Hero of Darkness

Chapter 201: Dinner Invite

Chapter 201: Dinner Invite

After a long time, Kahn woke up from a merry sleep. Although he could work day and night without breaks or eating anything for weeks.. The mental drain was something that would easily burn you out both physically and psychologically.

As if you were an Author & kept writing many chapters for a novel on a daily basis for example.

In the current situation, the Bloodborne enterprise now had a monopoly over the weapons & arms business in Rukon district. And with the official backing and support from dozens of top-ranking clans of the empire.. Rukon district that ranged to nearly 200 kilometers from one end to another was now Kahn's turf. Every other arms dealer had left the competition.

And the district which was only known for the commerce related to Alchemy products and resources was now also getting famous as the district where the Bloodborne company was located and the Grandmaster Blacksmith, Albestros Winston lived.

After the clans who started selling his products in different districts under their own management, the amount of business offers Kahn was receiving were increasing every day.

And the S rank cores he received were also proving very useful as he rose to level 138,rising by 13 levels in the past month alone. If this continued.. Kahn was certain that he'd reach level 200 within a year. Meeting one of the conditions to reach the saint rank and enter the realm of these godly beings.

But before that, there were still a few things he had to take care of. And those were namely learning proper magic and studying the Dimensional Law.

He could no longer afford to delay these two factors. Otherwise, he would regret it later and curse himself for not perfecting his skills and mastery. Because they were all important to keep himself alive.

Even with all the skills he absorbed and created, Kahn was feeling far inferior and weak after watching the first stage saint mage wiping out the enemies and surrounding 5 kilometer area just with his normal spells and attacks.

Compared to him, Kahn only had magic skills and spells to use them because of the Ability Absorption divine ability; but no real knowledge or techniques behind them.

Even now, he only had noob-level knowledge and understanding about Mana itself.

'Fake it till you make it' was the current approach Kahn had till now for the magic department.

So now that he was finally settled and had people to run the company in his absence, his next target was to learn magic and study the space law on the side.

Stability & Peace was within his reach. So all he had to do now was gradually increase his levels and skills so that he could become a saint soon and decide whether to stay in this empire or not.

But for now, he finally had something of his own in this new world.. Something worth protecting and fighting for.

"I guess I should meet him now that things are all settled." said Kahn and looked forward to the night.


That very night in Kahn's new grand mansion he bought recently and lived with all of his subordinates and Albestros.

Despite the old blacksmith's reluctance, Kahn brought him to live in this new place because neither was the old building secure and fitting for them to live any longer. They were more likely to be looked down upon by others now if they still lived there given their current wealth and reputation.

But Kahn already made arrangements for having the property managed and keep it well maintained.

The new home looked like a castle from the victorian era with plenty of defensive measures structures installed. And the main reason why Kahn chose this costly place to live was because it had an underground training facility spanned for 2 kilometers and was magically fortified to even not break down from an attack of a semi-saint fighter.

This was going to be his new training grounds of magical skills and combat techniques he wanted to learn and practice. And this applied the same for his subordinates who also needed to perfect their skills and weapon mastery.

It was so big and wide that even Blackwall would easily fit in there. For all his subordinates except Rudra, there was everything they needed to keep raising their strength.

As the night finally came, Kahn had new servants prepare for a small feast. There were 52 new servants he hired who looked after the property and worked in different professions.

Even the chef he hired was a peak master rank chef and had a salary of a million gold coins. The servants were all experts in their fields.

All the subordinates who had taken a human form had rooms and areas to live in this 3 story grand mansion within the 4 kilometer radius of the entire property.

Kahn finally experienced what it meant to be living like truly rich people.

The 400 master rank guards were also paid very well and unless a semi-saint attacked this force, they would be even able to kill a peak grandmaster fighter together.

At this moment, he felt a sense of relief and already started imagining about his retirement and living his remaining days peacefully like an old man who lived a content life.

Who said money doesn't buy happiness? It helps you buy things that can make you happy.

Knock! Knock!

"Sir, they're here." said Alfred, Kahn's new butler.

The old man with grey hair and a mustache was the head of Kahn's new servants team and also the main attendee.

If Bryan Cranston's Walter White had grey hair and mustache.. He would just look like Alfred.

"I see. Let's go." replied Kahn and went to greet his guests who just arrived.

In front of the main entrance of his mansion, came a highly luxurious carriage made for royalty and escorted by a dozen of beginner grandmaster soldiers.

As the welcome ceremony and formal etiquettes were performed, a regal appearance of a slim, silver-haired young vampire exited the carriage.

"Welcome to my humble abode, lord clan heir." said Kahn as he slightly bowed.

"Haha, you surely jest. There's no need for such type of formality between us, brother Kahn." spoke the vampire.

It was none other than Szayel Mor Vandereich.

But the next second, another slim and beautiful figure exited from the carriage and Kahn's expression turned somber and his eyes filled with absolute hatred and bloodlust as soon as he saw this new addition.

"What the hell is she doing here?!!" shouted Kahn as he pointed his forefinger towards a princess-like female vampire who was dressed in a white and golden armor set.

This person was someone who tried to kill Kahn & was one of the members of the group that tried to kill him previously. It was no one else but…

Vivian Mor Vandereich.

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