How to Live as a Wandering Knight

Chapter 205: Those on the Run (4)

Chapter 205: Those on the Run (4)

It was common for the top of the mountain to collapse and block the road, but the rubble was never arranged this neatly.

Just in case, they checked again to see if some rogue fellows were hiding, but didn’t see any.


“Huff. . .”

The squires grunted as they moved the boulders. Even though squires training to become knights are generally better trained than the average mercenary, the boulders were still too big and heavy to move easily.

Why in the world were these here?


Sir Kruger spoke in a low voice. A raspy voice spread out from inside the helmet.

“Isn’t that too much? They may harbor dissatisfaction.”

“Even if those b*stards harbor any, this is better than scrambling with mountain bandits and thieves, no? Are you raising an objection to my words now?”


Sir Kruger answered promptly. He knew of Uterman’s nasty temperament.

Even if that wasn’t the case, being greatly indebted to Uterman made it difficult for him to speak strongly.

“What do you plan to do after we cross the mountain?”

“I’m worrying about that too.”

Uterman spat out. What he was worrying about now was not only Adviko.

“I have to stabilize the city by helping that guy and maintain our alliance, but. . .”

“Do you think it’s possible?”

“It’s not about whether it’s possible or impossible. It has to be done.”

Uterman spoke, putting thick venom in his voice. It was a voice that sent chills down the listener’s spine.

“As soon as we arrive at the city, convene the emperor faction figures. The rumors probably haven’t spread clearly yet, so they’ll be on the fence. If we suppress the opposition b*stards, there’s a chance.”

Uterman planned to suppress them before the city rose up and rebelled. It was a scheme typical of Uterman – even if things were unfavorable, he would suppress them first through brute force and bloodshed.

It was precarious, but after losing so badly in battle, there weren’t many other options. Sir Kruger nodded.

“That young count was more of a monster than I thought.”

“He was a strong knight.”

“Yes. Now I understand why he’s called the Knight of Strength, the Knight of Valor.”

Uterman had underestimated Johan. No matter how many rumors came up from the south, Johan was too young, and his built up reputation was too abrupt.

Calling himself the southern overlord, but at that short of a time, would he be able to easily rule over his newly gained vassals and direct territories? At best he was the church’s hunting dog, and at worst he would soon be driven out like a mercenary captain. That’s what Uterman had thought.

But experiencing it firsthand in this battle changed that thinking. Even from afar, he was a knight with enough force to send a chill down your spine.

“He reminded me of Cardirian in his prime.”

“. . . . . .”

“Of course he’s completely opposite to Cardirian. It’s a shame his faith runs so deep. If I could just get my hands on the Pope, he would have been useful to exploit.”

As they were chattering, the servants returned. They were covered in dust. Uterman clicked his tongue and spoke in a sarcastic voice.

“Did you tumble around with the bandits?”

“There was a rock in the way so we moved it.”

“Was there a landslide or something?”

“It doesn’t seem like it?”

At the servant’s words, the knights who were waiting spoke up.

“Whatever happened, let’s move quickly. I don’t want to spend the night here.”

“Wait a moment.”

Uterman stopped them because something seemed off.

“What did the rock look like?”

“What did the rock look like. . .? It was big and about this size. . .”

“Was the top flat and were there letters carved into it??”

“Letters? Ah, it did seem like there was something. . .?

Uterman’s wrinkled face twisted in anger and horror.

“These crazy b*stards! What do you think you’re doing touching a giant’s stone!”

“Gi, giant’s stone?”

“Everyone get ready to move! Since you touched the stone, the giant will chase us! When he comes chasing. . .”

As Uterman was speaking, he choked on his words and stopped. A giant with a huge body about the size of two men was staring this way.


Although they complained that it was harsh, the knights cooperated surprisingly well.

“While we had no choice but to flee, disguising ourselves as mercenaries is still not honorable. . .”

“So who’s left then?”

“Uterman-gong. One of the court wizards favored by His Majesty and holds the position of High Wizard of the Empire.”

“I see.”

“Anyway, Your Excellency Count. No matter what, disguising ourselves as mercenaries. . .”

“How many knights are left?”

“There should be about six knights left. There are separate slaves attending Adviko-gong. Your Excellency Count, there is no need to disguise yourself as a mercenary. . .”

“I see.”

After hearing the number of knights, he could roughly estimate the total number including the rest of the servants, slaves, etc. Johan immediately began preparing to pursue them.

“Your Excellency Count, please leave such matters to your subordinates and talk some more. . .”

The captured knights seemed eager to converse more with Johan. After telling them they could chatter later when it was over, Johan set out right away.

“They shouldn’t have realized our identities yet, right?”

“Most likely they don’t know. Since they fled in a hurry, at best they probably think we’re mercenaries.”

“In that case, they may try to fight us.”

Being the first party to arrive gave them an advantage in preparation, but Johan was not too worried. Their side simply had an overwhelming number.

Moreover, Karamaf and Cardirian following Johan were wild and sharp-edged monsters. He wanted to say to try an ambush if they wanted to do an ambush once.

“. . .”

“What is it?”

The mercenaries sent ahead to scout came back with confused expressions on their faces. They reported traces of blood and scattered weapons up ahead.

“Looks like there was a fight?”

“Were there bandits here?”

Johan asked in puzzlement. According to Lucchese’s words, there shouldn’t be any bandits around. The steep and rugged mountains with little traffic were not a place for bands of thieves to reside.

“New ones passing through?”

“That’s not it.”

As the captured knight cut in to answer in a fairly calm tone, Euclyia looked at him in disbelief.

Why is this captive flapping her gums??

However, Johan had learned patience many times over while working with the allied forces. Johan smiled generously and spoke to the knight.

“I’d like to hear your opinion.”

“While small in number, the remaining knights are elite among elites. Renowned for their excellent skills even within the Empire. How could they possibly lose to a band of thieves?”

“. . . . . .”

Euclyia looked at Johan with an expression asking if there was something he wanted to say. Johan shook his head. Nothing good would come from meaningless talk.

‘𝘞𝘦𝘭𝘭, 𝘴𝘩𝘦’𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨.’

Well-trained knights were like human weapons. Even if a bunch of thieves attacked, they could easily handle it.

“Let’s check it out first.”

Johan walked ahead with Karamaf. The surroundings were as chaotic as reported. Traces of blood and broken weapons. Looks like quite a fierce fight took place.

‘𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯’𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴, 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺? 𝘋𝘰𝘦𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘮 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘥𝘰. . .’

With the need to capture Adviko, Johan’s mind grew complicated due to the unexpected situation.


Karamaf stumbled to the side of the road, seeming to spot something that made him cry out. Puzzled, Johan turned his gaze.


Enormous footprints no human could make were there.

“A giant?!”

Jyanina exclaimed in surprise. To think a giant had wandered here and settled in this place!

“There’s a boulder up ahead blocking the path. What should we do?”

“Don’t touch it!”

She shouted urgently.

“That’s a giant’s rock! I said don’t touch it no matter what!”

“What’s a giant’s rock?”

“It’s a rock giants place to mark their territory.”

With the topic being something she knew, Jyanina eagerly opened her mouth.

Giants were a race that enjoyed blocking roads with rocks like this and collecting tolls. If you came across a road blocked by boulders, you had to stop and wait before paying the toll, otherwise touching the rocks carelessly could incur the wrath of the giants.

Suetlg nodded profusely.

“They must have touched it in their haste and gotten attacked by the giant.”

“Do you think they died?”

“Well. . . I don’t know much about giants either. . .”

As Johan and Suetlg looked at Jyanina, her shoulders tensed up even more. She let out a haughty cough.

“Come to think of it, what’s the difference between a giant and a cyclops?”

Iselia, who was listening, stated matter-of-factly:

“The number of eyes, no?”

“. . . . . .”

Jyanina looked at Iselia with eyes filled with contempt and shock. Then, afraid Johan would see, she immediately cast her gaze downwards.

“Cyclopes tend to be more violent and cruel. Giants can be reasonable depending on the situation.”

“You’re right. In cases like these, giants will usually let you through if you just pay the toll.”

“How do we get someone back if they’re captured?”

“Oh. . . That’s. . .”

She didn’t even know how to get someone back from a giant, so Jyanina was at a loss for words.

Luckily, before she had to answer, a giant appeared. Half again as tall as Johan, the giant emerged from a hidden path to the side and carefully examined the boulders.

Satisfied that no one had touched them, the giant nodded in approval.

“Paying toll. You pay.”

As if unable to accept this, Achladda yelled at the giant.

“Why should I pay you to pass through?”

“Cleared road. Leveled ground, moved trees.”

“. . . . . .”

Achladda was rendered speechless. Euclyia looked at him pityingly from the side. Don’t try to argue with a giant or you’ll lose.

“Should we shoot?”

“No. Let’s ask first.”

Johan took a step towards the giant and spoke.

“Is the toll paid in silver?”

“No need. Shiny stuff useless. Want living things.”

The giant looked longingly at Cardirian, as if wanting to eat him. Cardirian stamped his hooves in irritation.

“One enough. That horse. Or five beasts.”

The giant held up his stubby fingers as he spoke. He meant either Cardirian or five other horses. He really seemed to want to eat Cardirian.

“What if we can’t pay and want to turn back?”

“No, no, the one is enough.”


The giant was anxious that Johan’s group would leave without paying. Johan subtly manipulated the conversation while figuring out the giant’s personality. When he felt the time was right, he got to the point.

“Was anyone else here earlier?”

“Yes. Captured them. Didn’t pay toll.”

“Was there someone who looked like this?”

Johan described Adviko’s appearance. The giant nodded and said he recognized him.

“Will return him.”


“That guy. For that horse.”

“. . . . . .”

It was an unacceptable offer. Johan shook his head, refusing. Then he whispered to Jyanina.

“Is there anything giants particularly like?”

“They don’t care much for gold, silver, or gems. Other than food. . .”

“Should’ve brought a couple pack horses to give him.”

Johan briefly considered ordering an attack, but gave up on the idea. The narrow road meant a fight would likely injure several of them. He wanted to resolve this through dialogue if possible.

Plus they’d have to figure out where the giant was hiding the hostage. . .

“Betting fun too. Stake that horse. I bet that guy.”

As Johan muttered to himself, the giant grew even more anxious. He was the first to suggest a wager.

“A wager?”

“How about an archery contest or something?”

At Achladda’s words, the giant looked at her contemptuously. Achladda wilted under his scathing gaze.


The giant suggested each choosing one competition, then picking a tiebreaker if needed to determine a winner.

“Then you choose first.”

“Javelin throw.”

Hearing the giant’s choice, the mercenaries in the back immediately jeered. The giant was shamelessly unreasonable. Oblivious, the giant arrogantly turned his head.

However, Johan asked calmly, unaffected:

“What’s the target?”

“Throw towards the cliff over there. Farthest throw wins.”

The giant was confident. He’d thrown far enough to hit the cliff before, but it was impossible for a small human.


“. . .????”

The giant blinked. Just now, the human had casually drawn and lobbed a javelin. . .

Somehow it was already stuck in the distant cliff.

CH386(COMPLETED) - How to Live as a Wandering Knight

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