His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

Chapter 1127 - Woo You

Chapter 1127 - Woo You

Lu Zihao had no idea that his cat AI nephew and niece were calling him a scumbag behind his back. If he knew, he would definitely find a way to spank those two naughty little brats’ virtual butts no matter what. They were getting more and more brazen in making fun of him, their uncle.

While he and Long Jinjing were heading to his assigned suite, his subordinates that were stationed at Dragon Palace Home #10 kept on greeting him, slowing the two of them down. He began to feel impatient but Long Jinjing squeezed his hand.

"They’re all just glad that you’re awake and okay now," she told him. "Don’t be angry at them."

Her words calmed him down like a cool, soothing breeze during a hot summer day. He still felt impatient but became more tolerant of his overeager subordinates now. Finally, the two of them reached his suite.

His sister and brother-in-law kept the place reserved for him. They never removed his clothes, shoes, and other stuff that he left here before. He basically didn’t need to pack anything whenever he wanted to stay here. Since Dragon Palace Home #10 was now his beloved little sister’s home with her husband, then he also considered this place as a kind of his home as well.

It seemed that the household staff also already finished organizing Long Jinjing’s few clothes, toiletries and other essential items from her small suitcase that she packed for accompanying Lu Zihao in the hospital when he was still comatose.

The two of them had stayed in this suite together before. Long Jinjing still felt a little shy especially since this was her sister’s home but not as much as before. Everyone here already knew about her relationship with Lu Zihao anyway. Even his grandfather approved of their relationship and allowed them to sleep together on the same bed.

"Take a nap again, Nikolai," she said. "You still look a little pale and tired. I’ll wake you up when it’s time for dinner."

He grunted. Indeed, he had a bit of a headache but didn’t show any of his discomfort in his expression. "Stay with me."

She hesitated. She actually wanted to meet up with her friends, Dom and Jiang Ying Yue first, and then play with her nephew Little Jun and the cats. Still, she nodded. She would just sneak out of the room once Lu Zihao fell asleep.

Soon, they lay on the bed in each other’s embrace. Long Jinjing couldn’t stop from pressing herself closer to him to feel the warm sturdiness of his huge body. She loved this man so much.

Deep inside her heart, however, there was still a feeling of hopelessness at the knowledge that he had no intention of returning her love for him and of having anything deeper with her beyond being a simple girlfriend that he could have regular sex with.


She tilted her head upwards to look at him and felt the familiar blanking of her mind into amoeba level. His dark, fathomless eyes looked like she could drown in them if she wasn’t careful.

"You really agree to try again with me?" he asked.

It took a few seconds for her to snap out of her daze. She blushed as usual but there was also an unmistakable sadness in her expression that she tried to conceal behind a shy smile.


He continued staring at her, making her squirm a little in his arms.

"Is this is what you really want? Or are you just pitying me because I fell into coma?"

Her expression twisted in fury. She lifted herself up and glared at him. "Me? Pity you? Are you listening to what you’re saying?"

He didn’t reply, only continued looking at her with his impassive face.

She wanted to smack and shake him but couldn’t muster the will to actually do so because he just came out of the hospital. Although he looked fine on the outside and his test results indicated that he was in good health, she still couldn’t help but worry about him.

"Nikolai, it’s not that I pity you. I love you. How many times do I need to tell you this for you to understand?"

His jaw tensed but he still didn’t say anything.

Tears welled in her eyes again but she still smiled. It was such a sad smile that he frowned because his chest felt like it was being squeezed.

She misunderstood his frown and thought that he still disliked her telling him that she loved him. Her sad smile became bitter. The feeling already felt familiar to her. Taking a deep breath, she mustered all her courage and looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Nikolai, I still want to marry you, give birth to our children, and build a family with you in the future because I love you. That’s why...I decided to try again one more time with you. I’m..." She bit her lower lip and her hands were trembling but the determination was clear in her watery eyes. "I’m going to try and make you fall in love with me. Prepare yourself, Nikolai, because I, Long Jinjing, will woo you."

For the first time since waking up from coma, his neutral expression cracked revealing shock.

His reaction secretly pleased her and fueled her courage. She leaned down and framed his face with both of her hands. His facial hair pricked her delicate hands, tickling her a little. Her sad, bitter smile transformed into a bright, unyielding twinkle in the eyes.

At that moment, Lu Zihao felt his heart skip a beat before racing inside his chest. His shock turned into confusion and then into...he didn’t know anymore. All these emotions flooding inside him were just too complicated and difficult for someone like him to comprehend.

"I’m going to woo you, Nikolai."

Then she kissed him on the lips. But before he could deepen the kiss, she pulled back, making him groan in frustration. She patted his face.

"If I fail and you still don’t love me after this, then I can’t do anything. Love can’t be forced. I’ll give up and let you go once and for all. I hope that you’ll also respect me enough to let me go too if things don’t work out for us in the end."

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