Hogwarts Outsider

Chapter 145: “Reinforcements”

Chapter 145: “Reinforcements”

Meanwhile, at the bar.

The buttons are still here, Hermione! Neville whispered cautiously. Im glad I didnt lose them.

He glanced around warily before discreetly extracting the button from the back of the bench and stashing it in his pocket.

Lets go! Neville urged.

Hermione remained silent, her mind engrossed in thought as they both left the bar.

Here. Neville handed the buttons to Hermione as they stepped out of the bar. Lets head to Honeydukes. We can pick some candies for Matthew in advance

Before Neville could finish his sentence, Hermione shook her head with concern.

Furrowing her lips, she voiced her worry, No, Neville Something about Matthews tone and expression it seemed off

Off? Neville was taken aback, his hand scratching his head in bewilderment. Now that you mention it, thinking back, he did sound a bit odd Matthew isnt usually so brusque

Yes, Hermione affirmed with another nod. Its as if he was intentionally pushing us away

Pushing us away? Nevilles confusion deepened.

Yes exactly Hermione repeated with emphasis. He was deliberately trying to get us to leave Maybe Matthew overheard some dangerous information using my bug. To prevent it from affecting us, he was driving us away

Her voice trembled slightly.

Damn it! Nevilles realization was swift. He spoke decisively, We need to go back immediately No matter how dangerous it is, we cant leave Matthew to face it alone!

After all, he had been about to head toward the Shrieking Shack.

Wait, Neville! Hermione intervened suddenly, her hand reaching out to stop him.

Whats the hold-up, Hermione Nevilles anxiety was palpable. The longer we wait, the less time we have

No wait Neville Hermiones demeanor suddenly shifted to one of calm analysis.

She articulated thoughtfully, If Matthew pushed us away, it could be because hes about to confront an adversary beyond our capabilities Rushing back like this might only add to his burden No, its absolutely not the right approach

She shook her head firmly.

If we genuinely want to help Matthew we need to find someone powerful

Yes, perhaps that was his intention when he drove us away, Hermione reasoned firmly. Hurry, Neville. Lets return to Hogwarts We need to find Professor Rosier!

Neville and Hermione sprinted along Hogsmeade Avenue, their pace at its swiftest.

Will we make it in time? Neville gasped while running, his anxiety evident. Getting back to Hogwarts, finding a way to contact Professor Rosier It could take time

Hermiones brows knitted.

She shared his concern, though she didnt voice it aloud.

Crossing Hogsmeade Avenue and entering the narrow path between Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, the two were met by an adult man walking toward them.

They narrowly avoided a collision.

Mr. Longbottom, Miss Granger, whats the matter? the man inquired in a gentle tone. You both appear distressed.

It was Professor Snape.

The two exchanged a glance before nodding in unison.

Professor Snape, you have to help Matthew, Neville urged urgently.

Help help Matthew? Professor Snape seemed puzzled, not yet grasping the specifics.

Hermione, still maintaining her composure, spoke rapidly yet clearly.

She recounted Matthews odd behavior on the hillside and her inference that he was in danger.

So, Mr. Wickfield is currently in a dangerous situation? Professor Snapes brow furrowed, his tone unruffled as he queried.

Its true, Professor! Hermiones anxiety was palpable, her eyes even welled with tears. Please, we need you to hurry with us

Seeing the perplexed look on Professor Snapes face, they feared he might dismiss their concern as childish exaggeration or a mere prank

However, Professor Snape surprised them both by nodding solemnly.

Lead the way.

Hurry, Professor follow me! Hermione took the lead, dashing forward.

Five minutes later, the trio reached the top of the hill where the Shrieking Shack stood.

The scene was unchangedthe rustling leaves and scarce human presence created a sense of solitude.

Matthew, however, was nowhere to be seen.

Matthew! Hermione and Neville called out urgently.

No reply came.

Is this the spot where you last parted ways? Professor Snape inquired calmly.

Neville and Hermione nodded quickly.

Professor Snape promptly crouched down, retrieved his wand, aimed it at the ground, and muttered an incantation under his breath.

In that moment, Neville and Hermione glimpsed an agitated figure sprinting toward the hillside.

Its Matthew! Hermione exclaimed. Hes running up the hill Over there its

The Shrieking Shack, Professor Snape supplied. Your conjecture is correct. Mr. Wickfield is in some sort of trouble; otherwise, he wouldnt be headed there Lead the way, Miss Granger. Well follow.

Setting off again, he followed the phantoms previous path up the hillside.

Neville and Hermione trailed after him, their gazes fixed on the black-clad figure.

At intervals, Professor Snape paused, examining his surroundings.

The fence was knocked down, and the grass remains undisturbed, he remarked calmly. As expected, Mr. Wickfield passed through here Keep moving

Professor Hermiones voice quivered slightly, Were headed to the Shrieking Shack

The Shrieking Shack is renowned as the most haunted in British lore.

Hermione Granger, however, was just a thirteen-year-old girl.

Then you should return to Hogsmeade, Professor Snape advised.

No, I want to go too Hermiones resolve was evident as she nodded.

And so, she continued to follow.

The trio soon entered the Shrieking Shack.

But the scene that greeted them was bewildering.

The room appeared as if a ferocious battle had recently raged withinfurniture lay in disarray, and the air was thick with swirling dust.

What was even more astonishing was the massive cavity that had opened up in the floor!

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