How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 54

Chapter 54. Returning home for the first time in half a year (2) + I live for a wizard ⑴ After arriving, my mom and I had lunch first, then we went to the flower garden and had afternoon tea to talk about things we hadn't been able to tell.

Tea and refreshments were what I brought as a gift.

It's three times more precious than the one I sent as a gift to Aunt Elia before.

It's called my secret tea and snacks.

“It seems like a place where only snow falls, but in fact, if you search the forest, rabbits sometimes come out.”

“oh? That must be cute.”

.... yes. It's cute.

I didn't tell you that the rabbit was 3 meters tall.

Mainly I would talk about what had happened while I was living in Fahilia.

what animals live there

How are the residents there?

Or, did the number of times Kania destroyed the training ground reached double digits this time?

Anyway, I have to reassure my mother by telling her about my peaceful daily life.

“Whoops. I see.”

Mom was listening to my long story with a smile.

“Come to think of it, are you using the magic tool for heating I sent you last time?”

When I placed the heating magic tools in earnest in my castle, I placed an order to install the latest heating tools in the concubine.

This time, it was quite good, so I was able to do the construction of the entire concubine once again.

“then. Thanks to that, the ladies-in-waiting are also living warmly.”

Fortunately, it seems that nothing special happened to the concubine.

Everyone is living peacefully.

It's a face that even the ladies-in-waiting know.

And the escort knight commander Ranpil is still solo.

That's how our hat and hat were talking happily for a while.

A number of signs were approaching at the timing that cut off our conversation.

My sister... is not. It's a sign that even the swordsman doesn't know, and more than anything.

Sniff. Sniff.

smells like aunty

“oh? The youngest prince has returned.”

Queen Elia.

I never expected to see this lady today.

I'll have to salt it later.

As if it were a coincidence, she looks at me and looks surprised.

.... what a coincidence.

I am the one who knows best that she will not normally come here.

I officially reported that I was coming anyway, so of course they came to know that I was there.

“thank god. I think you're doing well.

Isn’t that right, Lipana?”

“yes. Not like that.”

Mom smiled and nodded.

hmm. At first glance, it seems like a friendly conversation, but strangely, today my cheeks are itchy.

I wondered why, but in Aunt Elia's gaze, which I haven't seen for the first time in a while, something like a murderous feeling was revealed.

Today's lady seems to be in a bad mood.

.... It's my taste to touch it at this time!

“Has the queen been all right?”

Just in time, I felt like there was an opportunity, so I tried to touch the heart of a kind lady.

“I heard that the oldest brother is doing well too.”

“Thank you for your concern. The palace is always nothing special. Come to think of it, I heard that the territory you went to had a lot of revival, is that true?”

“Sure. I didn’t know how much the people’s complexion improved thanks to the paper I developed.”

When I mentioned the paper, Aunt Elia's eyebrows twitched very slightly.

I'm not the type to miss those subtle changes.


Was that uncomfortable?

I thought so.

In the first place, Aunt Elia's hometown, Prace, is a great aristocrat known for power, money, history, and many other things.

In particular, in terms of business, they used the family privilege to trade precious imported goods almost exclusively and sell them at high prices.

The old-fashioned paper is one of them.

However, with my recent development and distribution of new paper, the old paper has virtually ended the kingdom's history.

Of course, since it is one of the small money-making products, even if I developed paper, it would not have been such a fatal blow to them.

Still, you'll feel worse.

In addition, when I investigated later, I had to hear a lot of complaints against the countries with which I had previously dealt with due to the paper case I developed.

‘what. I did it to make you curse.'

The prince, who had been looked down upon for so long, had made a small but blemish on his finances and face, so of course his pride would be hurt.

It's obvious what will happen after that.

“It’s a species… but isn’t it dangerous? I think I heard some disturbing rumors.”

It's a disturbing rumor.

did you really hear that?

Or did you say it yourself?

Before that, how did you know that?

I want to say this myself, so my tongue is itching, but I'll be patient.

“Thank you for your concern. I have already prepared everything, so there is no problem.”

“That’s good.”

We smiled warmly at each other, like the last time on my 14th birthday.

But it will be obvious to those who know.

That the smile we are making now is a smile between the most filthy people in the world.

It's obvious that it's his intention when he deliberately says it's a disquieting rumor in front of his mother.

“By the way, did you come all the way here to say that?”

“I heard that you came back, so I came here to see if you were doing well.”

If that's the case, it's going to be a real mess.

Because the little boy, who should go to the impoverished land and become emaciated day by day, is eating well and doing well.

“I think you can put your mind at ease too, Lipana.”

“Still, what worries me is the mother’s heart.”

“but. I guess.”

As if she had nothing more to say, Elia quietly said to the attendants, “Let's go back,” and then went back the way she came.

“Oh. Arell.”


Do I still have any business left?

If you have a lot to say, why don't you ask her out on a date?

I know how to do some aggro, so I have the confidence to make you upset all day long?

I'm confident in drilling a hole right on top.

“It's something I'm proud of as a member of the royal family to hear good performances, but I always try to take care of my body.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

After that, I didn't look back and went back.

‘Be careful...'

What, who, where?

My mother tilted her head as I laughed at her inwardly.

“Today, Ellia-sama seems to be in an uncomfortable mood.”

“Maybe something isn’t working out?”

Mainly because of a gray-haired boy, he kept to himself.

It seemed that the mother had an intuition that the queen's condition was somehow strange.

I'm glad you didn't notice until what happened.

As much as possible, I don't want my mother to know the inside story of why we are fighting each other like this.

‘...Anyway, that lady seems to be overdoing it.'

It feels like the hurdles are getting lower and lower as things get in the way of things like work on my last birthday.

Should I be anxious?

Or did you get scolded by your mother-in-law?

Today, it seemed that he wanted to give a specific warning rather than simply making fun of me.

Seeing that he came to us this far and tried to blatantly check it, well... I guess I'll have to pay more attention.

I decided to keep that fact firmly in my head.

I think I need to try my hand at that lady's problem sooner or later.

Two days flew by, and eventually the time came to return to the snowy land.

“Then mom. I will come again next time when I have time.”

“Okay. But don't overdo it.”

Perhaps because she proved that I could return home whenever I wanted, my mother looked better than the day I first left for the manor.

The territory side was contacted and instructed to prepare the teleport magic circle, and the ladies-in-waiting are also preparing on this side.

While waiting, Kania noona returned.

I hope you have a good two days as well.

“How is your sister?”

“Of course it is. Or are you worried that you might have fought with your mother again?”

My sister slapped me on the back, telling me not to worry.

Wait a minute, are you really sick?

Well, I was worried too, so I ordered the ladies-in-waiting to ask about the atmosphere over there.

Apparently, the mother and daughter had a great fight on the first day, but they said they reconciled properly the next day.

Undoubtedly, the older sister's face was also somewhat lighter than before.

Now is the time.

The magic circle prepared by the ladies-in-waiting was shining in earnest.

“mom! I'll come back next time!”

I waved my hand and shouted in the magic circle, and my mother also lightly waved her hand to see me off.

Thus ended my brief homecoming.

I live a wizard (1)

A few days have passed since I returned to the territory.

Lately I've been going over an issue in my head the whole time the past few days.

‘Suddenly... will it be okay?'

Not a serious problem.

In terms of feeling, I have vaguely thought that I need it from before. It's about the level of conflict with the feeling of doing it.

“. You might need a wizard after all.”

I muttered as I sat with my chin resting on my desk.

As for the magic tools, I still have to buy them from Mr. Peian.

However, magic tools are just essentials for my comfortable life.

That and lively and warm magic are different.

In particular, there are things like the teleport magic circle that are safer if the wizard manages them directly.

And from the point of view of the lord, it is quite convenient if the wizard is in the territory.

It also helps to grow crops.

In particular, since our estate cuts down trees for paper production, it is necessary to plant as many trees as we cut down.

There are quite a few trees in the forest, but that doesn't mean they can't be cut down without countermeasures.

In that sense, if you have a wizard, you can plant as many trees as you cut down and let them grow to some extent.

And also an important force.

Even when monsters or enemies attack, the magician's power can be an important breakthrough.

And above all.

“I need a shuttle to cast magic for me.”

I also have a lot of mana, and if I understand the magic formula here, I can handle any amount of magic.

But externally, the problem is that I can't use magic.

I've been living so far, and sometimes I'm like ‘Oh? It would be convenient if I could use magic...' It wasn't once or twice that I thought about it.

When I can't reach the bookshelf, when it's annoying to push on my back, or when it's annoying to walk.

There are many times when magic is regrettable in various places.

“Maybe it would be better to hire a wizard as well.”

It's not that unusual for a noble to hire a magician exclusively.

The crown prince's oldest brother is also a teacher and has an exclusive wizard who assists him by his side.

The only one who doesn't have a relationship with the wizard is Kania.

The third princess, Meryl's older sister.

and only me

Kania noona is a single-sword life in the first place.

3 The princess' sister is annoying and says she hates wizards.

And I didn't hire a wizard because of the position.

The three of us are a special case, but usually nobles with a certain amount of money hire at least one or two wizards.

Even wizards have to make a living.

In particular, a mage with no track record, who is likely to be attached to the mage tower for the rest of his life, must somehow make use of his abilities to earn living expenses and research expenses.

Fei An is a representative example of that old man.

These days, they say they are happy that the lab has been greatly expanded with the money they earned from me.

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