Hero of Darkness

Chapter 233 - Pledging Loyalty

Chapter 233 - Pledging Loyalty


In the three-story building which looked like a normal business company's headquarters in a busy street, where no one would attach too much importance to it, a meeting between the elite powers of the underworld was held.

This was the main office of a construction company in name but in reality, it was actually the true headquarter of the biggest criminal network in the entire Rukon District which spanned for 200 kilometers.

"Do you know the Lords have summoned us tonight?" asked a centaur dressed in violet armor.

"No idea. But since all the managers from each branch city have been summoned together, it's definitely something important." replied an elven mage.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Two lines of soldiers in black and red armors, geared with spears and swords took created a pathway among the crowd.

Everyone present in the main hall bowed in respect towards the six individuals who walked at a steady pace towards the end of the hall.

These were the Sins who held the command of this organization.

Even now, no one knew anything about the Seventh Sin but nobody dared to ask because there was always a throne vacant for that person and all of these people who previously served Hydra could only assume that the last one didn't wish to reveal themselves yet.

As soon as all Omega & the five generals stood in front of their respective thrones, Ceril in his Loki form cast a spell and placed the six thrones on both sides of the room, dividing them into a group of three. And the next minute, he summoned another giant golden throne carved with dragon heads on the armrests as he placed it where their seats were previously located.

All the members in the gathering were surprised but no one dared to utter a word.

Omega in his Raiden form walked forth and spoke in a loud and stoic tone as his gaze shifted to all of the members who now served them.

"Tonight, we summoned all of you for a very important reason.

This night, we wish to let you all meet the real ruler of the Seven Deadly Sins.

All kneel in front of our master… our lord.. Lord Zeus!!" declared Omega vehemently and all the sins in their respective forms knelt on a knee.

Without daring to question anything, all the top members of the organization gathered here kneeled in the direction of the pathway created by the soldiers who were also kneeling on the ground.


An insurmountable and highly oppressive aura that was filled with absolute dominance and tyranny landed on their bodies.

Even the tall and giant botir race individuals present in the hall felt their exoskeleton armors that were the extension of their own body parts cracking under this pressure.

This was the species with the highest physical defense in the whole empire but even they were having a hard time keeping their consciousness intact under this dense black and red aura that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Step! Step! Step!

In the middle of the pathway, a middle-aged man donned in a black epic rank gear set for archers walked with his arms folded behind his back.. Like an Emperor appearing in the main council hall.

No one, including the Sins dared to lift their heads as the man walked towards the golden throne at a slow pace. Some of the members were already sweating heavily under this oppressive force which made them feel like a mountain was placed on their shoulders.

The middle-aged man took a seat at the golden throne and placed his right legs on the left knee, his back against the soft red cushion and the right elbow supporting his weight.

His right palm placed under the chin while he gazed at all the kneeling members in the hall.

These were the top dogs of the underworld, all of who were the main figureheads of their respective organizations and ruled a city in this district like kings while having thousands of people at their beck and call. But now, all of them were kneeling in front of this one man who suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Although they had previously heard about Zeus, no one had actually believed the rumors of a semi-saint rank individual actually being the main figurehead of the seven deadly sins which had seven peak grandmasters as the main leaders already.

"You may all stand up!" spoke Zeus in his compelling tone that sent chills to everyone kneeling in front of the semi-saint.

All the mages present in the crowd who had a high affinity with mana had their eyes wide open after they finally managed to sense his strength.

"Semi-Saint.. No, he's already close to breaking that threshold and becoming a true Saint!" spoke an intermediate grandmaster mage woman present in the crowd with complete disbelief in her eyes.

The words she blabbered subconsciously landed on everyone's ears and the whole crowd went silent again.

To them, their leaders were the peak of the mountain as far as the strength levels in this district were concerned. But now.. The prideful man in front of them was already a league above. And not just that.. He was close to entering the legendary Saint Rank realm of power they had only heard about in their entire lives.

At this moment, since the hero of darkness title was active, his aura was 3 times stronger than usual on top of already being very ferocious. So all the mages in the room felt the aura as comparable to someone who was about to enter the saint rank.

This sudden revelation fortified the beliefs of all the powerhouses in this organization that Zeus was indeed their true boss and the one they served was a truly powerful being.

"Tell me everything about how things were handled in my absence." commanded Zeus to the normal members present in the hall.

For the next one hour, many people revealed that the Sins killed off enemies in their headquarters with perfect planning, leaving no room for escape and without causing too much attention.

And how traces of the skirmishes were taken care of without anything tracking back to them.

Ceril also told Kahn telepathically that he took care of the dead bodies and turned them into his underlings.

Ronin later explained how they planned and ambushed the grandmaster opponents by two or three of them attacking together and finishing them off very quickly.

Kahn approves of their method because that way, their victory was always assured.

After everyone was done with their explanations, Zeus spoke in an authoritative tone.

"I know the means that were used to make you all disband your previous bosses and organizations and forcefully work under us. And I also know that many of you still resent us for it.

The blood-oath token can only make you our slaves but cannot buy your loyalty." spoke Zeus in his deep and kingly tone.

"But do know that if you keep serving me and the Seven Deadly Sins with your complete loyalty; to make our organization reach bigger heights…

I assure you that every single one of you will see riches and power 10 times more than what you currently wield. And the feeling of enslavement you currently have will feel like a blessing at that time.

So tell me… do you want to just stop at this small district or do you want to work your way up and rule like you own this goddamn capital?!

Tell me!!" commanded Zeus in a tyrannical tone.

To power-hungry scums like them who would sell their family for power and authority.. The words spoken by Zeus sounded like a divine symphony. This man already gave them a glimpse of a future where they were one of the biggest powers.

He actually had the strength to back his claims for the future and everyone present in the hall already felt that potential in their bones.

Since there was no end to greed, all of them shouted collectively in a zealous tone.

"We pledge our loyalty to Lord Zeus!!"

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