His Devious Rule

Chapter 292 A Disaster

As soon as Anya opened the door of her villa, a senior officer stood in front of her and handed her a letter for a warrant to raid her house and assets. "Get us the paper of your assets, your income, the proof of everything."

Then he instructed the junior officers to search, "Search the house."

The junior officers showed no hesitation when they spread out in the villa. The three officers went upstairs, three more spread out on the ground floor of the villa while two went to look around on the lawn

Anya was too shocked to grasp what was going on. Her fidgety fingers flipped the warrant to see if it was original. And it was.


Suddenly they heard a tearing sound, distracting her from the warrant. She ran towards the officer who knifed the brand new couch, "What the freaking hell are you doing? You have no right to damage my property."

Well, the junior officer ignored her and continued to see if the wood under the cushion was just a piece of wood or a box to store illegal money.


Anya heard a breaking sound from the kitchen, she quickly ran to the kitchen. Her eyes widened in disbelief looking at the brand new crockery set gifted by Collins was broken. She loved it so much.

"What are you..?" Before her question could end, "Ahhh..." She shrieked witnessing the officer who bore a hole in the island counter.

Through the window, she witnessed an officer digging up her well-made lawn just because the ground looked newly made. She was running out but a breaking of glass from the upstairs distracted her. Running upstairs, she saw the beautiful chandelier on the floor.

"Why is the ceiling left shallow?" A man whose face was painted in fear snapped at her as he saves himself in the nick of time.

Her new villa turned into a disaster right in front of her eyes yet she was helpless.


Casper opened his eyes, ending his daydream. He neither aimed to hurt Anya nor Alvin. To get Zane, angered because of Alvin's threat, Casper had to do something.

How could he give into Alvin so easily?

Secretary Harrison entered the office room and updated the latest news to Casper, "Chairman Matthews, the officers entered the villa just now. The ten officers of the anti-corruption and transparency department of Narnia are accompanied by the two cops."

He didn't forget to add, "There is only Ms. Owen in the villa. Her parents have boarded the train, and the Second Master is at the newly built business complex. And the Little master has gone to play with Krystle Lewis."

Casper, who should be wondering about Alvin's actions, was focused on Zane. His eyes sparkled for getting the chance that Cordelia could use.

Secretary Harrison noticed Casper fishing his mobile so he immediately added, "Err… Mr. Matthews had blocked the play arcade for Little master and Krystle Lewis. Mr. Robertson is in charge of Little Master's security."

Rob would snap their neck and pretend unknown even if it was the old lady. He wouldn't care to speak or bother about the laws. Cordelia will probably end up bedridden if she tries to sneak in.

Casper breathed slowly to keep his calm. Once Anya gets caught, she will be punished even for a few thousand bucks.

'Punished?' Casper asked his secretary as he picked a file to get back to work, "What are the consequences of corruption by the government officials?"

Secretary Harrison was glad Casper wasn't impatient. Casper was still a sensible and smart businessman who knew to weigh each move for a successful step in business.

Harrison had spoken about the consequences with the lawyers so he fluently responded with his poker face. "A fine of up to three times the value of the bribe, and imprisonment for up to 15 years in a federal penitentiary."

'Fifteen years!!??' Casper didn't expect it to be so severe. But recalling Zane, he pushed Anya to the back of his mind. He just hoped the officers would seize Anya's mobile and Alvin shouldn't be informed.

"Keep an eye. Be careful." He instructed and sent his secretary away assuming everything was going as planned.


At Nest Regency,

As soon as Anya heard the voice of a man mentioning he was from the anti-corruption and transparency department, she was truly shocked as her heart shuddered for a moment forgetting she was a secret service officer.

Everything would have gone as Casper planned if Anya was a different woman. Her mind first drifted to Gianna Sallow, but they should think the villa was from Alvin, right? After all, she thinks a small town, country bumpkin couldn't fly.

Other than the Matthews family, Anya also had people in cyber security who were envious of her. So there were possibilities of their hand in it.

Nonetheless, Anya dialed a number as she approached the monitor device at the main door. Clicking on a button on the monitor device, she spoke, "Anya Owen speaking, show me your identity card and the warrant."

Being an officer, who else could know the rules better than an officer?

Lifting her hand, her eyes stayed on the screen where the man showed her the identity card for a few seconds and warrant for some seconds.

Meanwhile, Anya spoke to the chief of the anti-corruption and transparency department, "Chief Fulker, Secret Service officer, Anya Owen here."

[Officer Owen, what a surprise!" He indeed sounded surprised. However, he was quick to come to the topic as she wasn't the person to call somebody for no reason. [How may I help you?]

Anya looked at the warrant on the screen as she notified him, "Your team lead by senior officer Kennedy of the anti-corruption and transparency department is at my door with a warrant."

While she was calm, the old man on the other end turned livid, "Have they lost their mind?" He forgot they don't know about her identity of being a secret service officer.

Only the inner circle knew that a secret service officer's every action was being monitored including her income. Anything illegal, her seniors would immediately take action.

However, to keep her identity a secret, she has to let those officers search her house. Anya didn't respond and also she wasn't scared to let those people check her house. She just wanted to know if the raid was ordered by a higher-up or if somebody else was targeting her.

Chief Fulker read the silence and spoke, [Officer Owen, I am sorry for the bother. I will immediately look into it and get back to you.]

"Thank you Chief Fulker for your time and consideration." Anya ended the call as she clicked on a button on the monitor screen to unlock the gates.

She opened the door and tidied the chunky rug in the couch. She turned around when the officers unamusedly arrived. "Senior officer Kennedy," Anya greeted, "After my house warming, you are the guests at my place. Take seats."

The stunned officers: "..."

It was the first time somebody welcomed them instead of screaming, begging, or fearing them.

Anya arranged the chairs from the dining hall so that twelve could sit. She poured water for them as she asked, "May I know about the evidence you have received to arrange a warrant?"

The senior officer found her bearing too strong and dominant. He fetched papers about her and respond, "Ms. Owen, as a cyber security officer, your income is no more than that of a normal cop. Your parents have a house. Your parents' income isn't high either. With your and your parents' lifetime income combined, you can't afford this villa. Not to mention your inexpensive Mercedes Wagon-R."

He paused, appalled at how calm she was, and served everyone with warm water. He ended his words, receiving his glass of water, "Do we need any more evidence?"

Anya smiled faintly as she shook her head, "You may start your search and estimate the prices of everything. I will get the papers from upstairs." She showed her mobile and left it on the table, "Right, without a valid reason and notifying me, you may not damage my property."

The officers looked at each other. They have been doing their job for years. Most government officials added yes to their words. However, they ended up nodding to her words. Her composure was something else, whereas she looked nothing but a young woman in her twenties wearing that one-shoulder thick knitted sweater and shorts.

The searching started, Anya submitted all the papers to prove how she got the money.

An hour passed with busy people while Anya answered whenever they questioned her.

The senior officer was shocked to see she had got so many awards, yet her name was never mentioned before.

Anya, who returned with hot steaming coffee, placed a cup ans saucer on the coffee table. She was going to serve others when Kennedy stood up.

"Ms. Owen, these?" He showed the certificates, "You couldn't possibly be just a cyber security officer."

Another voice interrupted, "You realized it now!?" An old voice snapped at Kennedy.

Anya turned around and saw Chief Fulker entering inside in his uniform. Whoever heard the voice rushed out to see him.

Everyone greeted their chief and looked at Anya who could get their chief to her house.

Chief Fulker questioned fiercely, "Where are your mobiles? I am calling you for an hour."

It was a rule to shut down their mobile so that they don't get influenced by any phone calls. They looked at each other, hesitating to respond.

Suddenly a male voice came from upstairs, "Sir, I found a magazine of bullets in the locker. They…"

Anya had forgotten to take it away. She left the tray on the coffee table. Then everyone heard a click sound and saw Anya catch a handgun that slid down her thigh. She had taken it when went to get the papers.

Chief Fulker shook his head in resignation while others stared at her in horror. He had to calm them by saying, "It's a licensed weapon." Then he lied, "And Officer Owen is a special task police." And they need his permission to raid her house.

"I am sorry, we didn't know." Thus the raid came to an end. What's more, they voluntarily helped her arrange things back in place.

Later she got to know they had got a tip-off against her. And they wouldn't reveal the informer details at any cost.

Chief Fulker snickered to himself. Can't reveal? Looking at her smile, Fulker knew she would know about the person. If not her, Jason would.


At Matthews Industries,

Casper was busy with his work even on the weekend. Secretary Harrison rushed inside the office and reported in utter bafflement, "Chairman Matthews, Chief Fulker of the Anti Corruption department of Narnia personally arrived to abort the raid." He wouldn't have been shocked if the raid was called off but the appearance of the chief wasn't a simple thing to ignore.

And Casper realized he f**ked up. "Who the f**k is she!!?"

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