High School: Way to Forever

Chapter 274: Shouting on Anna!

Chapter 274: Shouting on Anna!

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In the night, Chris had come back to the mansion to stay when he heard that his in-laws were coming to meet him.

Although he was aware that his presence won't be appreciated, how can he miss this opportunity when the whole Walker family will agree to his wish?

From the very start, they were against his marriage after whatever happened a few years ago. Marrie was revolting to get his daughter married to her, but in the end, he had his way.

Sitting on the dining table, everyone was having their dinner. David was trying to strike the conversation with Liam but failed miserably because Liam was in no mood to talk about anything.

The absolute silence was engulfed in the room where each one of them was waiting for someone to say something.

But then, Chris decided to break this silence, "Isn't it good to have the whole family together? I feel so lovely meeting Walkers again." 

"Family? We still have to decide whether we are family or jot after dinner. Your reckless decision caused a lot of chaos already, Chris." Liam was no longer soft this person.

"Oh C'mon, uncle, or shall I say father in law? I think father will be better. Yeah, I was saying that let it be how it is. After all, Anna also agreed with what I'm doing. Right, love?" Chris nudged Anna a little bit and she did not react.

Instead, concentrated on eating her foot but unknown to everyone, her brain was already on a race of thoughts.

'I agreed to this engagement to destroy you, Chris!' This crossed her mind as she gave him continuous glasses.

But her idea was still kept in dark from everyone because Anna has no plans to bring it to everyone's notice till yet.

Seeing the lack of response from Anna's side, Chris's blood boiled. 'Why the hell is she behaving like a spoiled brat!? Can't she agree to simply request and nod her face!?'

At that point, Chris just wanted to smash something but then, he was made aware of his surroundings. Already they had a bad image of him in their mind, why will he damage and tarnish his own reputation more?

Liam and Marrie noticed how Chris was getting angry and then calmed himself down. 'He is still an asshole like before.' Marriage concluded but did not raise her voice.

Instead, Liam spoke, "I would like to talk to you, Chris. Along with Mr. Steve and Anna after dinner in the study."

"Sure. I shall come there just after finishing dinner." Chris had no fear inside his mind and heart. He was alright with anything as long as Anna is marked as his.

But Anna did not react at this moment also. She simply focused on her food and kept her face down.

Soon after, the dinner was finished and Liam, Anna David, and Chris made their way to the study room where they would like to have some talks.

Amna was sitting on the chair while David and Chris sat on the couch and Chris stood on the side.

Liam took a sip of his wine as he gave a glare to Chris with killer intent. All the things in the past were coming back into his head with Chris's face in front of him.

"Your this reckless decision Of getting married before asking Anna's family. Shall I take it as a disrespect?" Liam left no stone to speak harsh words and tried to provoke Chris.

But on the other hand, Chris smiled widely as he looked at Liam in front of him with gentleness.

"Never Uncle. How can I afford to disrespect the Walkers? I was simply trying to give my love a surprise about our engagement. You do know that she is already an adult. I'm nineteen years old and I think it would be perfect if we could get engaged."

"But she is still in school. First, you were the one who said that you want to let Anan blossom first into a lady and would rather prefer to let her live her life." Liam backfired his own words.

The smile on Chris's face turned into a smirk as she answered, "Yeah. But now I changed my mind and want to get engaged with Anna publicly." Chris did not hide their intention anymore.

But Anna felt her veins were popping out after hearing what he said. She stood up from her place and stared deeply into Chris's eyes for a few seconds with her expressionless face.

"You aren't simply trying to get engaged with me but also cut my wings and cage me in your jail. But let me remind you, Chris, I'm not one of those who just throw themselves at you. I'm different and YOU CAN NEVER CAGE ME!"

The coldness in her voice was reflected well as David felt nervous. The tension in the air was almost making him choke because three big personalities were on the verge of fighting.

Chris tugged his hands into his pocket and replied sarcastically, "Why are you being afraid? Do you not wish to get engaged with me? But why? Afraid to disappoint someone?"

"That is my business and not yours. But why are you so eager to get me engaged? Is that because you are aware that someone else is your competitor and might snatch me away from you?"

Chris's hand turned into a fist hearing her words. the smile vanished because she simply used his word against him.

"You do know what you are saying, Anna? Who can be my competitor in this world?"

"Do I need to name the person? Or shall I assume that you have no brain to guess about whom I am talking about?" Everyone present in the study was aware of who was being discussed here.

Because each one of them has already met Alex at least once!

Liam looked proudly at his daughter who held this much courage to stand up against Chris and speak the truth of the world and argue with him without any fear inside her.

"Anna, I think that here we are discussing our engagement, not about anyone else so don't bring him in this!" He was giving Anna a warning to not spout nonsense about someone else because if he got angry then no or will be able to stop him at all.

"You were the one who brought him! Don't even dare to blame me for that! I got ready to get engaged to you. That doesn't mean that I will agree to whatever you say. So, stay within your own limits!"


"CHRIS! DON'T FORGET THAT HER FATHER IS STILL ALIVE!" Liam instantly raised his voice from Chris's behind when he heard him shouting at Anna.

Liam felt that his blood started when Chris raised his voice on his precious daughter. But Chris knew how to act normally and convince Liam. but what he had no idea was, Liam has changed. He isn't that sweet Liam anymore who will be manipulated by his techniques like in the past.

Chris looked at Liam with his fierce eyes, but it had no effect on him even a percent. For him, Chris had lost his worthiness, when he decided to hurt his daughter, Sierra, emotionally and mentally.

"Chris, let me remind you something if by chance you take them for granted. Anna is a walker as well as the heir of Walkers. if you try to take any advantage hours, then it is me whom you will have to face and you are aware that a whole force is instant behind me." Liam opening threatened him

"Of course, sir. How can I go against a superior person like you? Never!" Automatically, Chris's expressions and tone engaged. Well, no one was surprised who was present in the room because they were aware of how Chris is. He is a chameleon who can change his way of talking in just a few seconds.

'He is such a bastard! Only now, he was raising his voice on me, and now? He is in absolute silence!' This crossed her mind but she did not raise her question voice anymore. He was someone, whom she didn't want to interact much with.

But David was getting more nervous. Although Liam was in his territory his aura is much more imposing than him. While David is a short-tempered person, Liam is the opposite, calm as equal/.

"Chris.. you shouldn't raise your voice on Anna like this. She is your future wife!" Although, in his house ladies aren't much respected but Ana is different. She is a walker and they can't go against this like this after all.

Liam did not speak anymore but only asked one question with utmost seriousness. The temperature which earlier dropped in the room, now even dropped more!

"Anna, I have only one question to ask you. I don't know what has happened between you two because it is a matter between you two, not me. So, just tell me that, do you really wish to be with this Liam or not?"


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