His Devious Rule

Chapter 211 Miracle

In the morning,

Anya hadn't called Captain David in the past days to calm her mind from all the events. Hence as soon as Anya left the Oasis mansion, she read about the news and other media roaring about the missing three men on the PSR. They weren't only demanding a response from the Johnson companies but also pressuring the cops.

Anya dialed the captain while Mark, Rob's junior, was driving her to the airport as per Alvin's order. After greeting, Anya came directly to the point, "Did the bodies reach the port?"

As they weren't able to find any kind of clue against Benton or anybody else, Anya had decided to bring the bodies back.

She had obtained the coordinates from Alvin's men to bring the bodies. Since the administration doesn't give them much financial support, it took them three days.

[Officer Owen, the boat has entered the domestic waters. By the time you reach, we can hold the press conference and send the bodies for postpartum.]

To further the case, they need to find out if the three men died by drowning or if a third person had a hand in it. Since the body was in the water for many days, Anya doubted if fingerprints or traces of scuffling could be found on any bodies.

Nevertheless, Anya hummed calmly. Her body was indeed relaxed in the past two days. But her brain seemed to be a bit hazy to get on the track.

She responded to David, "I won't attend the press conference. Please take the lead. I will go straight to the Johnson communication center from the airport. Send the team three there and inform them to summon all the employees for interrogation. Missing employees without a valid reason will be severly charged."

Harper wouldn't let every one of his employees know about his evil plan. So she needs to find out who were the men acting on his plan so that Harper's punishment couldn't be any less than life imprisonment.

But… She felt her heart turn cold, recalling the real perpetrator is free and enjoying his freedom.

[Officer Owen, you are giving all your credits to us.] Captain David couldn't understand the people of the Secret Service. All their hard work will be named to a different person.

"I don't need it." The Secret Service officers don't crave fame or name. They thrive for betterment.

Captain David's faint chuckle faded away as he became serious, [What about the mastermind behind the three bodies? PSR Vice-Captain Berwick confessed everything and he doesn't know anything about them.]

Anya pinched between her brows. She strongly feels Alvin's deduction is right. She even tried to ignite the fire in the Benton family but it didn't work.

A whole team of five members was trying to find the smallest clue against any man or Benton, yet they were reaching a dead end.

"I will take another look at the footage in the afternoon." If she couldn't get to the bottom of this and resolve it in a week, Jason won't accept her resignation.

Think of the Devil.

Mark furrowed when a car blocked their car. He was about to request Anya to be seated, she signaled him to open the door.

"Ms. Owen!?" The way the car stopped in front of them said the one in the car knew about her.

"I know him," Anya assured Mark looking at Jason getting out of the car. She got off when Mark unlocked the door.

Mark was reluctant to leave her alone so he got off with her and followed her closely.

Anya spoke on her phone call, "Captain David, I will see you at the police agency. Call me if there is anything." She ended her instruction and stood in front of the man who was in a brown tracksuit.

Jason glanced at Mark and stated, expecting no refute from her, "I will drop you."

Anya sighed internally and turned to Mark, "You may leave."

Mark clenched his teeth watching Anya take the shotgun seat of the Jeep and the car left. He already knew as Alvin and Anya are dating, how could she go with another man? He was clearly displeased.


In the jeep,

Jason glanced at mute Anya Owen who just looked at the road, without showing any kind of emotions. Shaking his head in resignation, he sighed "Looks like you haven't changed your decision."

Anya didn't respond and maintained silence. Jason didn't ask her to write a resignation due to Alvin's appearance at their secret office. Jason just made use of the situation by planning spontaneously to show everyone that she was being discharged due to Alvin.

In reality, Chief Justice had particularly chosen her for another secret mission. And it was important for them to show that she left her job as her name came up in the media.

Getting emotional at the thought of her job, Anya wasn't able to think through or openly speak with Alvin to find a solution to save her job. Thus Team Ace, the security men around the office also believed she was being fired.

Jason continued to act only until he saw Anya lose faith in the department and laws seeing Bernard unpunished. He hadn't expected her to get serious about the resignation.

Why would the Chief of the department and Chief Justice care to explain to an officer?

Obviously, they weren't ready to lose a capable officer. However, their efforts to explain Bernard's situation went in vain. Hoping that she will forget the completed mission, they explained to her about the new mission and the fake resignation required for it.

Nonetheless, she was infuriated at how they played with her and team Ace members' emotions. Hence she ended up refusing to take back the resignation.

Thus Jason was waiting for her to return and accept the mission. And he won't give up so easily.

After a long silence, Anya asked the question that was bothering her, "Why wasn't I pushed for Alvin's visit?" They wouldn't overlook Alvin's visit to their secret office so easily.

Jason glanced at her in surprise. He had thought Alvin must have spoken with her. "Seems like, your boyfriend doesn't like your job."

Anya furrowed without understanding Jason's words. Alvin would prefer to keep her next to him, bully her, tease her, and throw his tantrums just for her attention instead of seeing her put herself in danger.

However, she had seen guilt in his eyes when he doubted she lost her job because of him. He was only relieved when she said she resigned.

"He used my name to find our office," Jason revealed to her. Before Alvin reached their office, Jason had received news that Alvin was looking into his details through his grandfather.

Anya: "…"

Alvin had used 'Chief Jason' as it was easier to find by his name since she was a junior and her job profile seemed to be confidential. Thus one who should be fired was Jason.

Anya wasn't relieved by it. She abruptly became anxious. Jason loved his job just like other team Ace members. If she loses her job because of Alvin, then it was acceptable as Alvin was there for her. She didn't wish for Alvin's actions to put Jason in trouble, "What did Chief Justice say?"

Jason smiled hearing her concern. She pretends to be unbothered, and indifferent, she might ignore them but the one to be worried more was her. He didn't play her, "Chief Justice asked me to shift the office immediately." He felt like she was going to feel guilty for Alvin's actions.

Anya wasn't relaxed with that response. She was afraid that Jason was hiding something from her, just like how he hides his efforts and workload from them. "Nothing more?" She asked earnestly.

Jason assured her, "Absolutely." Or else he would have definitely taken revenge.

Anya breathed in relief as she relaxed on the seat. She was oddly happy Alvin didn't become the reason for losing her job. It would have probably bugged her lifelong.

Jason started his negotiation, "Did you forget your goal?" To be powerful enough to keep people away from her and her family.

Honestly, Anya wanted to achieve her goal. However, it will be tormenting to do the job where she might not be able to give her cent percent, the job which will remind her she was powerless to get herself justice. So she refused to return using Alvin's name, "I have Alvin." Alvin would do anything to protect her, even locking her in his mansion. He was capable of it.

Jason glanced at Anya who seemed to set on refusing him using Alvin's name. Should he be happy knowing she was letting go of her fear? Or should he curse Alvin in his mind?

Anyway, Jason didn't give up, "Team will be disappointed knowing your decision." She cared about team members, although she never voiced it.

Anya was good with her reasoning anyway, "I hope they won't be disappointed in the fickle laws and orders like me."

The argument continued without a hint of aggressiveness or humor. She was stubborn, he was determined. Both weren't ready to give up.

Jason got out of the car with Anya and looked at her calmness. "You will come back." He was confident.

"Let's wait for a miracle." Anya countered, glancing at the military soldier from the security department of the airport approaching them.

She saw Jason's lips arc slyly at her words which gave her goosebumps. 'What is he planning to do?'

"Chief Jason," The soldier in uniform greeted Jason and turned to Anya, "Officer…" The soldier didn't know her name. "This way, please." He was going to escort her to the boarding gate without the need to stand in queues for a security check.

"See you soon." Jason waved his hand at her and got in the car. He probably would have let her go if she didn't like the job but she was disheartened, she needs time to heal.

Miracle! He was going to make it happen.

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