Hero of Darkness

Chapter 199: The Sword

Chapter 199: The Sword

Everyone who thought that they were finally done with the business deal were left surprised again after Kahn declared that the previous arrangement was only half the part.

"What?! This isn't the complete deal?" asked Zolton.

"Yeah.. The previous part only concerns security. But I've recently been enlightened about how I'm shorthanded when it comes to fending off my rivals or starting a crusade against those who intentionally make an enemy of me.

What I want is an army of more than a hundred thousand soldiers ready to fight under my command should I ever need to fight some force in the future…

And I mean those numbers from each of your clans." said Kahn as he explained the Sword part of their deal.

As soon as his words resounded in the hall, the atmosphere quickly turned silent.

Some of the members felt that Kahn was reaching for a yard after being offered an inch.

To use the lives of their people in his own fights.. This was simply unacceptable.


"Who do you think you're talking to?! Thousands of people come to our clans just to get a minute of our time & beg us to work with them.

Do we look like some idiots who will offer the lives of our people just for the sake of saving some money?!" shouted the Botir saint.

"At least hear me first." spoke Kahn and then continued again.

"There's a reason why I'm asking for this condition. It's not like I'm really going to need your clansmen for a war, it's more of a precautionary measure. And on top of that, I would look after all the provisions and expenses required should a situation like that arises.

What I want isn't an army to fight a war but a force of deterrence. Something that would scare my enemies even in their dreams if they plan to harm me or my people.

And I am offering you one more thing as a compliment if all of you accept this condition." he said.

"What is it? It better be worth it." said Emyhr.

"Out of total payments of our deals, you can pay 30% of it with...

S Rank & higher-grade monster cores & mana ores." proposed Kahn.

"Huh.. Why? Isn't money more beneficial to you?" asked Triss.

"Well, I'll be honest. Although we're currently not short on resources, given your requirements & quantity for each of your clans.. We'd soon fall short on them. You all know how important cores are. The higher the quality, the faster we can finish the products.

And sir Winston also expressed that he will prioritize the orders of the customers and clans who pay with S Rank cores & ores. He says it makes his work even more powerful & refined.

If I try to get them on the market price, I'll have to waste all my fortune & I won't be able to get these resources in bulk either. So I think people of your prestige & background can easily manage them & help me deliver the products on time as well." explained Kahn.

Although he spoke those with just & righteous expression on his face… this was an outright lie.



"I agree!"

Complied all the saints haphazardly.

[Hmph.. Suckers!] thought Kahn in his mind.

Although there was some truth to it.. It wasn't that important factor in the production of Epic Rank weapons & armors. The S Rank cores did help in the procedure as a source of mana & infusing different elements to them. But in the end, it all depended on the skills of the Blacksmith.

What Kahn really aimed for here was the high-grade resources he needed to level up. Even with his current wealth, he could barely afford enough S Rank cores & ores for himself. And he'd have nothing left for the subordinates who also needed these in upcoming months as soon as they were done processing the cores they ate last time.

Only Kahn was able to absorb the energy to raise his levels in a matter of hours but others still needed weeks despite rising in ranks. This was the difference between normal creatures and Kahn who had the Ability Absorption divine ability.

And after he threw in the Grandmaster Blacksmith's name.. The hungry wolves lunged at the meat as soon as it was revealed.

But to all these saint rank leaders, this was a big steal.

Because although their clans had these resources in millions of numbers.. Even they had to spend a long time just processing these cores and absorb the mana and energy to rise in ranks.

And beside them, there weren't others who could utilize them at a fast pace. The higher the grade of the core, the more time required.

And their clans had millions of S Rank cores and thousands of SS Rank cores.

They had water spilling out of the cup already.

But with Kahn's last proposition, not only would they save a lot of money, they could also make great use of these resources.

Plus the priority given to their orders by the Peak Grandmaster Blacksmith himself.. That was already far more appealing to them than just saving money.

They were getting far more than what they were paying for.

"And another thing. I will offer an extra 10% discount if you use lend us your flying ships to do the deliveries & use for transportation.

Plus if you want a form of dealership contract & sell our product in your own business settlements.. I will give that clan first priority when producing the consignments." said Kahn as he threw the final pitch in the chaos he already created.

"I accept!"

"Count me in!"

"Mister Kahn, I hope you stick to your promise."

"Please draw the paperwork soon!"

Exclaimed the saints as like children wanting candy.

The terms Kahn was offering them were far beneficial to them on many levels for both their respective clans and for their personal needs.

Now did they understand why the Vandereich clan shifted all of their tenders for weapons supply to the Bloodborne company.

The clan leaders could see that they were saving a lot of money here and by using their own forces, they could also create a big network of business with the help of Bloodborne company.

Kahn then took out a dozen of Blood-Bind contracts along with the Blood oath Token he robbed from Houdini. He gave a light smirk and spoke.

"Let's begin our new partnership, shall we?"

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