High School: Way to Forever

Chapter 309: Who is the CEO?

Chapter 309: Who is the CEO?

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Only Anna knew how much her face twisted when she heard her father's words. They were her beloved daughter's family but she is deliberately trying to hide her daughter from everyone, even though it was a bad idea, she can't do anything like this.

Anna was trying to separate from them, for her selfish reason but this is how she is. Killing her brother was Alex's' most bad decision and she swore that she won't let that go through anything like tissue in her life!

Her eyes were totally fixed on the mother-son duo standing in the middle of the reporters, where she saw them coming inside the mansion but, only Anna was aware of how she actually felt.

"Anna, I think you should go and greet them. Scott was innocent after l, it was his two brothers who.." Liam was interrupted by Anna's glare.

He gulped back, seeing her horrific expressions, which was mixed wiht so many emotions!

"I know it's bad. But I can't overcome the fact that I was the one, who killed his two brothers. I'm sorry but I can't digest this fact no matter what happens. It isn't that easy as you think." Anna did not hide anything from her father.

"I know that it is difficult for you to face them but at least remember that you were at fault along with them. After all, they have killed your brother!" saying, he left Anna on herself because it is in accordance, so he needed time to think about everything that was happening in her life from now onwards!

Steve's returning act was like a big game-changer for all of them!

Anna wanted to say many things at that very moment, but she kept quiet because for now, it was better to not say anything. Many people will try to defame you and put you down but you can't take everyone seriously right?

That is how Anna thought. for her, they weren't important but somehow, she knew the reality herself because they all hold a soft spot in her heart. maybe, that is the reason, she was keeping an eye on them for the past few years!

She can always fool her mind, but maybe her heart isn't able to listen toher mind at all, and she knew that Scott is someone dear to her, she can see how much his face resembles her Kiara!

'Why the hell am I even giving them so much importance even after they did so bad things with me!' Anna hated herself for this. 

But then she can feel that reporters weren't leaving any stone to them or ask many twisted questions.s

"Weren't Mr. Chris engagement fixed with Ms. Walker?! Why did Chris die?!"

"Why did your second son Luke die?!" 

Of couse, she had expected such questions to come on top, as they ahve come into the limelight after so long! It has been almost six years!

From the very beginning, they have kept the top secret from everyone that Chris and Luke died because of some unknown reason. No one dared to reveal anything because, in Klara's eyes, her sons were at fault.

Scott, remained aloof like before as he looked at each reported with his cold expressions, sending the chills down the spines of the people present there. 

"Does my family concern you so much? Then why don't you join our personal family group to know every update?" His words made all of them shut as Scott almost pushed everyone aside and brought his mom inside to meet everyone, except Anna as she walked over the food counter to escape from meeting him.

'They will surely fight for Kiara!' the fear relied inside her. The only light in her life will be taken away from her bychance if they got to know that she has a child together with Alex!

But who will tell her that her dream was going to be tossed aside to have a peaceful life anymore because someone she considered to be dead from the past years was returning back to have her again in his life and make sure to take revenge from everyone who underestimated him!

Anna took a sip of her drink, while talked with people near the bar, as few of the businessman tried to talk to her about the business deals and after a few more minutes, Anna totally forget about the existence of the Steve and she was blessed that they did not even come near her to have a chat.

'I wish they haven't noticed my presence.' she can only pray but who knew the truth!

On the other hand, many men tried to flirt with her as her statement of being singled was making her on the top of the headlines again.

"Ms. Anna, you're one of the best beauties I have ever seen! Beauty with a sharp brain! The deadliest combination!" on the of the young master of the family commented while Anna can only smile on this complement

"Thank you.. I Guess. That is what I inherited from my parents and it is all that I have." 

"The guy you would choose in the near future will surely be the one the best!! Of course with a wonderful guy as well." Anna had many things to say but she decided to be quiet and let them speak to whoever was coming inside either brian.

"Ms. Walker, have you heard about A&W company? I have heard that they are aiming for your projects and will soon attack your company. I would recommend playing safe!" Anna had an urge to ignore him and about that company but on second thought she once again asked him.

"Are You Aware of their Ceo? I have heard that the person is very secretive! Not revealing his face to the public at all."

Hearing this, the person smiled and replied her.

"I have heard the same but I guess, he will be present today here shortly in a few more minutes to come with his girlfriend and meet all of us!"

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