Hero of Darkness

Chapter 213: Asking for Permission

Chapter 213: Asking for Permission

The most absurd idea came to Kahn's mind as soon as he saw the merits of having the innate abilities of the Elven race. This race already had a high affinity towards magic and traits that helped them be more sensitive and efficient in using it.

[These are only A Rank and yet so useful. If I can raise them to Saint Rank… maybe I'll be able to have many offensive skills and also master different elemental spells very quickly.

These people are so gifted with magic… It's quite unfair to other species.] he thought.

Because if not for Solomon being an elf.. Kahn didn't think he would've gotten these two amazing passive abilities from some other mage. These were the specific traits of the Elven race and that too of a semi-saint mage, the crème de la crème.

Never would the 200 years old mage have ever imagined that one day, his centuries of hard work along with the abilities he developed and mastered would benefit his enemy instead.

Kahn then started casting various fire and water spells, the two elements he was currently proficient in since they were much easier to control and the mana density was manageable in his current state compared to wind, earth and lightning elements.

He also came to a realization that the higher your rank was as a mage, the more mana you would be able to manipulate and harness from the surroundings. He could sense the mana molecules present in a 10 meter radius for now.

"Just studying magic won't cut it. I need to restart my combat and weapons practice as well. So that I can use the mana more efficiently and increase the output of my aura swords and attacks.

It will also help me form that mind-body connection to reach the peak in both fields. If I manage to master and incorporate all of my weapons skills and magical abilities together.. I will have a bigger advantage over the other saints of this world." murmured Kahn to himself.

Because of the immense potential he could achieve in the future in case he managed to reach the pinnacle in physical strength and magical abilities, was something that would make him a leviathan with basically no disadvantages.

While facing others of different classes and expertise, he would know how best to counter them as well as have many advantages that his enemies didn't.

And also there was always an element of surprise that he could use as a trump card at the last moment.

Because becoming a full-fledged saint who was already well versed in both weapons and magic was not even possible for the majority of the inhabitants of this world. Only variants of different species, legendary class/job individuals, maybe godbeasts, dragons and the chosen heroes like him had this advantage.

Kahn slapped himself on the face again to bring back his attention to the present moment. Overthinking never changes the outcome, only actions can.


The next day, Kahn restarted his weapons and combat techniques training after almost 5 months of break ever since he left Flavot city and came to the capital of the empire.

Focusing on one aspect while leaving out the other just because his priorities were different would come to bite him back later.

Since there were some books & records left in this underground facility about various training regimes and combat techniques, Kahn found this moment as the best opportunity to restart from the basics and polish his rusty skills again.

If his body & form wasn't in peak condition, then he wouldn't be able to fight at his best either. So being ignorant was no longer an option.

Because Kahn was no longer playing games with small gully thugs where you could act like smarty pants & a badass protagonist in front of a bunch of weaklings. His playing field was completely different compared to the main characters of the novels and mangas he used to read.

There were plenty of people who could kill him with a slap and even use him for their personal gains like how the vampire lord of the Vandereich clan did.

No matter how big of a smart, calculative & intelligent person he was, he couldn't always foresee the future or know the true intentions of others. This was a harsh lesson he learned recently.

Because the biggest threat wasn't the person who was in control. But the one who let that person think that they were in control.

The business was all set up, now what he needed was to invest time in training himself & increase his levels by eating those high rank cores on a daily basis since he didn't have any skill or ability that helped him directly absorb the mana & energy in them.

So staying true to a course was the only thing he could do now. As there always won't be a sudden spike of levels & ranks just because he ate a strong being's core or absorbed their abilities.

The Beginner's Luck period was already gone so now it was time to climb mount Everest slowly and steadily.

Tap! Tap!

A set of footsteps were heard when Kahn had just finished his workout and basic weapons practice. He wasn't using any of his skills and senses as a semi-saint but practicing with the strength of a normal person and hence, he was sweating heavily.

"What is it?" asked Kahn to a subordinate dressed in white and purple mage robes who also wore glasses like a scholar.

It was none other than Ceril, the undead Necromancer.

Recently, Ceril was left in charge of handling the business as Kahn's proxy because he was the most intelligent one of all the subordinates.

Although Jugram was the most hardworking one, Ceril was more suitable to take Kahn's place because he inherited Kahn's eidetic memory and his calculative nature.

"Master, I need your permission for something." said Ceril in a mature and soft tone.

"For what?" asked Kahn curiously. Ceril could always talk with Kahn telepathically but if he came to talk in person, means it was something of importance.

In response, Ceril replied with a kind and gentle smile on his face.

"Nothing much. I just wanted to commit a…


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