How to Live as an Illegal Healer

Chapter 416

428. For the first time since turning around,

Sehmet said this.

{A monster created by mixing the soul of a broken vessel and the essence of a broken god. That is the true identity of the ‘black beast’ you speak of.}

{If the essence was intact, it would not have been resurrected in such a messed up form.}

The black beast. In other words, the reason why the black cube and Kim Ho-jeong were mixed was because the essence of the guy was broken and his power could not be controlled.

“Originally, he was supposed to be resurrected in the form of Kim Ho-jung, but that bastard got his head broken and forgot how to resurrect, so he ended up like that.”

{okay. The reason he was resurrected in such a form is because his essence was broken and he could not properly

handle his power.

“Then the answer is easy. If he comes to his senses, won’t he be resurrected in a normal form?”

If he could control his power, the two beings would be clearly distinguished as a bowl containing the normal form and essence, rather than a messy mixture of bowl and essence as it is now.

“At that time, you should be able to separate it by extracting the soul or the essence.”

{This is the correct answer. As expected, you’re quick-witted.}

Sehmet smiled softly and gestured.

Chow ah….

A red puddle of blood spread from under her feet and came to Kang Seung-hyun’s feet as if a red carpet were unfolding.

{Because he lost his reason, he couldn’t control his ability, so he just took on such a bizarre form. If the broken spirit returns, you will be able to restore the vessel containing yourself in its entirety.} When

the body of Kim Ho-jeong, the vessel, is restored to normal, the mixed spirit and essence will naturally separate.

{You pointed to the state of the black beast and expressed it as a drink made by grinding fruit and milk.}

“Just say strawberry milk, it’s grandiose.”

{I think it’s a mixture of broken glass and puzzle pieces.}

Kim Ho-jung’s puzzle became a vessel.

A broken piece of glass is a god whose essence is broken.

Now, they are randomly mixed, but if you complete the puzzle separately, you can naturally leave only pieces of glass.

{And only ‘him’ who can put the puzzle together is conscious.}

In the end, the only way to separate Kim Ho-jung and the black beast is to bring him back to his senses.

“And the way to come to your senses is…”

{The broken essence must be restored. Because he lost his reason as his essence was broken.}

“You mean to find the essence piece that Shin Yoo-jun took.”

{This is the correct answer. If you want to save your comrades, you have to get the essence the tailor took.}

Everything went round and round and back to the beginning.

In the end, the answer was to step on Shin Yu-jun, the culprit of all this.

“Good for you. I was thinking of stepping on it soon. I have to take away the essence of both.”

Of course, Kang Seung-hyeon doesn’t have much grudge against Shin Yu-jun, but isn’t there a time when even such scumbags sometimes have to experience being beaten with malicious intent for no reason?

{Ah, there is one thing I should point out.}

“What is it?”

{Theoretically, when the vessel is restored, the mixed spirit and essence will be separated, so the two beings can be separated, but…}

Sehmet continued with a chuckle.

{Will the ‘he’ who regained reason give up the vessel?}


{Rather, as if he had waited, he might try to devour the vessel’s soul and completely dominate the body…. Rather, it is a better choice to maintain the status quo. It could be.}

Sehmet’s assertion is not wrong either.

The existence that was originally sealed in the black cube lost its body and only its mind remained. You won’t be willing to give away a bowl you’ve worked hard to get.

“No, that won’t happen.”

However, Seunghyun Kang shook his head.

{Why do you think so?}

“It’s been over two years since I’ve known him.”

The ‘black beast’ Kang Seung-hyeon knows is the exact opposite of Kim Ho-jung, who hates violence, and is violent and cruel, but at the same time enjoys fair battles, and he doesn’t touch innocent people if he can.

‘Although there were times when I got caught in a fight by turning my eyes away.’

More than anything, the guy recognized Kang Seung-hyun, who fought on an equal footing with him, and even helped Alec, who was about to be attacked.

Unlike the past, when they did not choose any means or methods to steal someone else’s body in a cowardly way, now they are keeping the minimum line.

“Sehmet said that his essence was broken and he lost his ego, but the black beast I saw had his own will.”


“I must have created a new self influenced by Ho-Jung Kim while working with him.”

Just like a person who has lost his memory lives a different life from the past while building up experiences and memories again.

“If he was the one who would betray Mr. Kim Ho-jung as soon as he regained his reason, he would have taken over his body when he formed his ego.”

But the guy didn’t.

For the past two years, whether he likes it or not, he has been living as a black beast while rolling with Kim Ho-jung, so he may have attached his own affection.

“At first, I thought of it as a simple vessel, but now it means that it is a partner who shares life and death more than anyone else.”

{You believe in him.}

“… you would have said. If it’s Alec.”

Seunghyun Kang responded with a sneer.

In fact, Alec is also the type who likes that kind of thing.

{Then you?}

“Of course I don’t believe it. Who knows, that bastard would only be looking for an opportunity to steal his body. I’ve never had a proper conversation before.”

{…then wouldn’t it be better to give up?}

“Well, it’s a happy ending if you say you’ll give up the bowl and quit because you’re attached to Kim Ho-jung. There is no need to maintain the status quo.”

Of course, no one knows what will happen in the future.

Kang Seung-hyun also came up with a countermeasure in his own way in preparation for the case when it did not go off smoothly.

“But if he tries to eat Kim Ho-jung’s soul, he will use Spirit Interference to extract the soul and beat Kim Ho-jung until he gives up his body.”


“Because I’m a healer, I’m good at hitting so that I don’t die.”

The answer is ‘physical therapy’.

If you don’t want to get hit by the map, you know what to do.

{Hu-hu-hu-hu-ha… Ha-ha-ha-ha!}

Sehmet heard Kang Seung-hyeon’s answer and laughed so loudly that the room reverberated.

{I’m really sorry that you are not my follower. He would have amused me by causing bloodshed everywhere he went.}

“You still look happy.”

{Well… He probably doesn’t intend to use your colleague as a vessel for the rest of his life. In the first place, the real purpose is to finish revenge and recover the things you lost


{He will also judge that it is more beneficial to cooperate with you while coexisting with the vessel than to swallow your soul and become hostile to you. Because you’re worth it.}

“Although I’ve never specifically offered to help with revenge.”

Come to think of it, the black beast is the target of revenge.

No one can guess who stole his body and sealed it away.

“The manager said that the gods had been scolded and put them away. Is the black beast the same case?”


“If you know anything about the Administrator, anything…”

Sehmet is about to open his mouth.


Purple smoke began to seep in with the sound of space breaking apart.

{Oh, I guess the time is up.}


{It’s time for the penalty.}

“I still have a lot to ask.”

Something about the Administrator or about the identity of the Black Cube that was the source of the Black Beast.

Like the reason he was sealed.

{You’ll find out someday.}


Soon, the purple smoke that invaded the sanctuary changed into human form.

{Sehmet. Why did you break the taboo?}

A woman with long mauve hair.

A powerful [awe] felt at the same time.


Ayverda, the goddess of space and atmosphere.

“I never thought that the first place in the Azul Continent’s God Ranking would come to a place like this. It’s not the main body, but it’s an alter ego.”


Ayver looked at Kang Seung-hyeon and lightly frowned.

“Do you know me? He’s a rare healer who doesn’t even know how to use a heal.”

{There’s no way I wouldn’t know. @!##$#@〓─□.}

I don’t know what he said behind the scenes, but surprisingly, Ayver knew Kang Seung-hyeon too.

Looking at it with very wary eyes, it doesn’t seem like a good meaning.

{And he carries such a terrible thing…}

“A terrible thing?”

{I mean the black beast. Other gods must be unbearable.} As

Sehmet smiled and looked at Ayver, Ayver frowned in displeasure.

‘Oh, I see. The other gods somehow hated the black beast.’

Of course, the black beast was created by mixing a broken god and a broken human, so it wouldn’t be a nice existence from their point of view.

“To compare it to our standards, it feels like seeing a monster mixed with humans and insects.”

{Huh-huh, but…}

{Sehmet! Saying more than that!}

{I’m going to get a penalty anyway, so will anything change if I say more here?}

Sehmet answered that and handed the last piece of information to Kang Seung-hyun.

{He is the first person in this world to be betrayed by the one he trusted.}


{Can you understand what I mean?}


{Then, unfortunately, I have to go to sleep. If you have time, please watch my children.}


As soon as the words were finished, Sehmet’s body turned into blood and disappeared like a water balloon bursting.

{You can’t directly punish humans who aren’t apostles, and you can’t bring precious apostles to this situation.}

Iver sighed deeply and glared at Kang Seung-hyeon,

{The humans who have only been in this world for 3 years. … You do a lot.}

3 years.

It is a fleeting moment by the standard of divine existence, and not a long time by human standards.

In that short time, Kang Seung-hyun and other dimension movers had all kinds of influences on the Azul continent.

To the extent that the divine beings who ruled the Azul continent were wary of it..

{I thought you were a member of the apostle raiders, but seeing what Sehmet asked for, it seems that’s not the case.} “

Of course. I am a good citizen.”

{A good citizen does not destroy a church. The one who ruined Zmayre.}

“You know that too?”

{Why do you think you wouldn’t know?}

Iver sighed heavily and handed Kang Seung-hyeon something.

{Please tell the apostle of Sehmet. I don’t want to see the Cult of Sehmet fall like this.}

“What is this again?”

{I handed it to me before Sehmet disappeared. Probably something to protect the followers.}

“…why does the Holy Ghost help the followers of the Church of the Dark Gods?”

{I’m not interested in believers.}

Ayver stared at Kang Seung-hyeon and then disappeared without a trace, leaving behind just one word.

{Me and Sehmet are like sisters.}

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