Immediately after that, Kang Seung-hyeon took the party and left Haibe’s room.

“…it’s finally gone.”

Haibe, who had chased Kang Seung-hyeon’s group out, looked around and sighed.

“Those… how far did you find out?”

Then, with an uneasy face, he muttered while biting his nails.

‘You didn’t notice that the power system was broken…?’

In fact, Haibe already knew.

That there was a problem with the power system of the center of horsepower.

‘I’ve been neglecting the management of the magic center because I’ve been paying attention to the master position fight…’

The magic power system is a really difficult and complicated magic. This is because even a small error can turn into a big problem.

So, the manager of the magic center must check the system every day to see if there are any problems.

‘This is… Damn those idiots!’

But Haibe didn’t do that.

He left the central management to his subordinates to focus on master candidate work.

‘I couldn’t get this thing right, so I made it to this point?’

However, there is no way that wizards who are less skilled than the sub-master can detect errors in the power system.

Haibe rubbed his forehead and muttered with a confused face.

‘Whoa… The power system is absorbing more than the standard horsepower right now. They’re randomly releasing the magic they’ve gathered.’

By the time he noticed this fact, the system had already gone out of hand.

‘If I keep going like this, the crystal that stores magic… will explode.’

If I had discovered it earlier, it was a situation that could not be rectified now.

‘The only solution is to stop the power system and completely replace the magic power center…’ It was an

urgent matter that had to be informed to the Mage Tower immediately, but Haibe deliberately hid this fact.

‘But if it is known that there is a problem with the power system because I was neglecting my work…’ Haibe

left the work of the magic center to his subordinates and did not know that the power system was broken because of that.

This is a felony that cannot be overlooked.

‘I’m not going to be kicked out of my position as a master candidate!’

If this fact were known to the Mage Tower, instead of becoming a master, he would be kicked out of his position as submaster.

‘How did I get to this place!’

‘no way! Absolutely not!’

‘This is the only way for now!’

After thinking about it, Haibe made the officials shut up. It covered up power system problems.

‘Until now… whenever a magical abnormality was reported, he sent his subordinates to fix it.’

Of course, big and small problems arose in various places in the Mage Tower, but Haibe dispatched his subordinates to calmly deal with them.

“Of course… in the herb growing room!”

There is no person in charge of the herb growing room. So no one noticed the seriousness of the situation.

‘I never thought it would be serious enough for monsters to occur.

Haibe muttered with a nervous face. In two days, the current Master will retire and a new Master will be elected.

‘Now the most promising master candidate is… Haibe Vihel! I am myself!’

This is why Haibe is trying hard to cover up this incident. Because the Crimson Mage Tower Master seat was right in front of me.

‘When I become a Master, I can stop the power system with the excuse of checking the magic center.’

The power system can only be tinkered with once mastered. Haibe intended to hold out until then.

‘It’s only two days. Two days! It’s not too late to replace it then!’

Haibe muttered as he bit his nails.

“Kang Seung-hyun Shuire. As long as the gonoms don’t uselessly poke around…”

I’m grateful for solving the situation in the herb growing room, but I don’t know what they’ll do if I just leave it there.

‘I have to get rid of it quickly before it’s too late.’

Kang Seung-hyun and his party should be kicked out of the magic tower right away, and Shuire should be put in the lab for two days, citing punishment.

“Then, without any problems, the Master’s seat…”



The sound of sparks could be heard from somewhere.

Haibe looked back.

Pajik Pajik….

Pajijik Jik!!!

“This is…! Magic backflow!”

Powerful sparks were emanating from the magical power connection circuit connected to Haibe’s room. As Kang Seung-hyeon warned, explosions occurred all over the mage tower.

Of course, Haibe’s room is no exception.

“Damn it! Multiple magic shields!”

Haibe immediately opened his magic shield to block the explosion damage.



“Keu keu ugh…!”

It succeeded in blocking the damage, but the wall collapsed in the aftermath of the explosion. Haibe was crushed by the fallen bookshelf.

“Damn it… this shit…! As long as there is magic…”

Hiibe tried to use magic to escape.


At that moment, sparks exploded from Haibe’s body.


Haibe screamed in pain.

‘No way! The backflow of magical power from my body…!’

Being caught up in a powerful magical explosion, the magical energy in her body began to flow backwards.

‘I can’t use magic like this…!’

In the aftermath, it became difficult to even move, let alone use magic. Haibe struggled, but couldn’t move.

“Keugh…! isn’t anyone there? My body is crushed by the rubble of a building!”

It is impossible to escape on your own.

A panicked Haibe desperately shouted.

“Quickly rescue me! If not…”

Pajik Pajijik….

Even while doing this, sparks continued to burst out. Haibe struggled, but he couldn’t get out of here or open his magic shield.

‘More magic is flowing out of the broken magic circuit! There will be an explosion that is incomparably more powerful than before!’

If you don’t run away right away, this time you will take the explosion damage all over your body. If you do, your life cannot be guaranteed.

“Damn it! If only I could use magic…!”

jerk jerk.


As Haibe struggled, he heard human footsteps in his ears. Haibe shouted with all his might.

“there! Come and save me right now! here it is! This way!”

jerk jerk.

As the footsteps got closer, Haibe said with a relieved face.

“Come on, get me out! It will explode soon!”

Then the sound of approaching footsteps stopped.

“What are you doing? Come and save me right away…”

“You did well to run away quickly.”


Haibe raised his head with a worried face.

“Because if we had stayed, we would have been caught in the explosion too.”

“Huh! Now you…”

“Did I say I would regret it?”

The protagonist of the footsteps was none other than Kang Seung-hyun.

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