How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 2: Chapter SS2

Book 2: Chapter SS2

Juna and Excel

It happened on the night of the day that Souma issued his ultimatum to the three dukes.

As Excel was in the city of Altomura, preparing to deal with the Amidonian troops massing on the southwestern border, her granddaughter Juna paid her a visit. Juna was dressed not in her usual songstress outfit, but in the uniform of a commander in the Navy.

Juna stood before Excel, who was seated at a table enjoying tea, and saluted her. Now then, Grandmother... no, Sea Princess. In order to carry out the ambush on the forces of Amidonia, I will now depart with 2,000 marines and lie in wait in Goldoa Valley.

It will be a hard job, Juna. Excel put down her teacup, smiling at her. Im sure youll handle it well, but dont be reckless. Youre still young. I wont allow you to needlessly throw your life away. Im sure your sweetheart would be sad if that were to happen, too.

G-Grandmother! Junas cheeks flushed red a little.

With an amused smile at her embarrassed granddaughter, Excel thought back to days long past. I sent you off like this that time, too...

...Yes, you did.

Excel was referring to the time she had first sent Juna to be with Souma.

The former King of Elfrieden, Albert, had suddenly ceded his throne to Souma, who was said to be a hero summoned from another world. When her son-in-law and the General of the Air Force, Castor, heard that report, he suspected usurpation and opposed Souma. Excel, however, deemed that as mediocre of a king as Albert might have been, he would never cede the throne to another without reason, and so she first worked to gather information.

As a result, when she learned that Souma had not usurped the throne and that Albert had abdicated of his own will, Excel dispatched Juna to be with the new king. Though he was no usurper, she wanted to gauge whether or not he was good enough to be king. It just so happened at the time that Souma had put out a wide call for competent people to come work for him. Excel figured that if she sent Juna, with the beauty she had inherited from Excel, as well as her natural singing voice, the girl could easily get close to Souma.

Juna had visited Excel on the day Excel had sent Juna to Souma.

Now then, Grandmother. I will now head to the royal capital.

On that day, unlike this one, Juna had worn her songstress outfit. That was so that she could stand before Souma purely as the songstress from the singing cafe Lorelei.

Excel looked apologetically at Juna and said, Im sorry about this. Making you act like a spy...

No, this sort of infiltration mission suits me well, said Juna.

I appreciate you saying that. Im sure youll be able to stand before King Souma.

She had heard Souma was seeking gifted people. He was a man, too. Excel was sure that he couldnt possibly pass up Junas beautiful face and singing voice.

However... I have no intention of making you act like a prostitute, said Excel. If the new king is driven mad with lust and he attempts to lay a hand on you, dont hesitate to come back here. If he criticizes you for doing so, I will strike that new king down.

There was a dangerous look in Excels eyes at that moment. She looked like a beautiful woman no more than 25 years old, but she was still Junas grandmother. It was natural for her to be concerned for her granddaughters safety.

However, unlike the concerned Excel, Juna bore a relaxed expression. I dont think you need to worry about that. According to the reports, he is on good terms with his betrothed, Princess Liscia. Im not acquainted with her, but every person in this country knows our princesss forthright personality. If King Souma were to try to force himself on a woman, I am sure the princess would punish him for it immediately.

...I guess she would, said Excel.

When Excel remembered Liscia, who had entered the military despite being a princess, and her personality, Excel agreed. As long as Liscia was there, she wouldnt have to worry about Souma trying to sink his venomous fangs into Juna. That, at least, she would be safe from.

Well then... I suppose my only other concern is that the king will get to you while youre at his side, said Excel.

...You think I would betray you? asked Juna.

Hee hee... oh, thats not what Im saying, Excel told her offended granddaughter with a wry laugh. Its just, you arent as experienced with love as you look, am I right?

Urkh... Youre right. Juna had a mature air about her, but having been in the Navy since her mid-teens, nothing had ever come up for her. Compared to Excel who was five hundred years old, had been through multiple marriages, sometimes staying with her partners until they died, Juna lacked experience.

The strangest of things can bring people together, Excel said. If you were at his side serving him, and then you started to feel light-headed... can you say for sure that it wont happen?

I-Ill be careful... Juna stuttered.

Hee hee... Well, if thats what happens, thats what happens. It would be interesting in its own way, Excel said with an amused smile.

Grandmother! Juna protested loudly, her face a deep shade of red. Its simply not possible that I would forget my duty and let some man get to me.

Oh, you wont? asked Excel.

I wont!

Juna was able to say that firmly... for now, at least.

Its simply not possible that I would forget my duty and let some man get to me, Excel quoted teasingly as Juna blushed and looked down.

It would be hard for Juna to claim now that Souma hadnt gotten to her.

Excel looked at her with a gentle expression on her face. Its a good thing, isnt it? That Souma was a king who could get into your heart.


Work hard, Juna, said Excel. If you can distinguish yourself here, His Majesty will look fondly on you for it. Eventually, His Majesty will need queens other than just Liscia, Im sure. When that time comes...

...No. If I achieve anything in this battle, the credit is yours, Grandmother, Juna said with a smile. We have to consider Duke Castor and Madam Carla. Please, use my accomplishments to your advantage after the war.

Juna... you...

Before Excel could say any more, Juna saluted her again. Now then, Sea Princess, I will be on my way.

With those words, Juna quickly left the room.

Left behind in the room, Excel looked at the door with a slight sigh.

...True, Carla is a precious granddaughter to me. But, Juna, you are my precious granddaughter, too, you know?

A grandmother always wishes for her granddaughters happiness.

Yes, she was worried for Carla. However, Excel wanted Juna to grasp her own happiness.

And for that, Ill need to play my own role in all this. Now alone in the room, that was what Excel said to herself.

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