How To Live As A Genius Knight In A Fantasy World

Chapter 49

How To Live As A Genius Knight In A Fantasy World 49


As the punitive expedition members departing from Tigrun were traversing a mountain path.

Frederick, the Viscount, exploded in anger as he read the missive handed over by a messenger who had arrived from the west.

“What nonsense is this? Are you refusing to support now and making such remarks?”

The messenger who faced the Viscount’s wrath head-on, dripping with cold sweat, replied, “N-no, it’s true! There are rumors that the Empire has invaded Florian. Viscount Louis has sent letters to neighboring lords to prepare their forces.”

“Viscount Louis…? Huh…”

Though traditionally not involved in politics, Viscount Louis was solely dedicated to defending the western borders.

However, there was no one unaware of Arden’s crisis.

Sending a missive for the mobilization of troops indicated a serious atmosphere prevailing in the western border region.

“Of all times…”

The Viscount, furrowing his brow as if suffering from a headache, shook his head fretfully.

Though not easily discernible, the fact that there was no support from the west added to the already intense pressure he felt.

“In such a critical situation…”

Brushing his hand through his hair as if his head hurt, the Viscount pondered.

It had been over a week since the princess had departed Frederick’s castle.

Being close to Arden and its surroundings, even assuming she traveled on foot, she could have reached Arden Castle within two days.

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Though she had left with knights, the delay was unexpected, causing him great concern.

With only bad news coming in, the morale of the Northern Alliance troops was gradually declining.

Closing his eyes tightly, the Viscount ran his hand through his hair once more.

“Yet the nobles in the east are moving with the full force of the clergy. There is still hope. Besides, all the clergy forces in the north are within the castle.”

As it was a defensive battle rather than a direct confrontation, unless the enemy’s power had significantly increased, he believed they could hold out, easing his mind slightly.

I have no idea what the hell they’re up to, but if they keep lurking like this, it will eventually be advantageous for the Kingdom of Arden.

After sending out the messenger who stood stiffly with a tense expression, the viscount, who hadn’t completely sorted out his complicated feelings, paced back and forth on the balcony.

Anxious days passed by.

The princess still hadn’t returned, and the dark sorcerers remained within the walls of Arden Castle.

Days passed slowly, reminiscent of an impending storm.

A fortnight had gone by since the princess left Viscount’s territory.

Viscount Frederick, who had fallen asleep with great difficulty, woke abruptly to the urgent voice of the herald.

“Viscount! Viscount! You must wake up! They, they are coming!”

Startled by the thunderous voice, Viscount quickly jumped out of bed.

“Hurry, hurry, we must go.”

Dressing quickly, Viscount, with a face not properly washed, left the bedroom.

As if the rumors had spread, the atmosphere within the viscount’s residence was incredibly chaotic.

Hurriedly leaving the manor, Viscount ran towards the outer castle walls.

Bounding up the outer stairs as if flying, Viscount turned his head towards the direction of Arden.

Under the hazy morning sunlight.

From beyond the vast plains, black waves were slowly approaching.


Viscount’s eyes shook violently, but he quickly regained his composure and began issuing orders.

“Inform Carlton that they are approaching. Instruct all units to prepare for battle, and quickly alert the knights and priests of the cloister! Also, tell the troops stationed outside the castle walls to come inside! Hurry!”

As the lieutenants rushed out, Viscount once again turned his gaze towards the enemy forces.

While the enemies lurked outside Arden, the northern forces had significantly boosted their combat strength through abundant food supplies and repeated training.

The defense facilities centered around the castle walls had also been reinforced, reaching a level of strength and size incomparable to a month ago.

Investing all resources in fortifications was essential because to advance from Arden to the north, they had to pass through Carlton or Frederick.

If the enemies attacked one territory, swift reinforcements would come from the other.

That was the core of the strategy devised to stop the enemies.

Though not without its flaws, there was no alternative but to utilize the fortress and defense facilities.

The castles of the two nobles, expanded over the years, were so massive and sturdy that the term “fortress” hardly did them justice.

However, as Viscount observed the enemies’ advance from the outer walls, he couldn’t help but doubt the significance of their choices.

Despite scrutinizing the outer walls for a long time, the black waves pouring out of Arden Castle showed no signs of stopping.

The number of monsters bred by devouring numerous citizens of Arden far exceeded their imagination.

With no clear direction, the evil seeds continued to advance over the endless plains, darkening the landscape.

‘Could it be that they plan to attack both territories? Does that imply their strength is that formidable?’

The worst assumptions flashed through Viscount Frederick’s mind.

“Soldiers, take your positions! Archers, stand on the walls and cut down those coming over. Wizards, ascend the towers! Hurry!”

While Viscount Frederick monitored the enemies’ movements, commanders were shouting themselves hoarse, giving orders.

Given enough time, objectively, the soldiers’ training was excellent.

However, even trained soldiers couldn’t shake off all fear.

The hands of the soldiers, standing in their designated positions awaiting battle, trembled uncontrollably.

Even the elites who had reached the rank of knights could fall helplessly on the battlefield.

They all knew well enough how easily a soldier’s life could vanish into thin air.

Nevertheless, they did not dare to attempt an escape.

Desertion during the exhibition meant immediate disposal, and because the fate of their families was uncertain, there was no room for hesitation.

All they could do was to incessantly curse or pray to the gods.

“Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it…”

“Oh, Arnesian, please, please spare us.”


It was a scene as if they had collectively fallen into madness, but the terror of death could easily shatter human rationality.

Realizing the futile struggle to dispel their anxiety, even the commanders passed by the soldiers without a word.

As the dark waves gradually approached, the grotesque forms of the monsters began to reveal themselves one by one.

Nobles, knights, soldiers, all feeling fear as the imminent battle drew near.

Figures of orbs emitting a divine radiance were raised by the priests on the ramparts, one by one.


Shapes resembling small suns were scattered across the ramparts, bringing an instant calm to the soldiers touched by their light.

Like the embrace of a mother felt in childhood, an infinitely warm and gentle aura enveloped them.

When the abominable figures of the beasts were close enough to distinguish their horrific features.


The massive magical cannons fixed on the ramparts began to spew flames.

As the cannons used refined magic stones as fuel instead of direct magical infusion, each shot was an attack equivalent to a coin made of gold.

With weapons boasting immense costs, there was no doubt about their power.

The magical cannon’s dazzling light projectiles struck the ground, and the thunderous roar that followed reverberated throughout the battlefield as if eardrums were about to burst.


Even soldiers with years of service witnessed a large-scale firepower projection for the first time.

Monsters engulfed in explosions turned into pieces in an instant, scattering in all directions, with the unreleased force flipping the earth and tossing rocks.

A sight terrifying enough to instill fear even in the bravest of soldiers.

Yet, the monsters deeply consumed by dark magic showed no sign of faltering.

Even as dozens of monsters fell in the barrage, their pace showed no signs of slowing down.

Amidst the continuous bombardment, the knight Lantz, who had been observing their appearance, muttered in disbelief.


Having faced over dozens of different types of monsters in his lifetime, none resembled the creatures before him now.

They were so diverse at an individual level that finding any similarities was impossible, yet their forms were uniformly terrifying.

The only common trait they shared was their bodies being saturated with dark magic, emitting a black light.

No matter how hard he searched his memories, uncovering their identities through his own efforts seemed like an elusive task.

Feeling frustrated, Lantz couldn’t hold back any longer and turned to the priest standing beside him to inquire.

“Reverend, do you happen to know what those creatures are?”

In response to Lantz’s question, the priest, pulling out another orb, turned slightly and replied.

“We haven’t been able to pinpoint a definitive answer, but… they might be creations of demonic origin.”

“Demonic… creations?”

“Yes. The sect has numerous records regarding dark sorcerers, some of which involve summoned demons. It is said that one of those demons… created countless beings like them.”

At the priest’s response, Lantz’s gaze wavered.

Although he had never faced them directly, the strength of demons was widely known to the extent that there was hardly anyone unfamiliar with it.

The chronicle of the founder who established the Arden Kingdom was so remarkable that it could be considered a masterpiece, defeating even demons. Truly, he was a formidable presence.

If demons truly appeared in Arden, the odds of this battle would diminish even further.

No matter how valiant a knight may be, it was not a fact that could be accepted without any emotional turmoil.

The knight, after a moment of composure, posed another question.

“Well then… do you know of any weaknesses they might have?”

In response to Lantz’s question, the priest quietly shook his head.

Lantz, showing gratitude for the answer, turned his gaze back to the battlefield.

Despite facing the powerful firepower of the magical cannons head-on, the demons kept advancing relentlessly.

As the distance closed in significantly, a rain of arrows fell upon the demons, but their tough exteriors seemed impervious to such light arrows.

The arrows that touched the demons broke weakly and fell to the ground.

Seemingly futile attacks.

Yet, the arrows did not become entirely useless tools.

Having confirmed the demons’ resilience, the commanders issued new orders to the soldiers.

Following the orders, the soldiers dipped the arrowheads deep into the holy water provided beforehand and aimed the arrows at the demons.

The arrows, leaving the bows, once again struck the bodies of the demons.

The same attack, but this time, the outcome was entirely different.

The demons’ tough exteriors, upon being touched by arrows imbued with sacred energy, lost their hardness in an instant and were pierced through.

The once formidable bodies of the demons, which could have easily ignored dozens of arrows, rapidly lost their strength upon a single drop of holy water entering their bodies.

Countless projectiles cut through the sky of the battlefield and the bodies of the fallen demons dyed the ground a deep crimson.

However, the faces of the knights looking down from the walls at the hellish scene below remained unchanged.

Even though the bodies of the demons piled up beneath the walls, forming a small hill, there were still countless demons remaining.

The long line of demon forces extended all the way to the edge of the distant plains.

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