His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

Chapter 1065 - Complete Bed Rest

Chapter 1065 - Complete Bed Rest

Jin Liwei finally managed to contact his AI daughter and was immediately confused as to why she was sobbing so hard. Then Ketchup told him about what happened to her mom while he and his brother-in-law were busy with their counterattack against Rose Young at the hotel. He felt his heart drop upon learning that his wife was rushed to the hospital.

The words "bleeding" and "miscarriage" repeated over and over again in his head like a nightmarish loop. His group was now speeding to the hospital and violating traffic laws along the way, but to him, it still felt like they were moving too slowly. He wished that he could fly or better yet teleport directly to his wife’s side.

They finally reached the hospital. He opened the car door himself and dashed inside like the wind. Xu Tian and his bodyguards also ran after him, forming a protective semi-circle around him.

He ran like he had never ran before. The hallways were like a blur in his peripheral vision as he zipped past them. Only one thought occupied his mind—to reach his wife as soon as possible.

’Please be okay, Evelina. Please be safe, love.’

He wasn’t a spiritual man but he prayed to whatever god or higher power who would listen to him and ensure his wife’s safety. He was also worried about their babies, of course, but his wife was still the most important person in the world to him. As long as she was fine, he would feel relieved.

He continued to run without caring about the hospital rules. Fortunately, a small number of the hospital staff were already aware of his arrival. They didn’t stop him as his group violated the no running rule in the hospital.

Due to Iris Long’s special identity as a celebrity and as the new Madam Jin, not to mention that a superstar like Jin Chonglin came with her, their stay in the hospital had to be kept a secret or a huge media chaos might ensue. Secrecy was even more of a priority now because Iris Long and Jin Liwei had yet to make an official public announcement that they were expecting their firstborns.

Jin Liwei’s group headed to the VIP wing of the hospital. Finally, he recognized his wife’s bodyguards and some of the Shadow Winds members in civilian clothing that his brother-in-law sent to protect Iris tonight. They were guarding a door. A bodyguard opened the door for him and he dashed straight inside.

"Sir boss! Thank the Lord Almighty that you’re finally here!"

"Big Bro!"

Both Dom and Jin Chonglin exclaimed when they saw him. Jin Liwei didn’t have the time or the attention to greet the two of them as he rushed towards his wife’s side.


He stopped when he reached her bed. His breaths came out in big, loud gasps from all the running. He could also feel his heart thundering inside his chest, reverberating throughout his entire body to the top of his head. Despite all of these, he still made sure to touch his wife with as much gentleness as possible. He was so gentle when he held her small, pale hand that he was trembling.

"Love? Baby?"

Iris’ eyes were closed and she looked pale. Extremely pale as if all the blood had been drained from her body. Seeing her like this made Jin Liwei feel like his heart was being squeezed.

"Sir, we sedated Madam," he heard someone say.

That was when he noticed Iris’ private doctor standing by the foot of the bed.

"We had to sedate her because she couldn’t calm down on her own," the doctor explained. "Don’t worry, sir. I made sure to give her a safe amount of dosage. It won’t harm her or the babies."

"How’s my wife?"

"She’s fine now."

He released a long, drawn-out sigh of relief. It felt like a huge mountain of weight was lifted off his shoulders. His wife was safe. Thank goodness!

"Our babies?" he asked next.

The doctor smiled. "The twins are safe, too."

Jin Liwei slumped down to his knees and leaned his head on the bed while pressing his wife’s cold hand to his cheek. Then he kissed her hand, feeling grateful that his wife was still with him in this world.

He glanced at the doctor. "Tell me what happened."

The doctor’s expression turned serious.

"Please sit on a proper chair first, sir boss," Dom interjected, pointing at the chair beside the bed.

Jin Liwei nodded and sat down on the chair while not letting go of his wife’s hand. He leaned to the side to caress his wife’s cheek and kiss her cold, slightly chapped lips. Then he gestured at the doctor to speak.

"Madam Jin bled due to overexertion of her mind and body and also overstimulation of her emotions. Thankfully, she was brought to the hospital just in time for us to stabilize her overall physical and emotional state. If she was brought any minute later, I’m afraid that she would have miscarried."

Jin Liwei’s whole body tensed but he still forced the hand holding his wife to relax.

"While Madam Jin and the babies are safe now, they’re not out of the woods yet."

He frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Whatever she did earlier tonight that caused the bleeding affected the stability of the embryos in her womb. I want her to be in complete bed rest for at least half a month to help stabilize the babies. Maybe even longer depending on her rate of recovery after fifteen days. Please also remember that this is not only for the babies’ sake but also for Madam Jin’s health. Her pregnancy has made her overall health much more fragile. If we’re not careful, she might really miscarry next time."

His expression was grim as he nodded. "Yes, if that’s what we need to do, we’ll do it. I don’t care if it’s half a month or half a year. Even if it’s an entire year, I’ll make Xiulan rest in bed if that’s what it takes to ensure that she’ll be completely fine. And our babies, too."

Before the doctor could reply, the door slammed open and in came a furious Lu Zihao, looking like a demon king about to destroy humanity.

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