His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

Chapter 1054 - No No No No No

Chapter 1054 - No No No No No

The group formed a tighter circle around Iris, shielding her from the prying eyes of the other drivers and their passengers passing by on the road. Iris Long was a celebrity, her face and name extremely recognizable especially in recent days after the successive major bombshells dropped in the news involving her.

It would be bad if she was recognized while creating a ruckus in a place and at a time like this. The Shadow Winds members wanted to at least move her out of the roadside to a much more hidden place where she could act out all she wanted without any of them worrying about her being seen by the general public.

In addition, it wasn’t only her that they needed to mind. There was a much bigger attention-grabber than her right now sitting inside the van. Jin Chonglin could send an entire nation into a frenzy and literally cause a wild stampede.

It wouldn’t do either the two of them any good if they stayed in this place for a second longer. The Shadow Winds members communicated with their eyes. Then they all cooperated to immobilize Iris.

They underestimated her.

She evaded their sudden sneak attacks and countered with fluid but decisive strikes. The situation was reversed in an instant. She successfully immobilized one member instead of their original plan to immobilize her.

Her upper hand didn’t last long, however. She was only one person against many after all, plus she wasn’t in her best state. Not only was she pregnant but she was too emotional, decreasing the sharpness of her senses. She was also already tired from her battle against the Eagle hackers earlier.

"Let me go," she said through gritted teeth when they caught her and restrained her in what felt like an immovable limb lock.

"Miss Xiulan, please don’t make it difficult for us."

Then one of the members noticed a faint flash from a distance. "Someone’s recording us."

Iris stiffened and finally stopped her movements. She narrowed her eyes at the direction where the person allegedly recording them was located.

Three members were about to chase the person but they stopped.

"Bacon already took care of it," one of them said while continuing to listen to his ear piece, apparently listening to the black cat AI’s report. "The police is coming. Someone seemed to have reported us causing a commotion by the roadside. We need to get out of here quickly."

Hearing the word "police" still made Iris anxious, even though she was no longer a Vetrov in this life. She was even more anxious now because these Shadow Winds members were with her. They were her older brother’s people. She didn’t want to be the cause in getting them in trouble with the authorities.

She clenched her fists and tamped down on her current wild emotions. "Fine."

They led her back to the van and carried her inside. The van was driving again to another direction away from their original destination, the hospital, to make it more difficult for the police to find them.

Ketchup was already controlling the traffic lights to speed up their escape while slowing down the police. At the same time, Bacon was in charge of wiping out their traces from the surrounding CCTV cameras.

Inside the van, Iris felt a little calmer. She was now beginning to realize the foolishness of her actions earlier. Despite this, she still wanted to return to the hotel and make sure that her husband was safe.

Although she trusted both her husband and older brother enough to deal with Rose Young by themselves using the dangerous plan that they devised, Iris still couldn’t stop the urge to rush there and...and do something...anything! She didn’t like this helpless feeling at all.

"Mommy, we lost the police. Meow~" Ketchup looked proud of herself for manipulating the traffic lights but didn’t overdo it. She was cautious around her mom after what happened.

"Mother, Bacon is also done with the CCTVs."

Iris was still distracted so she didn’t hear them. Dom was the one who praised the two AI cats in her place.

"Xiulan?" Jin Chonglin called her.

No reply.

"Sister Xiulan, are you okay?"

Iris had a pinched expression. One of her hands was clutching her belly while the other hand was gripping her seat’s armrest.

"Boss?" Dom squeezed himself in the space between her seat and Jin Chonglin’s seat.

"It...h-hurts," she gasped and doubled over.

All of them paled.

"To the hospital!" Jin Chonglin shouted at the driver.

Tears were now flowing down Iris’ eyes while she kept on murmuring a heartbroken "no no no no no" over and over again. She hung onto Dom and sobbed against his neck.

"I’m sorry. So very sorry. Please let my babies be okay."

Ketchup began sobbing again as well while Bacon muttered a series of threats about world destruction.


Lu Zihao hung onto a narrow ledge outside the window observing what was happening inside the hotel bedroom, and of course, recording everything with his body camera. The room had no balcony so there was literally nothing preventing him from falling to his death from sixteen storeys high other than his own skills in hanging on the wall.

He continued to watch the scene inside the hotel bedroom, his facial expressions revealing nothing of his true thoughts, but his eyes showed quick flashes of disgust now and then.

Seeing Jin Liwei’s fingers twitch when Rose Young’s hair brushed his face while the woman was leaning over him, Lu Zihao spoke to him through his ear piece. "Stay still."

Obviously, Jin Liwei was unable to respond without revealing to Rose Young that he was actually awake all this time.

"You must feel like shit right now but wait a little longer before you make your move. I’ll let you know when she shifts into the perfect position for you to turn the tables."

Jin Liwei listened and remained still.

Lu Zihao couldn’t help but feel sorry for Jin Liwei, knowing that his brother-in-law basically lived as an asexual virgin when he was still a bachelor before meeting Evelinka as Long Xiulan. In short, the man was only ever sexually and romantically attracted to his sister, Evelinka. It must be torture for Jin Liwei to endure Rose Young’s trap.

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