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Chapter 41

Hua Ying'an didn't know how she had managed to walk out of the room.

She leaned against the wall in the corridor, covering her face as she cried and laughed. She couldn't believe that in the end, the person who understood her best turned out to be her rival in love.

When did she start liking Zhan Lingfeng?

It must have been on her 10th birthday. Hua Ying'an's birthday was very close to her grandfather's, just one day apart. So every year, Hua Ying'an celebrated her birthday together with her grandfather.

Of course, her grandfather's birthday was the most important and grand affair. She was just an afterthought, not even allowed to blow out the candles.

Hua Ying'an didn't want to celebrate with her grandfather. She wanted to have her own birthday celebration. But her parents wouldn't allow it. They scolded her for being inconsiderate, saying that sharing a birthday with her grandfather was a great blessing, and told her not to make a fuss.

Moreover, to punish her for being inconsiderate, they decided not to celebrate her birthday that year, to teach her a lesson.

On her grandfather's birthday, many people came to their house. Everyone wished her grandfather well and gave him gifts. Little Hua Ying'an was hiding in a corner, peeking at everything.

That day, she had been confined to her room and wasn't allowed out. She had sneaked out taking advantage of the busy household, careful not to be discovered, hiding in the corner.

After watching for a while, afraid of being caught by her parents, little Hua Ying'an turned to leave.

She had only taken a few steps when a clear, youthful voice called out from behind, "Hua Ying'an, what are you doing standing there? Why don't you come in?"

It was Zhan Lingfeng who had followed her out.

"Shh!" Hua Ying'an put her finger to her lips, signaling Zhan Lingfeng to be quiet.

She pulled Zhan Lingfeng aside and instructed him, "Don't tell anyone you saw me, remember?"

Zhan Lingfeng raised an eyebrow, glanced back at the bustling crowd, and seemed to understand something. He didn't point it out, but instead took out a box of chocolates and handed it to Hua Ying'an. "This is for you. Happy birthday!"

Hua Ying'an didn't take it. She coldly replied with a stern little face, "Today is not my birthday."

"I know," Zhan Lingfeng said with a smile. "Your birthday is tomorrow, but I have something to do tomorrow and can't come to celebrate with you. So I'm giving you your gift early."

Hua Ying'an was stunned. She looked up at Zhan Lingfeng in surprise, not expecting that he would know her birthday. Her heart felt as if it was soaking in a warm spring, moist and cozy.

From that day on, she fell in love with Zhan Lingfeng, and it lasted until today.

Now that she thought about it, perhaps it wasn't love but a craving for warmth. Rather than saying she liked Zhan Lingfeng, it would be more accurate to say she yearned for warmth and care from others. Even if it was just a tiny bit, she would cling to it desperately.

After realizing all this, Hua Ying'an bought a box of chocolates and went to the Zhan Corporation headquarters.

Previously, because of Hua Ying'an's persistent pursuit of Zhan Lingfeng, he had instructed Zhan Yi and others to stop her whenever they saw her, preventing her from getting close.

But this time, Zhan Yi didn't stop her.

Actually, they were quite supportive of Zhan Lingfeng and Hua Ying'an getting together. After all, Hua Ying'an was better than that Gu Nanyan.

Hua Ying'an made her way to Zhan Lingfeng's office and slammed a box of chocolates on the desk.

Zhan Lingfeng narrowed his eyes, tapping the box of chocolates with the tip of his pen. In a low voice, he asked, "What's the meaning of this?"

Hua Ying'an spoke decisively, "I'm returning it to you. Also, I came here to tell you that I don't like you anymore. I won't chase after you or bother you anymore."

Zhan Lingfeng raised an eyebrow, somewhat surprised. He knew how stubborn Hua Ying'an could be and didn't expect her to give up so easily.

"Furthermore, I'm warning you, don't bully Nanyan. Be good to Nanyan, cherish her, love her, and respect her. If you dare to mistreat Nanyan, I won't let you off the hook." After saying this, Hua Ying'an clenched her fist and slammed it on the desk before turning to leave.

She left Zhan Lingfeng in a state of confusion, unable to regain his composure for a long time.

The world was changing too fast; his mind couldn't keep up. Wasn't this Hua Ying'an supposed to like him? How did she suddenly become Gu Nanyan's biggest fan?

She even came to warn him. Anyone who didn't know better would think Hua Ying'an was Gu Nanyan's family. Who would have thought that just a few days ago, they were rivals in love?

After Hua Ying'an left, Zhan Yi sneaked in, curiously asking, "Master Zhan, what did Miss Hua come here for? Did she ask you to divorce Gu Nanyan?"

Zhan Lingfeng glanced at Zhan Yi and said, "She came to warn me that if I dare to divorce Gu Nanyan, she'll deal with me."

Zhan Yi was dumbfounded, suspecting his ears were playing tricks on him. He couldn't help but clean his ears and said, "Master Zhan, could you please repeat that? I didn't hear clearly just now."

Zhan Lingfeng snorted, "You heard right. It's exactly what you heard."

Zhan Yi was completely stunned. He felt as if he had been hit by a category 5 hurricane, his entire being in disarray. What was wrong with this world? Had it gone crazy?

As he left, Zhan Yi almost tripped, stumbling out of the office and falling onto Zhan Liang.

Zhan Liang was startled and quickly helped him up. "What's wrong with you?"

Zhan Yi's expression was distorted. It took him a while before he could speak, "You'll never guess. Miss Hua just came. I thought she was here to pursue Master Zhan, but it turns out she came to warn Master Zhan to treat Gu Nanyan well."

Zhan Liang didn't believe it. "Are you sure you didn't misunderstand? Miss Hua likes Master Zhan so much."


Hearing Zhan Liang say this, Zhan Yi also began to doubt himself. Was Master Zhan just messing with him?

Thinking of this, Zhan Yi perked up and took out his phone. "I'll give Miss Hua a call."

The call connected quickly, and Hua Ying'an's crisp voice came through, "Oh, it's Zhan Yi. What's the matter? Do you need something from me?"

"Miss Hua," Zhan Yi began, "It's like this. We brothers want to help you, help you win over Master Zhan."

Hua Ying'an immediately frowned and spoke sternly, "Nonsense! Gu Nanyan is the properly married Madam Zhan. You're not allowed to bully her. If I find out that you guys are scheming behind her back and bullying Nanyan, I won't let you off easy.

Remember, Gu Nanyan is like a sister to me, Hua Ying'an. I am her solid support. Anyone who bullies her is my enemy."

Hua Ying'an's tone was extremely severe, leaving both Zhan Yi and Zhan Liang completely bewildered.

What on earth was going on? How did Hua Ying'an become so close to Gu Nanyan? This world had become too bizarre.

Zhan Yi asked tremblingly, "Miss Hua, don't you like Master Zhan? Isn't Gu Nanyan your rival in love? Don't you despise and resent her? Why have you suddenly changed your tune and started speaking up for her?"

At the mention of Gu Nanyan, Hua Ying'an's expression softened. She spoke earnestly, "Nanyan is the best person I've ever met. I did indeed have feelings for Zhan Lingfeng before, but now I've given up on that.

If heaven were to make me choose between Gu Nanyan and Zhan Lingfeng, I would choose Gu Nanyan!"

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