How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 2: Chapter SS5

Book 2: Chapter SS5

Tomoe and Ponchos Behind the Scenes Work

Late in the 9th Month, 1,546th Year, Continental Calendar A mountain basin in the kingdom

Surrounded by high mountains, with a beautiful lake in its center, this basin filled with fields of tall grass held a rhinosaurus preserve. As the name suggested, this was a place where the super-massive lizards called rhinosauruses, or horned lizards, were protected and allowed to breed.

The rhinosauruses were large enough that you had to look up at them, and they each held more strength than a diesel engine, so they had been raised to pull massive container cars in this world. The rhinosauruses freight-hauling ability had caught Soumas attention, so he had sought to increase their numbers. He would use them to create something like trains, and to increase the movement of people and goods across the country.

Originally, it had required a long time to train a rhinosaurus to pull a load, but Souma had Tomoe and her ability to talk to animals, so she could negotiate with the rhinosauruses directly, allowing her to gain their cooperation in a very short time.

In their negotiations, the rhinosauruses had asked for a safe breeding ground with lots of delicious grass, and so this rhinosaurus preserve had been created.

Tomoe was in that rhinosaurus preserve now.

Mr. Rhinosaurus. Mr. Rhinosaurus. She had her hand on the nose of a rhinosaurus that was large even by rhinosaurus standards. They were a species that looked as if you had combined a rhinoceros and a giant lizard, divided by two, then increased the size tenfold. Tomoe was trying to come to a mutual understanding with this one.

Mr. Rhinosaurus, I have something else I want you to carry. They tell me its a very big ship this time. Only a big, strong rhinosaurus like you could do it. Please, lend us your strength.

Tomoe politely explained the situation, but while she could converse with the creature, rhinosauruses were not very intelligent, so about all it understood from what Tomoe said was, Luggage, carry, okay?

Grrr... (Me, carry. You, bring female. Okay?)

It may have been fragmented, but Tomoe understood what he wanted to say. I understand. Ill ask the keeper here to set you up with a mate during mating season.

Grrahh! (Me, carry.)

With an expression full of motivation, the rhinosaurus let out an exceptionally loud roar. While Tomoe was still feeling relieved that her negotiations were a success, two people called out to her from behind.

Madam Tomoe, I assume the negotiations are finished now, yes!

Well done, little sister.

When Tomoe turned around, the Minister of State for the Food Crisis, Poncho Ishizuka Panacotta, and the maid chief who was in charge of all the maids in the castle, Serina, were coming over towards her. Poncho had come to arrange the transportation of provisions with the rhinosauruses, while Serina was there as his assistant. They both were traveling with Tomoe.

Poncho, Serina. I just finished. When Tomoe tottered over to them, they both greeted her with smiles.

Thats good to hear, yes, said Poncho. Now then, Madam Tomoe, would you like to take a break and join us for lunch? Yes, yes.

We have the boxed lunches that Poncho packed before leaving. Serina held up the basket so she could see.

Tomoe gave them a bright smile. Wowwie. Ponchos food is always so delicious, and I love it.

Yes. It was well worth pushing him to let me accompany you, Serina said nonchalantly. It seemed she had come with them primarily to get her hands on these lunches. When she thought about it, Tomoe realized that it was strange for Serina, who was the maid chief and her adopted sister Liscias personal maid, to not be at Liscias side.

Was it okay for you not to go with Big Sister Liscia? Tomoe asked.

The princess said, Please, help Poncho out, and sent me off with a smile, Serina said.

I-Isnt that because... Poncho began.

...she wanted to get rid of you, Poncho narrowly stopped himself from saying.

Serina was a capable maid, but she had the bad habit of being downright sadistic to cute girls. It was nothing insidious; she just liked to stir up their sense of shame a little. (Doing things like making Liscia dress up in frilly dresses.)

Lately, Serina had been entertaining herself by teasing Liscia about her relationship with the man she loved, then savoring her embarrassed expressions.

...Yeah, Im sure she did send her off with a smile, Poncho thought.

That aside, the three moved elsewhere, finding a place where they probably wouldnt be stepped on by a rhinosaurus while they ate lunch. When Serina opened the basket, it was packed with a brown meat stuffed in buns. Tomoe took one of them out, staring at it.

This is a sandwich? Tomoe asked.

I-Its similar, but in His Majestys world theyre called teriyaki hamburgers, yes, said Poncho. Fried chicken is glazed with the hishio water that the mystic wolves make, then put on a bun with vegetables, yes.

Munch, munch... I see, this is quite the delicacy. Serina had already polished off one of them, wiping her mouth as she gave that appraisal. Ever since she had eaten that rich gelin ramen during the panic over death spirits appearing in the castle at night, Serina was hooked on the junk food Poncho and Souma made.

When she saw the satisfied look on Serinas face, Tomoe took a bite, as well. Oh?! This really is delicious, Poncho!

I-Im glad to hear you say that, yes. Seeing Tomoes beaming smile, Poncho let out an embarrassed laugh. Then... Little sister, you have sauce on your cheek.

Serina used a napkin to wipe the sauce from Tomoes cheek. Tomoe was at Serinas mercy and unable to resist, but when it was done, she bowed her head to her a little.

Thank you, Serina.

Hee hee. It was a shame to see your adorable face ruined by sauce, after all, Serina said and gave her a warm smile. Serina showed her sadism with Liscia, but she was actually very sweet with children. She might not be conscious of it herself, but whenever she was with a young girl like Tomoe, she wanted to dote on her.

Because they were together often, Poncho had noticed that, and he looked on with a smile as Serina tried a little too hard to help Tomoe. If someone else were watching them, they would have looked like two parents and their child out having a picnic on their day off. Even if Tomoe looked too old to be the daughter of a woman of Serinas youthful appearance (and unclear age).

It really... did not seem like a scene that belonged in a country about to face a big war.

Tomoes honorary big brother who was also the king of this country, Souma, was about to go to war with the General of the Army, Georg Carmine. The reason Tomoe and the group had come to the rhinosaurus preserve was to help prepare for that battle. Because rhinosauruses could carry large amounts of freight all at once, it was expected that they would have a key role to play in the coming conflict.

...I wonder if Big Brother is okay, Tomoe whispered as she watched the rhinosauruses idly munching on grass. When they overheard her, Poncho and Serina each quietly put a hand on her head.

I-It will be fine, said Poncho. With Aishas brawn and Hakuyas brains, His Majesty has many talented people gathered around him. Thats why everything will work out fine, yes... probably.

Poncho, you have to say it more confidently, or youll worry her, Serina said.

I-Im terribly sorry, yes! Poncho sat up ramrod straight.

Watching him with a wry smile, Serina gently patted Tomoe on the head. Let me add, Poncho is managing the supply train. He may not seem reliable, but hes a trustworthy person. Thats why His Majesty and the others cannot possibly fail.

Uncharacteristically for Serina, her words showed a total faith in the one she spoke of. Tomoe was surprised to hear her talk about Poncho like that, but when she realized it was meant to encourage her, she smiled and gave a salute. Yes, maam! I believe in Big Brother and Big Sister, too!

Hearing Tomoes cheerful reply, Poncho and Serina both smiled.

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