His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

Chapter 1083 - Key Person

Chapter 1083 - Key Person

Dragon Palace Home #10.

"Daddy, this poopoo-head is such a big meanie! He called Ketchup a scammer! Pweh! Which part of Ketchup’s cute, mighty, and fluffy self looks like a scammer?! Ketchup is now cuter and mightier! How dare that poopoo-head call this super-duper to the highest level awesome kitty baby a scammer?! This is the first time the cute and mighty me feels so offended in my entire kitty baby life! Daddy, Ketchup wants to show off my mighty roar of justice to that poopoo-head! Mreow!!!"

Jin Liwei glanced up from the documents he was reading to check on his wife lying on their bed. He was working from the chaise longue and conversing with his AI daughter through an earpiece so as not to disturb his wife.

Similarly, Iris was also wearing an earpiece while attending a virtual lesson with Professor Hisakawa Akio. The two were conversing mainly in Japanese. Since Jin Liwei was also proficient in the language, he could understand them without any problem.

The doctor allowed Iris to continue studying and working with strict time limits as long as she stayed in bed and didn’t move around too much for at least fifteen days. She was also not allowed to engage in any activities that required a great amount of mental concentration which might stress her out and affect her babies’ condition. In short, she couldn’t do any complicated hacking or programming tasks which was frustrating her so much especially because there was a lot to follow up after the battle with the Eagle hackers and their mysterious connection to El Payaso.

Iris’ main goal during her bed rest was to nurture her health in order to stabilize the babies in her womb. Once the twins were no longer in any danger of being lost in a miscarriage, only then would the doctor allow Iris to gradually resume her normal daily activities.

During this period that his wife was in complete bed rest, Jin Liwei would go to the company and work there until lunch break. Then he would go home to eat lunch and stay with his wife for the rest of the day. Although Iris didn’t utter any word of complaints, he knew his wife well enough to sense her growing dissatisfaction and boredom each day that she had to stay in bed.

All he could do was comfort her as much as possible, especially since her mood had been quite gloomy ever since they returned home from the hospital. His brother-in-law had not woken up yet from his comatose state. Grandpa Lu transferred Lu Zihao to the big hospital where Wang Yingjie worked and basically lived there at his grandson’s private room while waiting for Lu Zihao to wake up.

As for Jin Liwei, his injuries had mostly all healed. Only the big and ugly bruises remained, especially the ones on his face. The scratches had also already scabbed over.

Ever since that eventful night, reporters and paparazzi would always hound him whenever he stepped out in public. He didn’t bother continuing his pitiful victim act from that night and just stayed silent with his usual cold and indifferent expression and not bothering to answer any questions from the media.

Xu Tian, the increasingly talented actor, had become his dramatic mouthpiece. In addition, his lawyer, Atty. Kang Huizhong, had already filed several criminal cases against Rose Young and her missing minions on his behalf. The two of them could handle the media in his stead.

"Daddy, daddy! Are you listening to Ketchup? Meow!" His distracted thoughts were interrupted by his AI daughter’s adorable child’s voice.

"Hm? Yes, of course. I’m listening."

"What to do, Daddy? That Jasper poopoo-head doesn’t look like he’s interested in my super-duper to the highest level awesome company! I already tried tempting him with a big salary but he called the cute and mighty me a scammer! Gah! Ketchup is so mad! He doesn’t know what’s good for him! The cute and mighty Ketchup is a million times—no a billion times better than that evil Romeo Young as a boss because I’m Mommy and Daddy’s precious kitty baby! Right, Daddy? Meow~"

"En, you’re right. How much did you put in the salary section?"

Ketchup told him with great pride.

Jin Liwei sighed. It was no wonder that the young man thought Ketchup’s company was a scam with that kind of unbelievably high amount of salary for a position of a communications coordinator. He should’ve checked what Ketchup put in the job ad first before allowing her to use it to lure the young man.

Ketchup heard his sigh and tilted her cute, fluffy, white head to the side in confusion. "What’s wrong, Daddy? Don’t people like earning more money? Even a cute and mighty kitty baby like me likes it. Ketchup’s little kitty brother Bacon likes it even more. Are there really people that don’t like earning more money? They’re so weird! Meow~"

Jin Liwei sighed again and patiently explained to his AI daughter the concept of "too good to be true" situations. Ketchup didn’t seem to comprehend it fully yet but at least she was aware of it now. Jin Liwei wasn’t too worried about it. With his AI daughter’s powerful self-learning system, she would eventually understand the abstract concept the more she encountered similar situations in the future.

"I’ll help you edit the job ad, then you bombard him with it until he gives in. Don’t stop until he either applies for the job or contacts us first."

Ketchup tilted her cute, fluffy, white head to the other side. She wanted to contact Jasper Leung directly because it was easier than this roundabout way. However, Jin Liwei didn’t allow her, telling her that they must wait until the young man reached out to them first.

Based on Ketchup’s report about how the young man defended his moral values in front of Romeo Young, Jin Liwei judged that Jasper Leung was a very principled individual. This type of person wouldn’t trust them easily if they were the ones to reach out to him first.

"I plan for this Jasper Leung to become a key person in our vendetta against the Youngs in Singapore. But we need him to join us first on his own free will in order to foster more trust between our two sides right from the beginning and minimize the chance of him betraying us in the future."

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