His Devious Rule

Chapter 224 Nothing Is Fair

Friday, at six in the morning,

Anya hummed in satisfaction after a good night's sleep. Without opening her groggy eyes, she recounted her plan for the day.

'Jog by the beach, workout, breakfast, leave the beach mansion with baby, submit the files, back to the…'

Her thoughts paused when she sensed the pillow was harder than usual. Snuggling her head, she moved her hand and froze.

Her arm which had to snuggle her little cuddle bug was on something hard that faintly rose and dropped. She could feel the distinct and regular rhythm of the heartbeats and calm breathing.

The woody cologne was soothing and the warmth was too relaxing and addictive to withdraw.

Anya: 😳

Cheeks flushed in embarrassment, Anya flung her eyelids open. There was no hint of grogginess left in those steely gray eyes.

Bewildered, she watched the sight in front of her. His sleeping handsome face looked as tempting as when he smirks. The soft lines made him look less cold and more approachable.

Alvin was sleeping on his back and her head was on his arm. She was sleeping on her side, much closer to feel the warmth of his body, that the duvet failed to comfort her with. Fortunately, her slender arm failed to wrap around him, so it was resting on his chest, very much at ease.

She was utterly baffled. 'Are you a pig?' She chided herself recalling she had dozed off in the study room. She didn't wake up even once.

She wanted to wake him up and get angry for getting on her bed without her permission, but it was crystal clear that she indeed got good sleep while shamelessly cuddling in his arms.

To escape from there, she justified her decision of not waking him up, 'You must have come late so I will let you sleep.'

Taking her hand away, she carefully tried to sit up and move to the edge of the bed. But she suddenly gasped when he flipped to her side and wrapped his arm around her waist.

Her heart raced the beats as she fell back on the bed with her back pressing against his chest, she ended up being a little spoon in his arms. "Alvin…" She tried to crawl away instinctively.

Her actions caused him to tighten his arms, and possessively pull her back next to him. She was frozen when he snuggled to a comfortable position, securely embracing her in his arms.

Anya cluelessly blinked. Her racing heart was lulled to calmness, being protected in the strong arms. Her stiffened body relaxed to the warmth that covered her like a blanket.

Curled on the bed, being cradled like a baby, it was pleasing for her to even think of getting away. It was sweet, enticing her to ditch the workout and grab a round of nap.

But…. She flipped around and looked at his calm sleeping face. He didn't seem to be playing with her. Then was he really doing all this in sleep? Or is he half awake? Because it felt sickeningly sweet and Alvin doesn't hover around sweetness.

She gently poked his cheek, trying to wake him up but also unwilling to disturb his sleep. As if working on a press of a button, he tightened his arms and his lips landed on her forehead.

Anya: "…"

Although it was her first time, being cuddled and coddled, she itched to pinch him. Because it felt like a dream, unsure if it was his actions or her stupid little heart-melting so easily. Perhaps… Both.

Saying no word, he planted a kiss on her forehead, buried her in his arms, and continued to sleep.

After a few seconds of squabble in her mind, the temptation won. She wrapped her hand around his waist and went for a morning nap.

Alvin's lips curled in amusement before he slipped back into a deep slumber. Even he didn't know cuddling her could be so satisfying.


At Seven in the morning,

Zane: 😐

Though he had the urge to wake them up or pull them away, looking at his mother sleeping like a little bird in a nest, he went out of the room and got ready for the day.


At twelve, the noon,

Alvin: 😑

He watched his little enemy sitting on Little Donut's lap in the private jet. He had dozed off, wrapped in her arms, taking her complete attention.

He wasn't as generous as his son, so he carried the little man to another recliner, making sure he was comfortable and warm under the blanket. Then he sat in front of Anya who was hiding her grin.

"Uncle Bernard has resigned. So what is your plan?" Alvin asked seriously, hiding his eagerness to know her plans.

Anya became thoughtful briefly and shook her head, "I didn't resign because of President Collins." She corrected her words recalling the recent news, "…Mr. Collins. Although I am angry at Mr. Collins, I am disappointed by the laws… Rules… Regulations…" Anya shrugged, without completing her words.

After pondering nearly half of the day, that's where her conclusion was drawn. Hence it was a bit hard for her to accept Bernard's resignation.

Alvin fell silent for a few seconds, watching her carefully. He could easily say she was bothered by her job. Then he signaled her to get closer to him.

Anya hesitantly moved to the edge of her seat, wondering how he might pacify her but she earned a flick on her forehead, "Goofball." She kicked his legs and sat back with a pout, rubbing her forehead.

Alvin tried to make her understand, "Anya Owen, nothing is ever fair…"

Anya cut in and countered his words, "My love for my baby!?" A mother's love is always pure. So there is something fair.

Alvin paused at her words and smoothly gave his reason in a question, "Would you have loved him if he wasn't your son?"

Anya was rendered speechless. Alvin was right. If Zane wasn't her son but somebody, how sweet and well-behaved he could have been, she wouldn't have loved him as much as now.

Alvin got down to the business, "Jumping off the cruise ship is a crime, yet you weren't charged because the rules were ignored due to the situation and your identity."

Anya nodded in acceptance. Alvin continued, "That's your privilege. Your words and opinions have value, You have the power to control because you have earned it with your hard work.

Likewise, one could only rise to power if they could work for it, by fair actions or unjust means. So the higher the position, the increased the benefits."

Anya chewed her lips hearing Alvin speak from the third point of view. He had a point. It wasn't that she didn't know about the unsaid privileges. However, they were taught as laws were above everyone.

She could understand the Chief Justice or other jury members' situation but being the victim of the situation, she just focused on herself and the lives of the people who would have lost.

"Do you want me to return to the job?" Or else why would he try to make her calm down?

Alvin shook his head in denial. He wants her to follow him around. More than that, "I don't want you to have any regrets."

He had very closely watched her work. Her interest, attention, and satisfaction in her job were just like the days she was doing her project in the library, asking him hundreds of questions.

He could still remember how she squealed in excitement at the completion of the project, forgetting she was in the library.  Although she doesn't show her happiness the same way, he could see the joy of fulfillment in her eyes.

Similarly, he had also seen her forlorn, discouraged after resigning. So when she could return and live the life she loved, why not?

"Your disappointment or anger is just a waste of your emotions at the moment." In the long run, she might sit and think back that she shouldn't have resigned.

Anya was grinning widely by the end of his words. The man who was heartless and tyrannical to the one who prioritized her happiness, the change was too drastic yet she loved every bit of it.

Alvin: "..."

He was speaking seriously and she was smiling foolishly. He narrowed his eyes at her. 'What should he do with this Goofball?'

Anya giggled seeing him get annoyed. She wouldn't say as she didn't like her job, rather her focus was on the man in front of her, her baby, and her home.

She wanted to take her time and decide whether to return to the team or find a new job. She stood up and went closer to Alvin.

Alvin glanced at her hands pressing on the hand rest of his seat as she got close enough to breathe in her fresh floral fragrance. His gaze met her moonlike eyes which gleamed in glee with a hint of mischief.

He couldn't help but think she was happy for annoying him until she shifted closer and her soft lips sank into his cheek and pecked.

Alvin: "..."

That was the most innocent, sweet kiss he ever received. But did she just do that voluntarily?

Anya bit her lip to stop smiling as she stepped away. She was silently going towards the restroom, she heard his playful voice, "Little Donut…"

Anya screamed as she ran toward the restroom when he followed right behind her.

At the corner, Rob: 🥱

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