His Devious Rule

Chapter 408 Guilty

Alvin expected Anya to argue with him or get angry at him but she silently sulked neither agreeing with him nor refusing his words.

Watching her, he waited for the storm to begin and prepared himself to put his points. However, she just stood looking at his overcoat and scratching it with the tip of her nail. Her lips were curled down in displeasure but she uttered nothing. He even doubted if she was breathing.

Was she guilt-tripping him?

Unfortunately, it started working on him. She was an independent woman who loved her job, a mother who wanted to be a good example to her son. He felt selfish for controlling her career when she said nothing about his antique trade business.

He wasn't afraid to face the trouble her job might or might not throw at him or his company. He was worried about her life. Even if she was confident that she would resolve it in less than a year, he cared about nobody but her, her safety.

Was he wrong?

He didn't want to give in. He tried to stand firm on his decision although he was already wavering looking at her pout when her stomach growled.

Why was his Little Donut cute, at the same time stubborn?

His fingers slid into her cold palm, held her hand, and took her out to the restaurant for lunch. And she silently followed him like a powerless wife who was bullied by her autocratic husband.

Alvin couldn't bear her silence throughout their lunch in the private room. He snapped at her, "Stop guilt-tripping me."

Frankly, Anya wanted to hug him and assure him that she would take care of everything. She knew she was being hard on him but she was confident about her work.

This mission was probably the last mission she might work on at the frontline so she wanted him to trust her a little more.

Hearing his cold tone, she grumpily countered him, "Just accept that you are guilty." With a faint 'hmph' she looked away and crossed her arms.

She wasn't angry at him because she was aware he was worried about her and reluctant to put her in danger even after knowing.

Alvin: "..."

He never feels guilty about anything unless he tries to go against her wishes. He was undoubtedly going crazy for his Little Leopard, wasn't he?

Anya gasped when Alvin grabbed her chair and pulled it close to him. Before she could grasp the situation, he tugged her close and bit her cheeks.

Was it anger? Or helplessness or love?

Anya whined, trying to push him, "Alvin…"

Alvin suddenly let go of her cheek and pecked her lips. He took back his words indifferently, "No problem." His deep voice sounded too casual to believe.

Rubbing her cheek, Anya blinked in a stupor, watching him leave. She has to persuade him, and coax him to let her work on her last mission. Why was he so cool?

Alarmed, Anya sprinted to him and asked edgily, "Alvin, what's cooking in your mind?" There was a hint of desperation in her tone.

A swoon-worthy smirk hung on his lips when he glanced at her and continued to walk. His wife was smart to guess he was up to no good.

Anya who melted to the smile snapped out of a trance and sprinted behind him. Alvin was entertained watching his wife run around him, overworking her mind to find out why he agreed so easily and what he was scheming.


At a penthouse,

In a bedroom, a news channel was playing about the Matthews family conflict and company. There were headlines about Casper Matthews about his affair.

Janet walked back and forth in the room, refreshing her mobile every few minutes to check the trending news and reading every article about the Matthews family and Alvin.

The beads of precipitation were rolling down her face even in the cold. The tear stain was pretty obvious on flushed cheeks while her eyes anxiously read a post and comments.

It was a forum where people were discussing Alvin and Casper's affair. Did Alvin Matthews's birth mother abandon him? How cruel!

Did Casper Matthews take the son and silenced the woman? Ruthless man!

Gianna must have done something to the third woman. Evil woman!

Casper Matthews must be still having an affair with the woman. Eww!

Did Casper Matthews sleep with a maid? Disgusting people!

The netizens' deduction went on and on. Janet was shaking looking at each comment and growled at the screen, "Don't you have nothing to do in life?" She was afraid they would slowly catch up with the truth.

'Knock, knock…' Janet gasped at the knocks before her manager aka agent's calm voice sounded. "Jane, it's me. I am coming inside."

The door was pushed open and a woman in her forties entered inside in formal wear. She looked mature and also worried. Working side by side for so many years, both were more like friends and sisters.

Manager Claire was about to ask about the breaking news that was all over the media when she got sight of Janet who was pale and distressed.

"Jane…" Both women hugged, Clarie tried to comfort Janet, rubbing her back and trying to assure her, "We will handle this, don't worry. I am right here. Janet, don't cry…"

Making Janet sit, Clarie passed her glass of water and sat next to Janet. "Why are you so stressed out? I don't think Chairman Matthews or Alvin Matthews has any intention of revealing anything about you."

She believed Alvin had no attachment towards Janet so he wouldn't bother with Janet. And Casper will be more ashamed so why would Casper leak about her?

Janet, who had calmed down, started taking short breaths. She shook her head repeatedly and cried, "Everything is ruined, claire. I will lose everything. My career, my reputation, my children's life…. Everything will be ruined."

She sniffled hard as she continued, "Alvin is taking revenge on me. I left him for my career, he will destroy my life…"

Claire: "..."

Janet grabbed Clarie's arms and vigorously shook her, "Do something, Clarie. I can't lose anything. Stop Alvin. He isn't listening to me. Claire…"

Claire flinched at the tight hold but she was trying to be calm. She held Janet's hands and tried to understand the situation.

'Revenge?' Alvin never bothered to spear a glance at Janet. She had witnessed how Alvin ignores everybody in the room and turns deaf to Janet's words.

Why would he take revenge out of blue instead of handling the stepmother and celebrating his wife's success?

She had thought Alvin revealed the step relationship with Gianna due to the case.

She questioned, unable to grasp the situation, "Janet, did something happens? Why would Alvin Matthews take revenge on you?" If Alvin wanted that, he could have done it a long time ago.

Janet sniffled as she briefed everything to Clarie, "Casper Matthews called me last night. He told me to stop Alvin to take the case back."

Claire furrowed realizing Casper started everything and the attempt to kidnap was real. Casper threatened Janet but she couldn't believe Janet failed to analyze it was just an empty threat.

Janet continued, "I-I tried to ask Brother Bernard for help but he refused. I-I went early in the morning to Alvin's place and asked him to take the case back. He didn't even listen to me."

She held Clarie's hand and stressed her words, "You know, nothing has happened to his son. He isn't dying, he isn't even hurt." She cried, "Why couldn't-"

'Pak,' A resounding slap landed on Janet's face.

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